
2020 Social Media Posts


2020 was one of the craziest and busiest years of my life, so I didn’t have much time to do any long form astrology articles. I did, however, write a handful of shorter messages. I felt it might be useful to compile those here. They are in chronological order. Enjoy!

January 25, 2020

A few quick thoughts on the Yang Metal Rat :)

The Rat is creative, resourceful and intelligent -- while the Yang Metal element is sharp, structured, and focused with crystal clarity. These two together form a harmonious blend of intuition and intellect, and promote action towards our higher goals. This year will be intense, with strong directives from heaven guiding the course. Keep the mind steady, and remain fluid.

This is a new cycle in the Chinese Zodiac and in the Western Zodiac, many new cycles are also beginning regarding the structures in our lives with long term effects. Utilize this turbulent energy to transform and restructure anything and everything that is weak in your life. Direct your life and intentions toward your current long term visions -- those that are lasting 12, 20 & 36 years at least. Cut away what's unnecessary -- especially within the mind, emotions and spirit. Find peace and wisdom in simplicity that makes room for further growth.

June 5, 2020

South Node Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse thought for the collective:

This is a time in history where we begin to observe: What is more important? Relationship or rightness? Nuanced multiplicity or hardlined ideals? Openness or safety?

The Gemini North Node, for the next 18 months, shows us that freedom and justice are principles that cannot exist in a vacuum. It's the interconnection of all people that forms the fabric of society. Gemini easily takes in all views without attachment, and applies what it has learned only after gaining sufficient information.

Flexibility is one of the keys to change right now. Stay curious to new ideas, new perspectives. We can't base the new world off of the old. As consensus dissolves, as reality dissolves, as your own mind melts in the chaos and the subterfuge, return to what's basic, common, and real.

October 2, 2020 (and a journal entry from March 3, 2020)

This message (below) that came to me so clear back in early March continues to resonate and reflect everything that has unfolded since. I take no credit for it because it was a 100% download that was delivered to me in response to my inquiry about the weird feeling that started to arise that first week of March.

I want to share it again as a reminder to look beyond worldly chaos. Don't get sucked into the showreel of collective angst and division. Keep bringing the truth present, as whatever happens during this strange season -- evolution is inevitable, unstoppable, and unquestionable.

The shadow hates the light, but ultimately must yield or be overcome. Darkness may appear as if it is increasing, but all we see is only what was there all along. Our awareness is what is increasing. And quite frankly, there is a lot that we now can't unsee. About people. About society. So on.

But this is positive. For what is in plain sight will not be able to escape back under the rug. And we will continue to see more. It is far from over, but great healing is the other side.

Stay open. Work towards a neutrality that allows you to observe a greater multiplicity of thought and perspectives. Each cloud of consciousness has its own truths -- but none bears the full truth. The highest threads hold the gold -- and these preside in the nondual.

Awakening means not being glamoured by appearances, ensnared by the foolishness of petty conflict, or baited by the control and manipulation omnipresent in today's daily struggle. It is up to us to set those boundaries. To learn the tools necessary to clear, protect, seal up the weak spots, realign, and so on. To learn what health really is. Even if we lose the battle sometimes, that is how we win the war. That is how we overcome everything, no matter what the world is presenting.

Never let anyone, or anything, steal your sovereignty. Stop feeding your beasts of disempowerment. Stop handing power to that which is impotent. There is another way. Look to it, and watch the rest fall like the house of cards it really is.

Journal Entry from March 3, 2020

I came home this night feeling unexplainably "weird," and wrote this in my journal. I had absolutely no idea what was coming, but this message came through very clearly. I've copied it here word for word. Since it is obviously a channeled message, I shouldn't be so shocked by its relevance -- but, whatever -- I am! I thought it worthwhile to share.


"The world is very chaotic right now. I can feel the mounting tension in the air – distant, yet drawing closer.

The real thing is the invisible thing that is now becoming visible: the spiritual war.

The way they always win — is by domination of the mind — and the ignorance of the populace that such a war exists. Now it’s in a critical zone and the light inside people needs to come on. It’s not about fighting in the traditional sense — because that’s like lower self vs. lower self — it’s about rising above the emotions and standing in the light. Being peace, with clarity. And having the courage to face the darkness that fuels our inner war. The reason is simple, and bigger than we realize. If we knew that rallying the troops meant holding the light within — would more people feel motivated and inspired to learn what that means, exactly?

The worldly matters are and aren’t of importance — as there’s rise and decline in everything, always. But it mostly doesn’t matter — it’s mostly a distraction, and a source of fear. How do we remain integral?

Here’s reality – if we can’t do it in moments where bad news is distant – how should we expect to do it when our worst fears arrive? Is there really any function to expecting the worst case scenario? Obsessing over it?

It’s because we make it true, and because we don’t fight back. We allow the mental takeover — the attacks to good sense. And this makes us jaded, unmotivated.

We have to stand our ground, spiritually speaking!

Not allowing this hijacking any further — winning the battles of fortitude — with our will — agreeing to bring light and peace in the world — which is not easy, at all."

November 4, 2020

On the pandemonium and chaos, a very abbreviated perspective from astrology.

Our major planetary players in 2020 are:

  • Saturn, Jupiter & Pluto in Capricorn -- Government/societal structures and institutions of power being transformed.

  • Uranus in Taurus -- Physical bedrock of society/institutions being shaken up and disrupted

  • Neptune in Pisces -- Deception and illusions, difficulty discerning reality, higher spiritual truths

  • North Node in Gemini -- Being able to hold multiplicity, and accept all perspectives impartially

  • South Node in Sagittarius -- Dogmatically holding onto one's own point of view as the only truth possible, staunch rejection of other ideas

I could write a 50 page thesis on all of my thoughts about what has unfolded this year — and perhaps that is still yet to come (I am still very backed up on my projects) — but if I could awaken all of humanity to one simple thing it would be this:

It was never about the virus. It was never about the election. It was never about the president. It was never about masks. It was never about the economy. It is not about any of the things that it has masqueraded as, shouted that it is, and lulled the world into believing.

What it IS about is total and complete transformation of the societal systems that have always failed us and have never truly represented us. It is about the humans of the world being enlightened to the darkness that stokes the fire of the division and hatred, and instead of turning our weapons on each other, turning our swords to the heart of that darkness. This darkness is not the result your neighbor's opinion, or your step-parent's political stance — it is a common enemy whose tactics and tricks are to make us believe this is the case.

What would happen if we all could stop, detach, turn, and look? All of humanity looking right into the eyes of the true evil. All of that light illuminating the foul, cowardly presence it really is. Where would it go? What exit could we grant it?

The light of truth has already broken the bedrock of systemic darkness. All that has occurred since is simply darkness running amok, attempting to call back its control by infecting the mind of humanity with confusion and clouds. But all it takes is to see it. To stand firm and not believe it. To seal oneself completely, become sovereign from it. And its power is diffused.

The process of these times is not about trying to "work within the system." Those days are over. The system is breaking down. Let it happen. And as it is happening, follow your will to the part you are personally transforming and rebuilding. So when the veil of the old world falls, the foundation of the new world is already laid out.

I believe in the heart of humanity — that it is primarily good. That we all have the same basic desires, and can live harmoniously in the correct circumstances. Our error is in externalizing our personal power and hoping for others to create such a reality. No one will ever do it for us. It starts with us. It always has.

December 11, 2020

A brief summary of the coming week's Astrological events:

  • Dec 14: Solar Eclipse at 23 Sag / South Node

  • Dec 17: Saturn transitions into Aquarius

  • Dec 19: Jupiter transitions into Aquarius

  • Dec 21: Saturn & Jupiter conjunct at 0 Aq

For me personally, the winter solstice always feels like the true cap on the year & the next is initiated with the lunar new year. The Aquarian energy will be strong going into next year, as Uranus in Taurus will also be making squares with Saturn & Jupiter throughout the year — another few months of an intense 3 planet dance, before Jupiter finally leaves the arrangement. (Just be glad that Pluto was left behind at the last house... lol.)

I think with this eclipse coming up, and just in general — The simplest and most obvious advice with Mercury on the South Node, with nodes square Neptune, is — Don't believe everything you hear. The strong South Node energy this whole year (particularly with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction occurring on the South Node in Capricorn, with Jupiter conjunct it back in January) implies that agendas are everywhere. The spreading of disinformation and reaches for power are becoming more obvious, but many are taken in by them, because it has been par for the course for so long. This particular cycle of power has been active for at least 735 years... However, since it is South Node energy, it is not truly supported. And the powers that be can feel this energy slipping away as the Aquarian energies start to take root.

The chaotic energy we see now is a necessary part of the process of arriving at truth. Discernment is an internal process that everyone needs to cultivate — to listen openly, but accept nothing outright. The lies are immense. And in 2021, we will become more and more aware of this.

It is my personal belief that the incoming (arguably current?) alignment with the pole star (exact in about 100 years) is a peak initiation into the age of Aquarius. In new age circles the term "disclosure" is discussed often, mostly as an external idea. But disclosure is already happening within us. Every day, we are remembering our true history. Every day, we are awakening to the fact that we are not alone in this universe. Every day, we are being shown the true darkness on this planet — and every day, the light presents clearer impressions of its operations. Once it is seen, it's not long for this world. We just have to have the courage to unhook ourselves from everything the false matrix wants us to believe, and zoom out from the immediate moment enough to look at the big picture.

The most important thing we can do for ourselves is start to understand the mechanics and laws of energy. This is the true power that governs all things, from which we have been veiled — and encouraged to believe that everything is mechanistic and there is nothing more. Our higher dimensional energies are much more powerful than the tendrils of manipulation that infiltrate the collective mind — and once awakened, easily clear away such nonsense. "Awakened" is the key, however.

Aquarian energy is naturally "out of the box" and so we need to have some patience. There are times when it will seem like the people in our lives are veering wildly off course into some small madness. But in fact, this is a part of awakening. We're breaking consensus, and there won't be consensus for a while — as to what reality is.

Discern and stay grounded. Question the noise. The louder the noise, the bigger the question. Clear yourself. Our personal work has power. When we share and encourage others, this also has power. Dismantling false paradigms is an inside job that manifests outwardly. This is what we are learning as we step into this next phase of the process. We will rebuild in the same manner.

It's not over. But we have gotten through a very tricky stage. We have lightened our load considerably. I am grateful for that. Let's go forward empowered.

The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction: Paradigm Shifts and the Battle Cry of the Spiritual Warrior

Note to my readers :)

In light of COVID-19, I have been receiving a lot of requests for Astrological insights. I do have much to say about the astrology of these times but unfortunately not much time to create an article just yet. However, one is in the works and will arrive soon. In the meantime, I have compiled this list of articles, reports & courses that I’ve already created that discuss several topics related to what is going on right now, particularly in the US. Please feel free to check them out — along with the article below from January on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction.

