lunar new year

2023 Year of the Water Rabbit: Good Opportunity

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!

I hope this new year is treating you well so far, and that any challenges you face soon come to clarity and resolution with ease and grace.

As has become tradition, I am writing this article in acknowledgment of the Lunar New Year, as well as the Gregorian calendar year of 2023.  The tone of 2023 is one of transition, opportunity, and harmonization.  After the upheaval of the last few years, now we regain our footing and begin to face life anew.  It is time to look ahead, create new order, care for the self, and embrace simplicity.

This is a year of greater calm, offering necessary reprieve for reflection and reorientation.  Use this time wisely, as the coming years in this decade are likely to continue to be very intense collectively.  Integrate what you have learned about yourself in the last few years to strengthen your resilience.  Be adaptable.  Soften any remaining edges of rigidity, hyper-vigilance and obstinance.  Reconnect with community.  Remember what is true.

To give a more complete overview of what to expect in this coming year, I will share from both the Eastern & Western astrological perspectives.  Enjoy!

I-Ching Reading for the Lunar New Year:  Year of the Water Rabbit 2023

This year’s casting yielded Hexagram 11:  T’ai, “Peace / Good Opportunity.”  Line number 3.  The italicized quotations presented here are from the I-Ching:  Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth, translation and commentary by Ni Hua Ching.


Earth over Heaven


General Guidance for this Hexagram: 

“Good Opportunity.  In a time of prosperity, something small is given and something large is returned.  Little effort brings a big reward.  Good fortune.  Proceed.”

The hexagram of Earth over Heaven represents peace and integration.  Because of the rising Yang nature of the Heaven trigram, and the sinking Yin nature of the Earth trigram, in this arrangement, the two trigrams intermingle harmoniously.

Master Ni notes in his commentary that a more literal translation of the Hexagram’s title “T’ai” is “Best Order” or “Perfect Condition.”  The suggestion here is that we can utilize a harmonious time to establish appropriate structures, discipline, and alignment that allow peace to be sustained.  During 2023, it will be important to balance one’s lifestyle, health, resources and affairs, and to do so in a manner that is useful and enduring. 

From a Taoist perspective, integration means no extremes.  If there are discordant, stagnant, disconnected or otherwise inharmonious energies in your life, now is the time to observe these, and invite guidance on how to set them in order.  The conditions of this time are much like a still point between worlds — we are shedding our old concept of self and reality, while solidifying new groundwork and new understanding.  The new frameworks that we build in these quieter times will carry us forward through more challenging ones.

Because the energetic conditions are naturally harmonious, adjustment will be more effortless.  Thus it is a good opportunity to strengthen oneself for the future.

Guidance from Line 3:  

“No plateau is without a slope and no forward movement is without a turning back.  One needs to maintain one’s goal without being discouraged by difficulties.  Have no worries and be faithful; thus enjoyment and blessings follow.”

The third line represents a position of transition.  One must maintain control and be firm in approaching one’s goal.  Though this situation may appear beyond one’s capabilities, with firmness, good results can be achieved.

Line #3 is the “specific guidance” of this Hexagram for the year of 2023.  The events of the last several years have been revelatory and have shown us many personal and societal weaknesses.  At the same time, these difficulties have the possibility to embolden us and lead us to greater understanding, personal strength, and resilience.  While this year might not be as eventful as previous years, reflecting upon what has occurred already provides necessary insight as to what we need to know, do, or be going forward.

Once clarity has been established within, the difficulties that arise must be faced courageously and unwaveringly.  Where we might have withered before, we instead stand strong.  The wisdom we have gained through hardship will not be easily thrown off course.  Yet, we should be prepared for unpredictable circumstances, situations, and outcomes — and pursue the path forward with faith regardless.

Characteristics of the Water Rabbit

The year of the rabbit is a yin energy year, which promises a gentler period after the very intense and stormy energy of the Water Tiger.  Elementally, the year of 2022 and 2023 both share a Wood/Water combination.  This is a combination very conducive for growth and expansion.  Many of last year’s themes of simplification and temperance are still relevant this year — and will likely feel easier to accomplish under the Rabbit’s energies.  The turbulent Tiger can be difficult to deal with, and so while normalcy may have been regained in some respect, there were still many big waves to navigate.  Events around the world were far from stable, and in our individual lives many experienced their fair share of upheaval and disruption.

Last year’s I-Ching guidance of “Self Restraint” encouraged discipline, and retaining one’s energy instead of wasting or overextending it.  In our current conflict laden and psychically pressurized environment, such a skill is incredibly useful to develop.  Under the Tiger energy, we had a lot of chance to observe how well we manage our energy.  Tiger’s intense and dynamic vibe can be very active and eventful, leaving one depleted if down time is not respected.  During the Tiger year we were more courageous, and may have undertaken difficult projects, new adventures, or set new boundaries for others and ourselves.  In this coming year, we will have the opportunity to fully integrate our new understandings with regards to these developments and apply our awareness to forging new structures that protect us from wasteful expenditure of energy, resources, and time.

The rabbit is a quiet and gentle archetype that symbolizes elegance, quick responsiveness, kindness and patience.  The rabbit is skillful, responsible, empathetic, and social.  Those born year of the rabbit are very intuitive and sensitive to their environment.  They will not usually flaunt their thoughts and feelings, but will show their true nature through their actions, creations, and gifts.  They tend to be reserved, but demonstrate a gracious and welcoming attitude.

During 2023, we will all likewise feel a bit more amicable, crave peace, and appreciate our solitude and social life equally.  Calmness is refreshing after such stressful years, and our energy for conflict will likely wane, as inward pursuits take precedence.  I will add as a footnote here that 2023 is also a Numerological Year 7 — the number of retreat and spirituality.  So it is likely that many will feel the impulse to focus more on spiritual pursuits, personal healing, and self reflection, especially if the turbulence of the last few years caused disruptions to your usual routine.  Essentially, it feels a bit like the dial on collective noise will be turned down a bit — and we will regain a sense of sweetness in daily life.

Growth in recent years has been much more Yang presenting — dictated quite often by sudden changes in the outer world, events, and chaos from other people.  This year growth will come through inward exploration, clearing and anchoring.  Instead of letting ourselves be wound into collective chaos — how can we instead stay grounded and centered within ourselves?  To gain and maintain one’s own internal stability and clarity, regardless of what is occurring outside, is what is truly useful.  Through that, we can be a vector for productive and creative forces, contribute positively to others and society, and be an active part of facilitating change.

Western Astrological Notes for 2023

A reading for this Lunar New Year New Moon in Aquarius at 1 degree from Ellias Lonsdale’s “Inside Degrees.”


A two-headed calf

Taking a good look at things with an eager eye brings you right into the middle of the dilemma with polarities.  As you stand there faced with the different sides, you are impartial; neither side pulls you more sharply than the other.  Immense opportunity.  Huge challenge.  You have vital potential for brilliant synthesis, but a subtle temptation to think too long.  A schooling in alchemy in every moment—do you find what is ready to emerge, or do you think about it?  Progressive evolution draws you through your mistakes into all that can be.

This reading of the Chandra symbolism for Aquarius 1 was quite apt in conjunction with the other facets of this reading, so I felt it would be useful to share as another look at the same general concept.  This reading in particular centers around harmonizing