The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is a major influence that will play out throughout the entirety of 2020 in its most intense stages and will effect us for at least another 36 years. This is a highly relevant transit to what is going on right now, so please understand that even though this event occurred in January, it is still playing out right now and will continue to do so. The emergence of COVID-19 in the news first occurred around the time of this Saturn-Pluto conjunction — and so it can be considered a major event of this transit. And it makes sense, since it has transformed the very world we live in, quite unexpectedly for those of us in the West who have been tottering along complacently for so long. This is what Saturn-Pluto energies, in the precise astrological circumstances of 2020, have the capacity to bring.

I will look forward to exploring this further with everyone. In the meantime, please enjoy this article and check out these other resources that discuss many topics relevant to this time. I am sure you will still find some usefulness in these pieces.

3 Hour Course describing the major Astrological factors of 2020 in-depth


Dear friends,

Welcome to the most astrologically potent weekend of the year, and the moment that defines an era.

This Sunday, January 12, is the conjunction of Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn – a major cycle that is amplified by:

  • A Lunar Eclipse on January 10 that happens to be in direct alignment with Saturn & Pluto – amplifying the power & karma of this energy to a very visceral, emotional level

  • Uranus moving direct on January 11 -- outer planets changing direction always bring a strong energy of that planet, and Uranus is about awakening, shocks & sudden changes

  • Jupiter in Capricorn, currently aligning with the lunar nodes, and approaching Saturn & Pluto throughout all of 2020 – Jupiter adds an influence of expansion to all that is occurring, making the events, feelings, and experiences bigger.  Since it is transiting the South Node currently, this is bringing out the extremism of the Capricorn ambition & power as well as the faith of Jupiter for collective evolution.

  • Saturn & Pluto, along with Jupiter, are also in the same sign as the current transiting lunar south node of the karmic past, as they have been throughout all of 2019.  This amplifies the complexity of their present transformation, showing that it has to do with deeply embedded past patterning that we must now rise above.

  • Saturn & Pluto are also coming into conjunction on their own planetary south nodes.  Where the lunar nodes are the karmic/soul points connected with the moon & earth’s orbits, planetary nodes are the karmic points of the planets & their orbits.  Saturn & Pluto’s south nodes also happen to be conjunct, doubling the effect of the energy, making the event more powerful, especially on the collective level.  Planetary nodes move extremely slowly and Pluto and Saturn don’t meet often, so this is an event of rare cosmic synchronicity.

Saturn & Pluto conjunctions are a 36 year cycle.  In this century, their previous meetings were in 1982, 1947 & 1914, with major culminating phases occurring in 2001, 1965 & 1931.  These are historical years that brought major events to the consciousness of society and the world.  Some of the most notable of these were the start of WWI (1914), the rise of Hitler & contrasting rise of Mahatma Gandhi in the 30s (leading to Indian independence from the British by 1947), the U.S. bank collapse that lead to the formation of the FDIC/The New Deal (1931-33), the Cultural Revolution in China and the Vietnam War in the 60s, and September 11.  This is a cycle that brings incredible change, major upheaval, and transformation to the world and whether the manifestations of this influence are expressed positively or negatively -- they leave deep impressions for decades to come.

Looking at the long arc of history, the two most recent transits of Saturn & Pluto through Capricorn specifically stand out.  Their last meeting in this sign was in 1518, the year Martin Luther famously nailed the 95 Theses attacking church corruption to the church door in Germany, and English King Henry the VIII separated from Rome, signaling the start of the reformation in Europe.  And even further back than that, a transit of a very similar nature to the one we are receiving now occurred 735 years ago in the years of 1284/1285.

Saturn Pluto Conjunction 2020 (click to see full chart)

Saturn Pluto Conjunction 2020 (click to see full chart)

Saturn Pluto Conjunction 1284 (click to see full chart)

Saturn Pluto Conjunction 1284 (click to see full chart)

At that time, in 1284, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto & the lunar nodes were all aligned in Capricorn, much like they are today – with one primary difference.  Instead of the South Node of the karmic past working its way through this massive outer planetary alignment in Capricorn, it was the North Node of the soul’s destiny.  Back in 1284, humanity was at a time in history when world powers were strengthening and the structure of the world as we currently know it was being built.  Worldwide trade via the Silk Road made accessible by the massive Mongol Empire, the development of early banking systems & coinage throughout Europe, and the unification of city-states encouraged the urbanization of cities, like London and Paris, that still thrive today.  European monarchies were also growing in influence and strength, as their kingdoms also became more defined and consistent (and became fully formed and centralized by Saturn & Pluto’s next visit in the 1500s).  With the big figures of Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter aligning on the North Node in Capricorn (the sign of government structures) – the growth of such power structures was energetically supported, and fulfilled a need for the greater stability that arose from more established and consistent government.

This is not to say that it was all wonderful or particularly smooth.  Several areas impacted by the brutal Mongol invasion of the 13th century did not recover completely until the early 20th century, while other areas retained significant cultural influence from Mongolian rule, even long after the empire receded back to its original shape.  Worldwide trade lead to epidemics like the black plague in the 14th century -- and European Monarchies are famously responsible for all kinds of insane abuses of power that ultimately lead to the Western world adopting democratic government structures in time.  But the most important thing to understand here, at least from my reading on the matter, is that the things that were built and developed back then shaped much of how we’ve operated since.   The imprint has been profound and lasting.

For the better part of a year, I have been pondering the nature of these times along with these historical moments, particularly going back to this period within the 13th century because the astrological similarity is so striking.  The difference of the lunar node placement (North Node in Capricorn then, South Node in Capricorn now) is specifically of interest to me – as it implies that it is time for the world to release its hold on conglomerate power and imperialistic thinking.  This way of functioning in the world has served its purpose now, and through it we have grown and developed in many ways – particularly in the realms of science, economics, industrialization, and the evolution of government systems as a whole.  However, society is no longer sufficiently supported by this structure.  In fact, despite any political differences, I observe that most people seem to agree that out-of-touch & overpowered leadership, hoarding of wealth, and large government systems mismanaging world resources are some of the biggest issues we face as a society today.  Systemic issues that individuals have little power to control or mitigate are the central culprit for climate change, socio-economic crisis, war, and many of the physical and spiritual conundrums we face in our daily realities.

So many of us observe the suffering of the world, and wish there was something that could be done, yet continually it seems as if there is no end to the destructive cycles that are prevalent in our human civilizations.  The realities of this suffering are real, visceral, and not easily solvable.  Why?  Because they are systemic – and these systems that exist are deeply embedded not just in the function of how the world is built, but also in our entire conception of reality – so deep, at this point, that it is hard for us to imagine there is a way out of the way things are.

Yet saying this, I feel we all bear a responsibility at this time.  And that responsibility is to stay awake, stay present, and continue working on unraveling the bondage of our own minds.  Because it is not only the “greater forces” & government class at work in the collective consciousness, but the work of individuals attempting to see what’s not yet visible and not yet imaginable, driving the changes we now face.

Saturn is the planet of structure and this includes our mental structures & paradigms.  Pluto is the planet of transformations at the most profound level.  There are so many paradigms held in a single person’s consciousness – given to us by our family upbringing, society, etc.  We learn them and live them out, because they are the boundaries within which we can mostly guarantee safety.  But paradigms can be limiting & obstructive.  And when the time comes that these paradigms we hold are no longer safe, sustainable, or protective – what do we do?

It is not easy to let go of our mental, spiritual, emotional or physical structures – and knowing nothing else, we might even cling to them.  Structures make us feel at ease, even if they are dysfunctional.  They are familiar, definable, and grant us a sense of control.  To release what is known for the unknown, with nothing to slide in and fulfill the empty space is absolutely terrifying for the ego mind.  So it often takes something big for us to be willing to change: Something major that allows us to surrender.  And that something major has, from the astrological perspective, arrived, and is continuing to arrive.  We must forgo our previous conclusions and be willing to be creative, accept risk, and become fearless in the face of the unknown.

For the past year, we have all been preparing for the transformations of 2020 & the coming decade.  Each and every one of us has been facing major revolution in some area of our lives – it can be a positive breakthrough, a devastating loss, or some combination of both – but wherever it falls according to our human judgment, it has involved a major overhaul & deep inner process.  More important than the outer world changes have been the inner world reflections, revelations and realizations.  Our entire way of seeing a thing is shifting – and the reason why is because whatever structures have been built around that thing are no longer truly functional.  Our visions in that area of life have been limiting, too severe.

In our own selves, the issues are systemic.  We have played them out hundreds of times since their inception in our lives, likely in the earliest parts of childhood, and we know them, and the problems they bring us, so well.   But in this moment – this multi-year unfolding – we are being charged with the unusual and difficult task of truly resolving our systemic dysfunctions and begin understanding and addressing the deeply rooted behaviors that result.   These are things that can be so deep in the subconscious that most of the work is recognizing them to begin with – and the only way to start to recognize the paradigms we are beholden to in our own consciousness – is to continue to live and keep digging at what’s behind the triggers, the impulses, and the situational patterns.

As it comes to society itself, we are in a major nexus where so many of us are making major transitions around our social roles.  Many of us feel called, or are being pushed, to take steps forward that feel epic in proportion and even a bit scary because the tasks before us go against the grain of many prevailing paradigms.  This is a time for fortifying ones inner strength and inner truth, and cutting through these obstructions with crystal clarity – in oneself first, and then as the seeds of awakening for others in the world.  There are many possibilities for how we may be operating in this next phase, but the larger feeling is that many people are going to need to step up in order to bring in the new structure.  This is tending to look like creative, forward-thinking minds, crossing into traditional spheres and seeding new ideas from the inside, or bringing awareness of certain issues to the public in some new way.

Other ways that this is presenting strongly is among those in the healing/intuitive fields – there is a feeling of major growth in this area, and that the past several years of intense clarification and healing for this group has been to create stability in the midst of the massive changes – within the individual to do their work effectively as more and more people are in need, as well as within the collective consciousness of this group who are all working together to assist humanity’s evolution.  Many people who are in the fields of more traditional mental health and medicine may also be facing this, and feeling drawn to more integrative approaches in their work.

There are of course many other ways that this can unfold, but these are two archetypes that I am observing quite frequently in those who are deepening in their worldly work. Overall, I see this as a time where many people are effecting the systems they work in, whatever those might be, through their own personal transformations. As more individuals connect with their truth and natural abilities, they are more effective, creative, and sought after — and unique, personal approaches might start to be more accepted even in very hard-lined systems. I sense that in many cases, this is occurring in a very natural, effortless way.

For those facing personal crisis or changes that pertain more to private life, the growth feels centered in a huge way around the family unit, and healing family patterns – and in relationships particularly: unconditional love, and the recognition/healing of negative behavioral patterns.  It is a time when the bigger picture of our lives is coming into greater focus and so the more harmful, short-sighted & impulsive behaviors are in the line of our observation and inquiry.  What are our real needs and desires – and is the way we behave or are conducting ourselves bringing us in that direction, or actually doing the exact opposite?  Once our behaviors are seen with clarity by ourselves, we might find it easier to adjust or release them.

It is the energetic opening of individuals that creates the possibility for greater change.  The possibility for greater change is here because of the work of sincere individuals who strive to better themselves and serve the world – as well as the technological system that lets us spread and share messages so easily.  Ideas change minds, and changed minds can begin to alter what is awry, and what is awry is getting louder, yet more and more people are able to see that we don’t have to live the way we have been bred to believe.  The answers and solutions might not yet be present -- but the feeling of the truth, of the need for gentleness, compassion, community, and mutual support, and greater care for this world slowly grows.  One day, perhaps it will be so that the human heart will no longer be willing to bear such strife and tragedy as is enacted on our fellow human every day.  And then, we might be willing to step away from the wars that we create.  Inside & outside.

What we are dealing with in the world today and inside of ourselves is like a massive ball of tangled wires.  It will take a while to unravel the whole mess.  But it is not impossible – because we are here, and it is for this reason.  The most difficult thing is to trust.  But the truth inside is so clear if you listen for it – it is the part of ourselves that is whole and incorruptible.  And, next in importance to the strength of that is remembering this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  None of us are alone in a desire to do something for the world, if we feel that call.  There are many collectives within humanity charged with different jobs, and they are working together on similar tasks, even if they’ve never met each other.  So much support can be gleaned by connecting with the others in your “soul tribe” or “tribes.”  Through these interconnections we can further strengthen the grids of energy and intuition that we are a part of, and help each other as well as the world.

It is from the space of deep trust in the light that we move forward.  To have faith in that path, whatever form it is taking in your present life, is to have a reason for being in this difficult and extreme place.  It will take a long time to untangle the mess, and perhaps even longer to synthesize and integrate things enough for a new balance to take root – but we mustn’t turn away from the challenge.

All who take up this work, whether in the smallest, simplest ways for oneself, or in a bigger way for one’s community, are spiritual warriors, facing the inner and outer foes with great courage.  And as spiritual warriors we have the ability to shape the future, just as it was shaped in previous cycles throughout history.  Faith is tantamount and support readily available.  Let us vow to make this an era where humanity begins its ascent into lightness, into truth, and into sovereignty.  For ourselves and all who embody here.

This is my deep wish.  Accept it, if you also wish.  And may we all begin to live in truth and power in 2020.  For a better world, for everyone.

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Spring-Fall of 2019 // Current Energies: Intense Clearing


Hello everyone!

It’s been a little while with much unfolding in my world, thus less blogging.  I have spent a large part of this past month in particular putting together an intensive online astrology course covering the energies of 2020.  I highly recommend checking this out if you are interested in understanding more about the energy of these times from the astrological perspective.

From my view, the year 2020 represents a breakthrough time, and so I felt called to dive deeply into it and share what has come to me / what I have been discovering about the energies as they approach.  The course offers deep examination of this as well as a comprehensive look at historical and thematic components to the potent and rare Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter conjunction that will be highly active throughout 2020 (Think:  Structures meeting major transformation in a BIG way!)

We are in a time where the consciousness of humanity is shifting rapidly and life is changing immensely for many people.  This year, 2019, is a transitional year in which we are going through many preparatory processes to get ready for the shifts coming in 2020 & beyond.  In the course I elaborate on the layers & dynamics of the astrological components at play in 2020, as well as how the energies affect individuals on a personal level.  In fact, I offer a whole version of the course that includes your natal chart, showing precisely how everything is aligning for you specifically and a highlighted handout breaking down what to expect and how to work with the energies :) 

So if you feel called, please check it out!  It’s really jam packed with information and I guarantee you will come away with much to chew on regarding the flow of the next several years :)


OK!  With all that said!

This month, we just passed through a major eclipse portal.  The energy of these eclipses brought up much that is directly tied to the 2020 astrological alignments that are already starting to form in the skies.  So I really wanted to make sure that I wrote a bit about what’s happening for us RIGHT NOW, as it is extremely important on many levels to our process going forward.

 Yes, the eclipses have passed already… however, the impact of the energy lately is profound, so I feel that what I have to share here will hold relevance long beyond this short window.  Of course – that is the nature of eclipses, anyway!  But the energy of this summer, in particular, is one of deep inner process – with long term implications. 

So without further ado, here are my notes on the current energies.

Saturn on the South Node:  Sitting in Discomfort, Stuckness and Stagnation 

One of the primary patterns active throughout this summer is the conjunction of Saturn and the South Node.  Saturn:  the planet of karmic evolution, hard work, and mastery of lessons – and the South Node:  our karmic past, bad habits, and lazy tendencies.  Starting in April, the South Node crossed over both Saturn & Pluto, triggering the karmic process around & preparation for the upcoming Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January 2020.  In essence, April signaled something significant for us about the incoming transformations – and at this time we were granted some special insight – a way forward.  And then, very quickly, because it was malefic planets and the South Node – in came the WORK.  The heavy, unpleasant work.

Ordinarily, a transit of the node to a planet is a fairly brief meeting.  Significant, but fleeting.  However, this April, it just so happened that just as the South Node and Saturn went into alignment, Saturn turned retrograde and the two have been traveling together ever since (the lunar nodes always move in retrograde motion) – and this journey continues until October.   That is a very, very long time for Saturn to be working with the South Node.  An arduous 7 months of standstill and intense clearing.

The way that I see and feel it -- this alignment is so powerful that the sum total of all other astrological unfoldings this summer go right back to this joining of Saturn and the South Node, including the eclipses.  So most everything I will be discussing from here on out will be working from this perspective.

OK – so what does this mean for us in real time?

The basic way this energy feels to me is a prolonged ennui.  A sense that everything is stuck and nothing is moving.  We are feeling all of the problems and the mounting weight of the work involved with getting out from under them.   In some levels, the problems might even feel a bit irrational – like the burdens and weights upon us are entirely invisible, with no discernible or simple cause – and the emotions connected to these weights disparate and a bit random.  The most mysterious array of feelings arise – about where we are, where we are going, and especially:  What is the point of it all? 

The most recent eclipse portal merely amplified the conundrum.  Almost as if the eclipse energy’s purpose was to turn up the volume so loud that our frustrations, questions and misgivings, inner conflicts, weaknesses and shortages could become undeniably present.  Yet what is most difficult of all is that none of the problems have easy solutions.  Sure, there is the solution we always fall back on (the South Node) and escape to… but we know, somehow, that this is not the real answer or the direction of forward progress.  Not this time, and not ever.  And it is hard to face that even with the most positive expansions and growth in our lives at this moment – we don’t get to coast through.  Because right now, whatever it is, it’s all important, and it all matters.

This is a time of reckoning.  Of reviewing.  And it is also a time of deep integration and digestion.  We feel, acutely, the consequences of our past choices, positive and negative.  And we sense the importance of setting up the next phase with as much wisdom as we can gather.  What is really true?  And how many layers down do we have to pass through within ourselves to arrive at the core of what our lives are supposed to be?  Sorting through all of the desires, all of the influences from society, the internet, our friends, our family, our partners.  From where have we been making our choices?  For whom?  And can we accept responsibility for our failures & mistakes – learn, and move on?

There are a few important components that I see in moving through this time…  The first and most important is PRESENCE.

Do not run from discomfort.  Discomfort is a sign of change.  Change in this case is many things – and facing the reality of oneself and one’s life is the first of those things.  Change is not accomplished through denial but through acknowledgement and acceptance of reality.  After this, change can become other things – such as transmutation/digestion of the old, creative solutions to the problem, simplification, action, or release.  All of this calls for presence with what is, and an ideally observational acceptance for all that arises.

The next important component is STOP CONTROLLING EVERYTHING.  Exertion might be required, but control interferes and causes resistance.  The best way to deal with the need to control is to just to stop and be still.  Wait to pick up the current, and when in the current, surrender.  Control is exhausting and wasteful.  Move with consciousness, not forcefulness.

 The last piece is always going back to WHAT’S IMPORTANT LONG TERM.  What do you really want out of your life in the long view and how do your current choices reflect or reject that?  What contrary feelings come up and where are they rooted from?

This is a very intense time but it’s for good reason.  Starting in 2020 we’re going to be hurtled full throttle into very powerful changes.  What’s wonderful about this time and this energy is that we have the cosmic opportunity to really feel it all out beforehand.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  And to move through some major layers of self which might be getting in the way of where we’re going.  The iron boots feeling of Saturn on the South Node just helps us sit still and stop getting so distracted.  Like… we’re here, we might as well make the most of it.

It can feel like nothing’s happening at all (deafening silence), or that everything’s the worst drudgery… but in fact, a lot is happening.  It’s just taking the form of internal processing, deep feeling, and a lot of work.


Intense Ancestral Clearing

What we are going through is essentially an intense, ongoing, energetic clearing.  It feels harsh at times because the karmic stuff coming up is really deep and old, and for many of us it’s ancestral.  This is the stuff that lives deep in the bones and in the DNA.  Our physical and ego structures are developed from these ancestral imprints – and deep within all of us are impulses that are so subconscious and internalized that we barely even know they exist until they crop up in times like these.

What’s interesting about this, to me, is that there are certain family lineage patterns that we can observe easily (e.g. a history of addiction in a family), and yet there are others which we are completely unaware of until we experience them (e.g. the patterns of behavior in a relationship with partner or children) – in either case, even if we are aware of these patterns they are still quite difficult to root out and extinguish.

Many choices we make in our life, without us even knowing it, are driven by the family imprint, and in this moment there is a more pronounced sense of awareness around this. Are we following that imprint or are we departing from it?  And to what degree are we consciously choosing?  What is the distinction between autonomy and rebellion?  Between following tradition and falling into the same old trap?

Likewise there is a deep sense of longing for home – what home is to us?  What is the difference between our longings, desires and impulses that come from a desire for familiarity (DNA) and the callings of our spirit?  Are they one in the same for us — or distinct?

This feeling of searching for home and understanding our origins in communion with what’s true to our spirit and how to truly LIVE that, is really strong under this energy. How can we be sure we’re not just playing the same old tapes in disguise? And again, there is no clear answer, just a process.  Where the process is leading us, it seems to me, is into a deeper recognition of who we are, and a more easeful state of self acceptance, as well as a potentially healing time for family issues within oneself and between family members.

The work is heartfelt and deep.  There is a sense of coming together and back to basics with the North Node in Cancer.


The Power of Subtle Influence (Yin / Feminine Approaches on the Rise)

The final bit that I want to discuss is the increased potency, awareness, and implementation of yin (soft) methods to accomplish change in life, self and the world.

What this means to me, simply, is the reformation of oneself, one’s life, and perhaps eventually one’s community and the world, through influence, example, and direct relationship – rather than domination.

It is clear to me that no true change is realized without individuals coming to resolve their own inner conflicts for themselves.  I feel many people in the world are doing this work already – and I trust that reality will eventually shift with the increased cultural focus towards dealing with the internal contradictions and fallacies that dominate our world views (no matter who we are).  That said, I do not necessarily believe this means changes in our outer worlds (e.g. greater society level) will be discernible as quickly as many wish for.  However, I believe that over a larger arc of time, it is already unfolding and that we are heading into a more positive age for humanity.  The strength of feminine energy (and women), and yin approaches to problem solving (not gender specific), is a key component to this process.

Ever since Uranus crossed into Taurus in 2018, I have felt that we will see more women stepping forward to offer their ideas to the collective.  So far, I have observed this to be true and what is reflected to me about the feminine leadership that has appeared, is that it is in the feminine approach that something refreshing and inventive is brought to the collective.  The power is in how women connect with others, and also the unique ways in which women approach subject matter – bringing out dimensions previously unconsidered.  I believe that over the course of the next decade we will see many women bringing new approaches and ideas to previously male dominated areas of society and that this will cause a positive shift in the way larger structures & systems serve the world. 

On a more basic level, soft approaches are more favored now.  Encouraging connection and integration, in whatever way that shows up (within the body, within the spirit, within society) is extremely powerful, and needed now more than ever.  I feel hopeful that the true power of feminine energy is becoming more present, accepted and embraced by society as a whole and that the yin approaches of yielding, listening, integrating & digesting will be incorporated more and more into our daily lives, health practices, and discourse in general.

This concludes my thoughts on the energies for now :)  I truly hope that this serves you going forward.  If you are curious to read more – please feel free to check out all of the different articles I have on this blog, as well as my other more intensive offerings such as the 2020 Astrology Course, and my 2019 Written Reports (the information is still relevant and unfolding :)!) There is so much more to explore about the energy of these times and I have poured a great deal of my thoughts into these outlets — so do check it out!

Also – I often am asked by many readers what one can do to process all that is going on more smoothly.  I want to share that hands down, the best way I know to ground, transmute and transform in a graceful, yet deep way is through Meditation & Qigong work.

If you are local to Asheville, I would love to have you at the Tao Institute for any of our entry level classes to learn Tai Chi, Qigong & Baguazhang & other Taoist Cultivation & Meditation methods. These are wonderful, natural methods to get in touch with the body in a deep way, and assist in the process of spiritual transformation.

If you are not local, please stay tuned as we are working on more content for the Tao Institute website to better serve and connect with more people.  This is the work I do the most, which informs everything I write on this blog, and has also transformed my own life.  So I am pleased to share it in whatever ways I can :) 

Thank you so much for your time today and for reading my article.  Have a wonderful day and see you next time!

2020 Astrology Course

Ready to keep diving into the changes? Check out the 2020 Video Course :)

This course includes:

  • 3 Hours of in-depth video content — Digest it all at your own pace and return to it when you need to!

  • 2 in-depth handouts to help you understand how to work with the energy of 2020 on a personal level

  • Options to receive your personalized natal chart and handouts to help you connect with exactly how the energies are affecting you over the course of the next two years!

2019 Astrology Reports - On Sale!

If you are curious to learn more about what 2019 has in store for all of us, please check out my in-depth astrology reports. In these reports I expand on the spiritual themes and astrological configurations of 2019 in detail.

The themes and channeled messages within my reports will be relevant throughout the entirety of 2019 and can be revisited again and again throughout the year for guidance and insight.

Learn more by clicking on the report listings below :)


Personal readings & gift certificates are available and you can book online anytime! Just click below for more information :)

Reinvention & The Vision for Progress: The Astrology of January 2019 / Eclipse Season Report

Hello Everyone
and Happy 2019!

We have a big month upon us already, astrologically speaking, with important eclipses kicking off the new year!

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know that I like to write about eclipse cycles because they are such potent periods of transformation. I am very excited for you to read what has come to me about the January eclipses.

That said, with the new year upon us I have an important announcement to make! 

Starting this year, I have decided, with a leap of faith, to change the format of my blog offerings. Instead of the public, general articles that I have been writing, I will be switching to a paid structure. Within the new structure I will be offering my usual Cosmic Weather transmissions, as well as incorporating more educational materials for you to enjoy. The articles will be provided as downloadable PDF files that you can purchase here on my blog or in my store :)

The reason for this shift is multifold. By offering my content for a small fee, this will allow me to be able to write more frequently, and gives me latitude to begin doing something I’ve wanted to do for years: Teach the practical aspects of astrology as a tool for soul evolution & spiritual transformation. Through this change, I will be able to spend more time exploring the function of cosmological principles in a way that is naturally digestible and assists in developing intuition / energetic relationship to the cosmos.

I believe that we learn best through experience — and what better way to learn more about astrology but through the immediate reflection of the current cosmic weather patterns. The guidance I received from my spirit was that this new format will allow me to work more deeply with a group energy, and create from my passion which is soul process & spiritual cultivation. I am truly excited to see how it all unfolds and receive your feedback. Already there is much I am hoping to share :)

Keep on scrolling to learn more about what this month’s PDF has to offer and to purchase the report!!!


In this month’s article I share a 12 page in-depth analysis of the Eclipses of January 2019.

This report includes:

  • Perspectives on using Astrology as a tool for soul expansion

  • Discussion of Taoist principle “Wu Wei”/Non-doing when working with Astrology

  • In-depth explanation of the meaning of Eclipses and their function in our spiritual process

  • A full analysis of the energies of the Partial Solar Eclipse on January 5

  • A full analysis of the energies fo the Total Lunar Eclipse on January 21

  • Dates of previous periods that relate to this one

  • A brief note on what to expect for the New Year of 2019 (more to come in next month’s Lunar New Year article)

Excerpts from January’s Cosmic Weather report…

“…In general, the frequency of the planet is increasing so rapidly now that we can no longer hold the old paradigms in place – but these paradigms are so deep that they feel like reality to us, so fear of letting go is extreme.  What this eclipse is saying to me is that we are recognizing how much we are limiting ourselves because of fear, and are readying ourselves for the transition to the next levels.  We see now that the choice is to be imprisoned by our old issues or step daringly into the unknown.  Either situation is uncomfortable – as one feels overbearing while the other feels overwhelming. ” — Read More.

“…The keyword for the New Moon / Solar Eclipse is REINVENTION.  If you are inclined to set New Years resolutions/New Moon intentions, this eclipse is especially potent for reviewing where in your life and your being you need to reinvent yourself so that you can be YOU more fully in 2019.

How can I take better care of myself and my needs, so that I can remain centered with my own truth & feelings?  What negative ideas or habits have I developed that undermine my inner sense of foundation & security?  Where do I equate difficulty & burdens with importance and meaning?  How can I be more supportive of myself, so that I can live in a manner that leaves me feeling restored and balanced? 

These questions (& more in the full article) can assist us in thinking more deeply about how to move forward with changes and improvements in our lives this year. ” — Read More.

“…We have been grappling with the Leo / Aquarius energy since 2017. The Leo/Aquarius node cycle was about identifying “Who am I?” and “What am I here to create as an individual?” The Lunar Eclipse feels very much like a conclusion to that story. Did you discover who you are? Did you learn how to be yourself, even when your social group doesn’t understand? Have you decided your direction – from your own heart? If the answer is yes to the previous questions – this eclipse will bring about emotional breakthrough and a sense of peace with your choice. If there are still questions in this area, this eclipse will bring those up so you can begin to answer them and move forward.” — Read More.

Thank you for your support :)



Personal readings & gift certificates are available and you can book online anytime!  Just click below for more information :)

Eclipse Season Reflections: Summer of 2018


Hello Everyone!

I wrote this piece several months ago during the summer and posted it on Facebook. I thought I might do a more formal edit and put it on this blog, but I never ended up doing that. However, I wanted to share it anyway. I am backdating this entry for the date it was originally posted — even though it’s technically “old news” I hope that it’s interesting/helpful to read, reflecting on the events of this past summer! Astrologically we had 3 eclipses and 6 retrogrades, so it was a seriously intense, super crazy summer!


July 29, 2018 // Eclipse Reflections

The middle eclipse was Friday -- the big Total Lunar Eclipse that sits right in the center of the three-eclipse cycle we are currently under, and had a totality duration of a whopping 1 hour and 43 minutes (!) in the places where it was visible. It was extremely powerful, echoing in so many ways back to the Total Solar Eclipse last August. Tapping into the atmosphere of the people I serve, I can sense that it's been a challenging month for many, and that people are really going through it. For that reason, I wanted to take some time this weekend and share my observations.

For the past several evenings I've been watching the Moon & Mars slowly come into and out of conjunction. The red star seemed to be the only star visible, and I thought it was no wonder the ancients saw it was ominous.

For me, this eclipse period has been a time of beautiful breakthrough and positive alignment -- a stepping in to my spiritual responsibilities with less fear, and more clarity. Projects are starting to move forward and the nature of my role in spiritual community is starting to settle in. I feel more expanded than I ever have in my life, but confident in my ability to take on this growth. After years of grueling work, faith, and preparation, I have moved into the space of creation and vision. I can take off the coat of the past, and live in my spiritual present.

I see reflections of my experience in the experiences of those around me. That in general, we are all taking off some coat of the past. That we are moving from stagnant space into action -- and that action is directly derived from messages of "seeing our place in it all." When we can perceive our actual role in a broader level, it's easier for us to make adjustments in our lives where it previously seemed impossible. So much of this energy I wrote about in my Uranus in Taurus article I am seeing playing out under these eclipses more acutely -- as well as the issues that came up for all of us at the time of last August's solar eclipse coming into resolution, finality, or at least the 'next steps' now.

Eclipses represent doorways, endings and beginnings. They tend to amplify energies such that when there is an issue we have been ignoring playing for a long time in the background, suddenly that thing pops and we can't ignore it anymore! Relationship issues, health issues, life path, spiritual direction, emotional/mental issues -- eclipses will tend to bring these to the foreground in a demanding manner and they can be the moments that tip the scales towards "break up" or "break through." Any endings or new beginnings that have been delayed due to habit, inertia, indecision, etc -- come crashing down with the full force of sometimes exhilarating, sometimes dismal, clarity. Basically -- wherever we are stagnant, wherever we aren't looking closely enough or clearly enough, especially if our natal chart is the pathway of the eclipse -- suddenly we are awakened into a state of understanding about the situation that we can't go back from.

It can take months to years for the fullness of the events of an eclipse to play out. Sometimes the echoes of particularly potent eclipses will carry on for the duration of their 19 year cycle before the full karmic process is complete. They are power packed periods with an energetic quality and resonance that has the potential to deeply, and quite profoundly affect us.

I recently read in one of astrologer Michael Erlewine's essays on eclipses (Check those out here) that the Tibetan Buddhist perspective on new & full moons is that these are times of energetic potency during a month, when our inner channels are most open and chakras in natural alignment. This, of course, is amplified considerably during eclipse periods -- when the heavenly bodies themselves are also in very close, and sometimes very precise alignment! This is one of the reasons why many traditions across the world take the time of an eclipse for meditation and inner work.

This perspective makes absolute sense to me and aligns perfectly with my own experiential relationship with eclipses over the years. When we consider eclipses in this light, it certainly stands to reason that if we are in a period (consciously or unconsciously) of intensified alignment, of course we might feel struck with sudden enlightenment (pleasantly or unpleasantly) around where we are blocked and out of alignment! I feel this can also be understood as a time when our spirit and our physical body are the closest -- as the earth, sun & moon are also the closest -- and so our spirit has a chance to speak VERY LOUDLY into the momentum of our lives. No matter how painful or difficult it is for the ego to grasp at times, we often need these course corrections for some reason or another. Our higher spirit is always aspiring to help us move through our lessons and stay on track with what it is we are supposed to be accomplishing.

But eclipses are really not all doomy and scary. Sometimes the shifts that happen at eclipses are downright magical, even though they have a reputation for being the portents for disaster. At the end of the day, eclipse times are portals of expanded awareness and energy. And they are also opportunities for transformation. So no matter what is happening in your life at an eclipse -- if it is really heavy and hard, full of movement, unexpected, or boring and noneventful -- it is an incredibly potent time to surrender into the flow of spirit and allow the transmutation processes available to take place.

This eclipse energy in particular seems to be bringing up a lot of stuff around the role of relationships in spiritual process. I see relationships needing more fluidity, and recognition that whatever relationship situation one is in, there is a firing process that the two parties are agreeing to walk through by being involved with it. This applies most to close intimate relationships but with Aquarian energies at the forefront of the eclipse, this really is also about relationships with friends, relationships with community, and our function and role in society. I feel that the feminine energy of the Taurus/Uranus energy is calling for more tolerance and understanding in relationship dynamics, and more softness/heart awareness as a method for awakening and transformation. My favorite recent metaphor is seeing the old energies/attitudes/whatever in our society, personal social conditioning, etc, as being like a layer of burnt crud on a dish -- you have to soak it for a long time, have patience, and work it out gradually with all kinds of scrubbies and sponges to get it clean again. It's not an easy process, but one that is achievable -- and in the case of humanity on a spiritual level -- NECESSARY.

I see it as the YIN feminine essence coming to digest errant YANG rigid perceptions/false ingrained patterning through embracing, and slow transmutation/cleansing. Rather than through clashing. Yang energy, when purified, can become light again.

There is also some work I see regarding attunement to the physical body as a messenger, and people realizing they need to become more aware of their subtle bodies to get to the bottom of mysterious ailments.

All of the above is also contained within the idea that we must recognize that it is our PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to accept our role in spiritual process -- for the betterment of ourselves, our relationships, our community, the world, etc. And no matter what the place of our focus is -- even if it seems small -- it is important that we actively engage with our part in a conscious manner. Our engagement in our part is what influences the growth of the whole. So if we feel stuck somewhere or unhappy, it's our job to take a look at that and get unstuck. That, of course, is where listening to spirit comes in -- now's the time to listen, and act. And step in more fully through it.

Stay centered and trust.

2018 Year of the Earth Dog // Lunar New Year & Solar Eclipse


On February 15, 2018 under the New Moon in Aquarius at 4:06PM EST, we welcome in the Lunar New Year – The Chinese Year of the Earth Dog!  This lunation also happens to be a solar eclipse – which supercharges the energy of the 2018 Lunar Year, making it a powerful year for change and soul evolution.  This year will be a significant turning point -- with many choices made during this year having a lasting impact on our lives, as well as setting us up for the major astrological alignments that are to come within the next several years.  This year, it is all about seeing the long view and integrating all of the lessons and realizations of recent years to create our lives from a place of wisdom and clarity.

Please enjoy this perspective on the spiritual lessons and projects ahead of us during this time period.  I hope that you find it helpful and illuminating with regards to your personal direction and process at this time :)

First, a bit of background on the Lunar Year Cycle and why I use it:

As a practitioner and teacher of the Chinese Taoist Arts, I work with Taoist cosmology and energy theory on a daily basis.  Although my primary astrology work is based in the Tropical perspective, I am greatly influenced by the Taoist system in many ways.  In observing both people and current events, I have found the lunar years to be extremely useful in understanding the overall themes and character of a year.  The correlations between East & West are often uncanny – and so I have found drawing from both offers a well-rounded view of what’s ahead.

The Lunar New Year begins on the 2nd new moon after the winter solstice.  This is a time period where we are beginning to transition from winter to spring, and as such naturally feel a sense of settling more fully into the energies of the year.  In the Chinese Zodiac, those energies are defined by the 12 animal signs and 5 elements, which are paired and cycle through over a period of 60 years.  Each year within this 60 year cycle has its own distinct flavors based on the animal/element combination and of course the planetary and star-based factors that we know so well from the Tropical astrological view.

When I look at a Lunar New Year chart, I observe both the patterns of the animal/element from the Chinese / Taoist Cosmology point of view, as well as the Western Astrological planetary factors that are shown at the time of the New Moon.  This helps me see a lot about the function of a year as a spiritual process, as well as what it might be like from the mundane view.   The natural interweaving of these is what I will describe in this post – with an emphasis on the former (the year as spiritual process), rather than the latter.

2018 Year of the Earth Dog Analysis:

As mentioned earlier, 2018’s Lunar New Year energy is especially powerful as it is also a solar eclipse.  The eclipse that initiates the Earth Dog Year directly corresponds with that mega-powerful Solar Eclipse that crossed the USA back in August.  In fact both eclipses in this cycle (January 31’s Total Lunar Eclipse & Feb 15’s Partial Solar Eclipse) activate many of the same degrees as the August eclipses -- So everything that came up last summer has been back up this month with a vengeance, and we may feel that the time has come to make the decisions and commitments that will define our lives going forward.  It is the implementation of and dedication to these decisions, commitments, and projects that will characterize 2018.

However, this does not have the same “hit the ground running” feel that the previous years have had.  Earth energy, is by nature, measured and methodical – which is quite the opposite of our recent experience.  The last two years were fire years – the Yang Fire Monkey & Yin Fire Rooster/Phoenix.  Two extremely strong characters paired with an extremely potent element – about as unpredictable as you can get!  Fire energy is the most unstable and most difficult to control element in the Chinese Zodiac and this energy was very strongly reflected and even amplified in Western charts -- especially in 2017 with a massive grand fire trine dominating the sky for a good part of the year.  Under these energies change flew into our lives rapidly and wildly, and for the most part all we could do was respond.

Moving into the earth year, the momentum is slowing waayyy down.  Since the winter solstice, which was strongly defined by Saturn’s transition into Capricorn, we have been actively feeling this deceleration.  This is not to say we are less busy or experiencing less change – we may in fact feel we are facing more than we ever have before in terms of workload, karmic backlog, and transformation – but the tone of the process has become quite a bit more heavy – more meticulous, more deliberate, more “at the bottom of Mount Everest looking up.” This tone shift may have felt somewhat abrupt after how hectic it has been, but it offers something very important – which is the time and space to “digest” all that has come to pass in recent years.

In Chinese astrology, the Earth element is the element that combines and harmonizes all of the other elements.  It is the pure “yin” – the absorbing element – and is literally correlated with the stomach and digestion in Chinese medicine.  If earth is weak or imbalanced in the body – then the entire system is affected.  When Earth is restored, the center is restored, and balance can begin to return to other areas as well.  As such, Earth times are not a time of fast, intense, hard change, but a time of integration, introspection, moderation and establishing stability & strength by way of the insights gleaned from previous years.

In this case, the process of integration is quite involved.  From a cyclical perspective, earth element years fall about a decade apart -- and in the past decade, the world has seen incredible change!!!  Back in 2008 (Year of the Earth Rat), the world economy was greatly disrupted when Pluto made its first ingress into the sign of Capricorn (the sign of the government/social order/financial institutions), followed quickly by many other significant planetary shifts and alignments that have shaken up our world, inside and out. In the process of the past decade, many things that had been long established shifted dramatically.  And our ideas about what is important to us, what we really need, and where we’re going have also shifted as a result.

So the integration, rebuilding, and stabilizing process that we are currently facing is one that involves the transformation of ourselves and society.  Quite literally.  And what that really means, at this time in history, is a total reform of many pre-established social constructs that we carry deeply within ourselves, as well as those institutions and systems that pervade culturally throughout society.

Incidentally, the Earth element in the Chinese system is also correlated with Saturn – the planet that speaks specifically to creating order and new structures - and Saturn’s influence during this period of time is extremely powerful on all counts.

  • Both 2018 & 2019 are Earth element years, and therefore Saturn ruled.

  • Remember how I mentioned it was Pluto’s transit into Capricorn that initiated the huge economic collapse of 2008? Well, now Saturn is transiting that same sign over the course of the next 3 years, stirring up all of the broken pieces left behind in Pluto’s wake.

  • While in Capricorn, Saturn is going to make an extremely potent, epochal conjunction with both Pluto and Jupiter in 2020, an alignment that will undoubtedly trigger a significant sea change with regards to Capricorn institutions (governments, banks, the structures that hold society together).

  • In fact, from now until 2023, Saturn will be in its own favorite signs of Capricorn & Aquarius – strengthening its general vibration for this time period and putting a special emphasis on social/societal overhaul.

  • And on top of all this, Saturn is the ruler, and therefore influencer, of the transiting South Node (representing karmic past and shadow self) until May of 2020, making us truly aware of how deeply embedded the issues really are, and how much will power, attention and care is needed to overcome these.

All of this basically spells:  MAJOR OVERHAUL!  It really does not get more Saturn than this!

With an energy like this operating as the primary baseline for the next several years, it is essential that we take the time to fully digest our lessons and regularly evaluate our lives for authenticity, clarity, and alignment with our karmic purpose – or we will find ourselves running headlong into obstacle after obstacle.  The next two years are years of learning to respond to change – not impulsively or purely on instinct as we’ve had to in a lot of recent times – but having thought it through, weighed it out, and consciously decided.

Saturn in Capricorn is especially focused on taking our life and whittling it all down to the most essential aspects, and creating the order of our lives in the image of our ideal.  This is the planet and sign of mastery over the material realm – the ability to navigate our lives in the highest perfection possible.  To do this takes discipline, focus, and discernment – the ambition to look realistically at what our lives ARE, and make cold evaluations on where we’ve succeeded and failed, as well as how to make actual, tangible improvement.

Saturn can be a challenging influence for many people, as it constantly pushes our growth and doesn’t leave room for excuses. In general, because 2018 is influenced by an eclipse, the lessons and triumphs of this year will be greatly amplified.  Because this eclipse is also ruled by Saturn, this is doubly so.  All of our personal Saturn missions are UP – BIG TIME!   Our karmic lessons, inhibitions, spiritual obstructions – especially those focused around our earthly mission and embodiment, are all going to be a source of great focus for this year.  We are likely to feel a lot more pressure to make the right choices, as well as a lot more kick back for even the most subtle missteps.  However, when we are able to adhere to Saturn’s promptings for growth and maturation through its tests and trials, we will emerge feeling empowered and more in control of ourselves and the direction of our lives.

If I were to draw out one major theme for the 2018 Year of the Earth Dog that pulls all of this together – it would be Mastery of Mind.  Dog is an animal that is extremely loyal, protective and fierce – but there is a huge difference between a wild or feral dog and one that is well trained and obedient.  From an alchemical perspective, the Earth Element in Taoist cosmology is linked with the intent.  Intent, in its highest sense, is the directive we receive from spirit.  The mind can be like an untrained dog, running rampantly with distracted thoughts, emotions and misdirected aggression – but is most useful and effective when it knows what its purpose is, and how it can serve its master, the true self.  Dogs respond well to boundaries and to direction that comes from “a higher place.”  Where is your truth, your intention, and your direction in life really coming from?  That is the question we must really get clear on this year – and ideally strive to more deeply develop our connection with the “true” intention that is held within our souls.  Discerning this takes focus, discipline, training and effort, but it is a skill accessible to each of us just as it is for our canine friends.

Clarity of mind and sincerity is what will allow us to access the evolutionary & manifestation energy that is represented by the many archetypes at play in 2018.  The soul aspiration, represented by the North Node in Leo at this time, is about a life created from the pure genius of the heart.  In order to move in that direction, a direction that is desired by many people, we have been undergoing a profound purging of socially embedded core patterns and beliefs – all constructs of mind that present obstacles to the realization of this dream.  Many of the active planetary influences at this time are really feeding this process – inspiring us to dig deep into the darkest areas of our life, society and self, and seek the necessary counsel to become aware of and overcome these burdens to our being.  Not just to “get rid of” the bad feelings, but to resolve real problems at their root, so that the dis-ease can be removed rather than suppressed.

What this time period is really about on the spiritual and evolutionary level is revolutionizing the order from the inside out.  Eclipse periods are always gateways of alignment and deeper visioning, where we have a cosmic opportunity to examine our lives from the soul level.  Eclipses often give us big clues about whether or not we’re on track and are known for doling out “course corrections” that can show up in the form of sudden endings, failures, or new and unexpected opportunities.  A year that is influenced by such an energy is a cosmic opportunity expanded over a larger period of time, with a deeper and more collective push toward change.  The visibility and tangibility of the change, which has already taken root in many individuals, is only going to increase -- with greater and greater ripples out into the culture at large.

This is the true meaning of manifestation – that is, making tangible the vision of the spirit.  This sort of manifestation is not something propelled by the emotion driven will, but an alignment of the self with divine will.  As each year passes, the world becomes more and more Aquarian – with information traveling quickly, both literally and etherically.  When individuals make strides in regaining autonomy from the societal dysfunctions, society can also start to evolve.  Because we have changed, all of those things that we are tied to have the possibility of change.

2018 is an excellent year to get proactive and serious about changing your life for the better, and should be very fruitful for the motivated.  However it is also a year where we ALL will be faced with our shadows and obstructions with greater intensity – and so we must learn to be at one with the process wherever it takes us.

Discipline, focus and order are a huge focus this year – but good will, fellowship, and enjoyment of life are also important to keep the heart remembering.  This is a period of balancing and harmonization, as well as commitment and dedication to what’s truly important to us.  Remember to take your time this year, even when the pressure is strong.  Great change is achieved gradually, deliberately and with wisdom.  On the path to mastery, there is no need to hurry.

Thank you for reading my blog!

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On Fear of Eclipses -- Some thoughts...


Hello Friends!  I wrote this bit a few days ago on FEAR OF ECLIPSES, since I saw so many anxiety inducing articles passing through my Facebook news feed.  I thought I would pull it up and edit it for my Cosmic Weather blog to offer some of my thoughts on the matter…  This will be my first direct experience of a total solar eclipse – though I have enjoyed a total lunar eclipse, and several partial eclipses of both moon & sun at different times – so I cannot claim to be an expert on the effects of witnessing one.  But I do know that eclipses are powerful, mysterious, strange, and intense – and have worked with their energies religiously since I have been an astrologer.  Many people have different ideas about this, and so I am simply offering my own in addition/my own intuitive feeling at this time.  Please enjoy – and most importantly – listen to YOUR intuition and YOUR heart about the best way to honor the solar eclipse portal.

Coming up in just a few days, the eclipse will be visiting my general neighborhood – just a short drive west millions of visitors are expected to flood the Path of Totality in my region.  Even though I have been aware of this coming for over a year, the media hype seems to have stirred up suddenly within the past week or so.

In addition to articles about what to expect, getting the right eclipse glasses, etc -- there is a lot of fear coming out about around the lore of solar eclipses from times of old to the present day.  As someone who has been looking at eclipse maps for years, anxiously and excitedly awaiting the day that I would be within range to witness a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE – I have been sitting with why it is the solar eclipse elicits so much fear.  As an astrologer, I find eclipses and the working of the nodal points to be one of the most interesting subjects within the whole field of astrology. I am deeply attuned to my sense of fate and free will by nature, I have always trusted my connection with the divine grace. Eclipses, to me, are the most potent gateway energy there is -- if you observe the energy on eclipse days (whether they are visible at your location or not) you have the opportunity to make spiritual shifts.

After some contemplation, and some writings I've come across recently from other cosmonaut types, it suddenly clicked into place -- the lore about eclipses, the fear of eclipses.  Solar eclipses deal with the interplay of yin and yang as we know it, and this is something that is fundamentally jarring.  Even though eclipses are a part of the cosmic order, for a moment we are confronted with something that seems to defy that and it feels chaotic to us.

The sun represents the yang spirit (the divine spark), but the ego is also represented by the sun. The moon is the yin spirit (intuition), also associated with demons/fears/negativity. When yin covers yang, this is a moment when subconscious fears run wild and unbridled. This is a moment when the feminine energy of intuition is unobstructed by the masculine structure of ego. This is a moment when the veil drops and the doorways are wide open to things unseen.

It is sometimes said that the human ego was developed as a survival mechanism, and when it acts up, it believes it is protecting you.  The problem that exists now, of course, is that it's become like an organ we've evolved beyond. Extra teeth that we grow because our genes still harken back to our paleolithic ancestors whose diets were considerably more rough than our current one. In much the same way, a mechanism which once served us to deal with survival in a harsh primal context has now become an element of our being that sees EVERYTHING as a threat, EVERYTHING as a fight. And the world we live in capitalizes on this trait by constantly pushing fear and turmoil into our hearts.

As a result, we are constantly on the defense, constantly battling, and constantly anxious.  The negativity of our world can be so triggering that we get sucked into its vortex of problems and lose our own sovereignty, our own precious spark. What can we control? What can we direct? What can we change? Ourselves. Our minds. Our will.  But how easy it is to forget that simple truth!

The eclipse energy is building immensely, and as I feel that powerful yin energy expanding in my consciousness, I can begin to understand the feelings of the various traditions that honor an eclipse day with solitude and meditation.  This is, indeed, one way to deal with the intensity of the energies -- and perfectly legitimate when presented within the appropriate context/structure (rather than as a random set of blanket statements crying peril to the internet).  But for me, I feel it is not so black and white as to assume that it is as simple as staying indoors, saying X mantra, doing X ritual, burning your clothes, and throwing away your entire fridge full of food.

We are in a time where we must confront the so-called evils of lesser yin energy, in our personal consciousness and in our world.  This is an inside job that extends well beyond the boundaries of the eclipse itself.  Indoors, outdoors, meditating or having a barbeque, any place the eclipse is touching will not escape the eerie feeling, the internal disruption, the sense of going into the silence, the darkness.  No matter how one deals with the eclipse -- the causes and effects are already underway.  "What will be will be."  All we can do is do what makes us feel the most HAPPY, STABLE & POSITIVE that we can throughout the experience.  Changes and intentions are set through authentic FEELING, not rules or specific actions as dictated by someone else.  Likewise, for any actions to be effective/protective we need to feel connected to what we are doing, not simply acting out of anxiety because of something we read on the internet.

For me, there is a reason and a symbolic nature to all things.  The timing of this event happening in the USA could not be more fitting.  Certainly, it could easily be interpreted as a bad omen -- and portend difficulty for our country (but the astrology already basically implies this, so...)  Or you could see it from another, additional, or different perspective:  That such an event coming at such a time is an invitation to reconnect with the essence of intuition -- to eclipse our own egos -- and to recognize and resonate with the qualities of mystery.  To re-engage a populace, one that is stuck in ingrained, stubborn, and seemingly impossible navel gazing patterns, with something grander, something beyond -- something REAL, that reminds of us of our connection to all that is.

We are here to be witnesses, and also to use our spiritual will to aspire for something greater. This is a time to not fall for the hopelessness and the fearfulness -- but to take this portal to direct the whole of your mind and will to achieving peace and healing for the world.  It is a time when we could all use the healing power of awe, of taking in and directly experiencing COSMIC BEAUTY.  To fortify our strength and our light within to withstand darkness without.  For what is an eclipse but a time of inwardly directed light?

I talk to my students all the time about dealing with the True Yang (inner spirit) and the False Yang (conditioning) in their qigong practice. You only access the inner spirit, the truth of life, the truth of your own being, through the shedding of conditioning & rigidity. Receptivity & surrender (yin principles) are that which open us to the true spirit. Allow this to be a time where the part of us that is eclipsed is the part we must surrender to shine more brightly & more truly on the other side. As for the false yin -- the darkness, the demons -- why should we uphold one (ego) and fear the other (the shadow)? Why should we hold fear to keep ourselves in the shadows? What purpose does that really serve?

FACE fear, ENDURE fear – and TRANSMUTE fear.  Pass through darkness to know brightness.  Purify shadows by holding sacred fire and holy light.  In whatever way you are called to do that – do that.  But do it from a place of strength, a place of TRUST.  Not a place of fear, anxiety or chaos.  That is the lesser yin – that is getting stuck in limbo.  Trust that the sun shines again.  That life exists on the other side.  That darkness is only a gateway we pass through to engage more wholly with divine nature.  Burn away fear, become more bright.  Become the YOU you know you are.

Eclipses may be strange but they are also beautifully still.  Wherever you are, whatever you do – BE PRESENT, BE STILL -- witnessing, receiving – this is the fundamental shared agreement of all the traditions.  Be at peace within, and pray for the return of cleansing light that heals the brokenness of this world.

Sitting with the Eclipses -- further elaborations on the energy of August 2017 and its larger implications

Tomorrow, August 7, is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, the first of the pair of eclipses that are to occur this month.  As we prepare for the major Solar Eclipse that will touch the entire continental USA, the Lunar Eclipse precedes it carrying important messages, realizations and revelations.  Because the Solar Eclipse will be so profound, the energetic unfolding has been with us throughout this summer in anticipation for the transformational energy it brings.  I often view eclipses as energetic thresholds – but another way to say it, perhaps, is that an eclipse is like an energetic neutral zone or zero point.  From a Taoist cosmological perspective, transformation arises from stillness – and an eclipse of any kind carries with it a sort of interruption to the energetic flow, creating a still point, particularly in the case of a total eclipse like the one we will be experiencing on the 21st.   In this cycle leading up to the Lunar Eclipse tomorrow, many things have come into our awareness on a conscious level that are up for deep transformation.

I think it is worth noting that this lunar cycle began with a new moon at 0 Leo and the Solar Eclipse is a new moon at 28 Leo.  So that is two Leo new moons to kick off the transit of the North Node through Leo – for me, what this means is that we’re getting kind of a preemptive opportunity to consider and plant our intentions regarding Leo issues (fun, creativity, romance, sexuality, self expression, will power, etc) – and then, through the subtle energetic influence of the Lunar eclipse and the messages/changes received therein, we then get to consider and plant those intentions a second time with the necessary amendments.  The reason that this strikes me in this particular way is that the lessons of Leo seem very important for us to grasp right now – as our society, and as a result we as individuals, suffer greatly from Aquarian shadows.  Just to name a few -- we live in a culture that supports individuality and freedom, but can often lack a sense of warmth, community & support.  Many people have strong ideals and beliefs, but few are genuinely applicable to real world diversity.  Rationality and ideas are at odds with human and spiritual connection.  Technicalities become obstructive to truth.

In the Aquarian spirit of our culture we strive to be more inclusive by creating more distinctions, but in the process we unknowingly create more divisions because the distinctions are made in an almost surgical way.  They are not made with the heart, really.  They are made with the mind that wants to right the afflictions of the heart, created by the problems of our ideals.  The ideals, simply put, are just too rigid.  They are less like a framework and more like a rulebook, and this can actually be harmful to the social freedom that we desire to find.  On a personal level, we are being guided to really trust in the flow of our own hearts to find the solutions that vex us, no matter how big or small the problems may be.  Not to analyze, research, and over-think our ways to the answers, but to find them ourselves BY FEELING, by LIVING.

The Solar Eclipse on August 21st is of special significance for the USA because it is impacting us directly.  We will all experience the literal effects of the moon blocking out the sun for just a few minutes at the height of the day.  This event is so incredibly powerful it has been difficult for me to separate any astrological happenings for the summer from the coming of that eclipse.  For me, it feels, most simply, like a major karmic, and likely historic moment in USA history and for all of those who are alive and living here during this time.  The Lunar eclipse energy is just a part of this process: it serves to help us IDENTIFY the inhibiting factors – the reasons why we, ourselves, do not utilize our own personal will to the best of its potential.  What are the social, mental, and emotional factors that keep us trapped in our heads instead of shining freely in the world – giving back by giving our GIFTS which were uniquely bestowed upon us.  There are a million ways that we undermine our own freedom every single day due to subconscious ideals that don’t really serve us to truly be our best self.  Shifting just a few of these mental obstructions can be the difference between positively influencing life by way of greater happiness and authenticity or just merely existing within it.

The insights that have to come to me about the eclipse cycles have largely centered around the wise use of energy and really knowing and understanding one’s personal direction rather than allowing ourselves to succumb to peer/social/societal pressure of any kind.  It is important for us to be undistracted – even by the most valid & positive ideas – because each of us has a specific journey that we need to honor and fuel, and the information loaded world that we live in can easily deter us from those pursuits if we are not paying close attention and acting with intention.  Doing our individual piece is what will serve society best.  Personal will & personal effort to create something tangible trumps abstractions and ideals.  Actually live life nobly, in total honesty with regards to what is truly beneficial to yourself and those you touch.

Regarding the USA astrology in overarching cycles – The eclipses come at a very interesting time in our process as a society.  The solar eclipse is in close aspect to the USA natal moon – signifying transformation at the level of the national psyche.  In addition to this, the President happens to be someone who was born during an eclipse (so eclipses impact him extra strongly), and his natal Mars & Ascendant also align directly with the eclipse.  The August 21 eclipse also just happens to be a part of a series that has historically triggered significant events in American politics.  In so many ways, I believe we are being pressed to deal with the dichotomy of individual will and social structures and there is no question in my mind that the solar eclipse across the USA is going to trigger an important shift on the national level, starting with the people in power.

The next total solar eclipse in the USA is in 2024 – the two eclipses (2017/2024) are like bookends to the USA Pluto return, representing a 248 year cycle of maturation around issues of power & social order at the government level.  We have arrived at this place for a reason and whatever changes lie ahead are, in a way, unavoidable.  The direction of those changes should start to become clearer in the coming months after the major impact of the eclipse starts to manifest.  I personally feel that with the energy of LEO in charge, the will is in individuals to direct the change – we are the “king.”  We must awaken to that.  And I believe we will and can, as we may also simultaneously awaken to the shadows of culture and society that have not yet been revealed quite so clearly.

With that said, I feel compelled to leave these notes with this:  The King is not the person who rules all – rather it is the person who rules himself.  The King is the one who is sovereign.  Free unto himself, unbound unto himself.  This is the true aspiration of LEO for all people.

For more thoughts on this topic, check out my article covering the Astrology of the Summer of 2017 :)

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Astrology of the Summer of 2017 -- The Next Level ... Discussion on the Great American Eclipse, USA Pluto Return & July's Full Moon

Hello everyone!

It has been a little while since I’ve sat down and written a fully in depth post on the current Astrology.  It’s been a time of big structural change for me and so I’ve been taking longer than usual periods of quietness as I make these adjustments and begin developing my next steps.  This month I felt called out of my hibernation to talk a little bit about the astrology of this summer, so I hope that you find these words helpful…

Since the New Moon in Cancer on June 23rd I have noticed a shift in the energy, and it was about this past week when it suddenly occurred to me that this energy shift is a gateway opening to the eclipse cycle that we will be experiencing this August.  Why is it that a whole lunar cycle previous to the eclipses that I feel we are already approaching this gateway?  Of course, anyone who lives in the US, where the eclipse is visible, will be naturally more attuned to the energy, as eclipses are generally more powerful in the places where they are happening.  But it also feels like more than that.  With the dynamic of the Leo North Node/Aquarius South Node at the helm of the current spiritual process of humanity, this summer and the approaching eclipses are creating fast and significant shifts in the consciousness of people.  More specifically, what it seems like to me, is that there is an expansion of the level of consciousness that is available to us – if we choose to tune in to it.

The total solar eclipse will have a profound impact on the United States as a result of it happening here.  The United States itself is in a cycle of change and is teetering on the edge of major turmoil.  As the U.S. moves towards its Pluto Return (2022) the government organization of this nation will continue to be under stress, and most likely reach a breaking point in the coming years.  On a spiritual level the U.S. and its inhabitants are currently facing deep questions about what it takes to make a society functional and positive, and where the most deeply ingrained structures of our current society have become burdensome, unhealthy, outdated, or never really sound to begin with.  Pluto represents the complete dredging of all the darkness that exists within the societal consciousness, and the transit of Pluto to the USA Pluto involves a total and complete overhaul of these elements, and as we have seen in the years since 2008 (When Pluto entered Capricorn, the sign of the USA Pluto), it is not always a pretty picture.

Where we are as a country at this stage is energetically “stuck” – as all of the skeletons in the closet arise & multiply – what is needed, and what is beginning/to come, is a clearing of this old stagnation.  How does that show up?  It can be disruptive, chaotic, destructive and problematic – but it can also be creative, resourceful, inspired and freeing.  In my personal estimation, difficult and painful transitions are unavoidable and much falls within the realm of “things that must play themselves out” – but people still have the power to determine the direction of the changes through the power of consciousness and personal will.

This upcoming eclipse cycle is also the first cycle of eclipses to occur after the North Node (point of fate – focal point of our “spiritual work” at a given time) transitioned into Leo at the beginning of May -- which gives the eclipses an initiating and somewhat “unleashing” feel with regards to the workings of the Leo energy at this stage in humanity’s growth.  Since eclipses occur along the nodal axis, they always amplify the lessons associated with the nodes that are active at the time.  In this case, with the North Node in Leo – we have just left a time where the North Node was in Virgo and unbelievably debilitated by Neptune in Pisces which drew us into a sea of problems with no solution – and entered a time where the North Node is greatly supported by Uranus and Saturn both in fire signs for the entire summer of 2017.  It is a seismic shift in focus, and not just that, it is a shift in how well we are able to motivate, mobilize and materialize.

The biggest energetic shift that I have noticed since the North Node moved into Leo is a pull towards the manifestation of ideas that have been long germinating, and doing so in a manner that is considerably more direct and simple than previously conceived.  However, some rewiring is necessary, as we can tend to overcomplicate things and as a result interfere with our own progress.  The dynamic of the Leo North Node / Aquarius South Node has made me very aware of the subtle difference between acting from the head and acting from the being – that is, attempting to parse through life with logic to determine the correct way forward, rather than simply moving from feeling.  To put it most simply, what I feel is that it is time to take the energetic load off the mind – off the how’s and why’s of things – and just live from a place of trust that motivation arises without force, and problems can likewise be solved by working through the steps.  “One thing at a time.”

What the Leo North Node is all about is understanding that WE DON’T NEED TO HAVE ALL OF THE ANSWERS in order to make progress.  What we need is to take action and show faith in our inner spirit’s guidance.  If we haven’t already established a relationship with our inner or higher guidance, the urging right now is to begin doing so.  If we do have a channel for this guidance – that channel, if engaged with, is growing even stronger.  The reason is because Leo, above all other things, is about the creative impulse – and to truly be at one with the creative, is to be at one with the divine spark – that little thing that inspires us uniquely, and that we have an organic ability to develop and express.  To engage with Leo energy is to BE OURSELVES completely and freely – which means that we need to be embodied and fully present as the beings that we are, without getting hung up on how we are supposed to fit in with everyone else.  Leo encourages us to define reality for ourselves and now allow ourselves to be trapped by social and cultural circumstances.

The technological (Aquarius South Node) world that we live in greatly challenges our ability to be whole and comfortable in our embodiment.  There are so many reasons for this – the obvious physical reason is that when we are sitting on computers and devices, we aren’t moving our bodies, or fully present in them.  But of almost greater precedence is that our information overload world so deeply saturates our mental reality that it leaves us with no room for our own creativity or natural thought processes unless we make efforts to mitigate these effects.  The combination of these factors, of course, can be quite obstructing to the spirit as well as our overall health and well-being.  I am seeing with greater clarity the location of the mind as the defining factor for action and the quality of action.  Am I all in my head, literally, or am I actually present with the physical world?  It may seem like a simple question, but in our go-go-go society, many of us hardly give ourselves the time and space to experience presence fully.

Right now the North Node in Leo is part of a Grand Fire Trine in the sky – this is a pattern of flowing and supportive energy that is especially bright around inspiration and the actualization of inspirations.  The other energies involved are Saturn in Sagittarius (karmic process around one’s journey, one’s philosophy and meaningful contribution) and Uranus in Aries (energy of change, awakening, and breaking new ground).  These energies are greatly supportive of our work with the nodal axis, but they also seem to offer choices along the way.  I believe if we take time to slow down and really observe the energy, the choices are easier to see.  The reason is that FIRE energy moves quickly, and if we get caught up in the energy of fire at this time without taking the time for pause and reflection, it is easy to let our emotions – particularly impatient, aggressive, or angry emotions – make our choices for us.  Situations can flare up quickly and intensely – and due to some of the other aspects involved with the current patterning, we are especially SENSITIVE and may tend to jump to conclusions, or just be reckless in our communications.

Likewise, fire is also an energy of purification, and so what triggers us at this time may be signaling situations that need to be expunged from our life (or at least heavily adjusted) in order for us to step in to our greatest happiness.   What I feel is most important is to recognize these choice-making situations as signals and really listen to what the heart is saying with regards to the best way forward for YOU.

A big part of the Leo/Aquarius process is the constant seesaw between awareness of what I want vs. awareness of what is “correct” according to social standards.  We can start to see where we’ve been trapping ourselves mentally by staying within the confines of a certain group, mentality, or mental subscription that we have made to ideas about reality, society, and other people.  We may find that we have been constantly catering to others – and not even physical people, but the IDEA of others.  What OTHERS want, think and believe…. And our inner assumption that somehow understanding the rules of these invisible “others” will free us from experiencing conflict and disharmony.  But Leo knows that this is a lie and is reminding us that we all have free will, and we can think and act for ourselves without having to play mental gymnastics around it.  We can legitimately “Just do it.”  No asking permission, no inner list of reasons why we’re not qualified/allowed/etc, no need to indulge the critical inner voice, you can actually just make it simple take action on your ideas.  The perfect medicine for this time period is to DO not think.

That might seem like really shaky advice to be giving in a world where the news and social media outlets are basically overloaded with human fallacy, always showing us the ways that people are unvirtuous and unwise – so I want to be clear that what I am suggesting is not blind action, but rather ACTION with INTENT.  Action driven from a space of inner clarity and presence of mind, rather than action driven by habit, association, fear, over analysis, rationalization, assumption of expectations, or any other kind of mental trickery that we are ALL guilty of!  Most of all, it is important to not get lost in mental paralysis – and to find the ways that we can begin putting our ideas to work, rather than just letting them live eternally and always in our own heads.

We sometimes forget that we can also LEARN by doing.  We can learn from being imperfect.  And our greatest growth occurs through the process of making mistakes.  By pushing the edges through action, we come to understand our own personal methodology – and also where we can enhance our skills through practice, further learning, etc.  What’s important right now is that what we cultivate in our lives comes from the heart – have faith in this, take tangible steps towards this, be open, and the rest will unfold naturally.

This, to me, is integral to the “new level of consciousness” that I mentioned at the beginning of the article.  It is a BIG surrender to trust.  What I feel when I really tap in to the energy is that underneath all of the chaos we see on the surface of things is an immense current of flowing “light” energy that we can all tap into.  It is like a river, a flowing and healing force that has the power to purify and distill.  The fact that Leo is a sign that is ruled by the sun, the source of light in our solar system, is interesting with regards to the upcoming total solar eclipse.  Our ego self is going to experience a sort of “black out” – and we are, in essence, getting calibrated/recalibrated for that experience.  It is a putting down of burdens, an opening of space – but not yet we are not fully aware of what is on the other side of that space, simply that it is time to clear out and make room.

What I feel is that we are being asked to surrender more and more deeply into a state of present being, as this is the only way we can experience the expansion necessary to hold the light bright enough to process the great changes coming in a positive, constructive and creative manner.  Basically, it is this energy of light that has the potential to heal the world.  Yes, it sounds lofty, but from a world awakening perspective, there is a distinct sensation of huge energy clearings happening in the midst of all of the turmoil and in return an ability to arrive at a greater sense of presence, and light.  Simply because there is more SPACE for light to exist.

We as individuals are responsible for choosing whether or not we engage with this light energy and do the work to become vessels for it.  In order to develop the space for the energy to flow, and begin moving the old energy of stagnation, we have to actually create the space in our lives to do this process.  Let go of the part of you that thinks holding on to stuff is of any benefit and begin to see those aspects as the very things that don’t allow you to be clear and at peace.  The more we open up space, the more things can move, the more space opens up, the more that we can BE even more deeply.  And the process can continue on and on.

OK, So how do we MAKE the space?  You might now be asking…

All of the suggestions and methods that you might typically see as ways to “find peace” would apply here – meditation, going out in nature, tai chi, yoga, etc…  But with the specific instruction of really taking the time to sink in to the space beyond your thoughts.  This is the space where you realize you are here, in reality, existing, a part of something, a part of nature, alive.  This is the space of the true intent, the true self, and the true will – the space where we can access the deeper currents of light and healing energy that are available to us.

It is so simple, but can be so profound.  To realize, especially that life does not have to come from a place of contraction but can be lived from a space of greater relaxation, deeper feeling, and responsiveness.

The other part of this process is letting the emotions flow…  Whether they make sense or not.  And doing so in wise manners – writing in a journal is one of the best ways.  But any way that suits you is just fine -- listening to/playing music, making art, exercising vigorously, crying, whatever!  Just feeling and being with that experience, and letting it go all at the same time.  You’ll find things come, are expressed, and then are able to leave because they have been expressed… and then it’s on to the next thing!

Working with the emotional flow can also help us with our creative flow at this time.  The type of creativity that we must access is not one that we find through having a specific method – it is a way of creating that doesn’t operate by the rules we put upon ourselves such as timelines, expectations, etc.  It is ORGANIC creation – saying what you feel when you feel it, and then going back to fine tune, structure, and organize it later.  It is respecting the wholeness of the original approach without having to rush to the finish line – appreciating the natural evolution of things in their own time.

In the Tao Te Ching there is a line, “Do nothing and all will be done.”  This line is speaking to a principle that in non-action we are in a state of receptivity and responsiveness, and that all things come in their own time.  Of course sometimes this line is mistaken for “Don’t do anything ever and it’ll all work out.”  But its meaning is actually far from that – when we learn to sink into the flow, we will find we arrive at natural impulses to take actions.  And when we take those actions, we will usually work for a time and then reach a point when we feel complete, or ready to take a break.  The principle of “do nothing and all will be done” also contains the idea of “work when it’s time to work, rest when it’s time to rest.”  Basically, don’t force the process.  This is a way of working effortless, and also a way of MAKING ROOM for RECEPTIVITY – of ideas, of inner guidance, and of blessings!

Sometimes we must allow ourselves to do nothing in order to uncover the treasure and find the answers we’re looking for.  It is from that space we can then take action that’s in full alignment with ourselves.  When we only concern ourselves with work, worry about work, and obsess about productivity, we can lose access to inspiration which is absolutely integral to success.  Even if today we are not where we want to be – even if today we have barely begun our journey, be where you are TODAY, take the steps that inspire you TODAY – and that ultimate vision is bound to become reality.  It’s not foolishness to believe that, it’s simply an alignment of the inner self with the outer action.  This brings a sense of peace and solidity to the process, even in times to doubt, and gradually helps us focus our lives so that we can give our attention to what is needed, undivided.

Feel and flow, allowing, settling, opening, receiving – this is the way we get closer to truth, clarity, and the ability to be of service to the world.


Specific Thoughts on the July 9, 2017 Full Moon in Capricorn

Since much of my writing this month is basically an overview of what the energies of the entire summer mean for us on a spiritual level, I do want to get a little bit into the nitty gritty of this weekend’s full moon (and I intend to write something about the New Moon as it gets closer).  Basically, as things come to me, I’ll probably keep writing articles about the eclipses – but for the sake of this article, the energies of the eclipses, the grand fire trine, and the Mars-Pluto opposition are so strong I felt I needed to elaborate on them from the grand view in order to relate them back down into the small view.

A lot has been written about this full moon’s energy.  Aligned with malefics Pluto & Mars, in opposition (the opposition was last weekend, and has been felt for the past two weeks), the energy of the full moon definitely doesn’t have a soft, friendly feel.  Eruptions of anger, rage, violence, arguments, etc. are all a big part of what this energy represents.  The reason I wrote about the USA Pluto return earlier in this article is because on the grand scale, I feel transits like this (along with the “Great American Eclipse” coming through) are also triggering to those greater cycles.  For me, I find it helpful to understand these layers when it comes to looking at specific, more individual concerns.  Especially because we are in a time period where many people are being directly confronted with the issues of these larger cycles in their everyday lives to a much greater degree than previously.

In any case, with that being said, the intensity of the energies will undoubtedly bring up challenges in the mundane world, as well as the potential to bring up interpersonal & internal dilemmas we will have to respond to.  When it comes to the interpersonal/internal, we may have been finding feelings of anger, irritation and impatience arising within us moreso than usual.  These feelings are likely to be triggered by some very deep seated and sensitive parts of ourselves that we have the opportunity to work with to transmute and release under these energies.

If there is anything I would suggest under this full moon is to not approach it with fear, and to receive the experiences of the past few weeks as opportunities for growth, shedding and transformation that allows you go to forward less burdened than before.  If you find yourself mired in interpersonal conflict, TAKE SPACE to diffuse anger.  Try to get to the true feelings underneath the anger – the vulnerabilities that anger is covering.

This energy can also be fruitful for experiences of merging and being more emotionally open and vulnerable, but since we are dealing with Capricorn and Cancer there are quite a few layers of defense to break through.  Lots of emotional processing can be accomplished by one’s self and then brought to a partner for a more calm discussion.  We can really be with our deep feelings right now if we allow it, despite the fact that they might not be easy feelings.  It is productive for us to feel and express our feelings.  LET GO!


With that, I hope you all have a good summer.  If this article resonates for you, please share it or consider sending a love offering to my blog at the button below to help me keep these sharings free and accessible to everyone :)

Peace and blessings to all :)

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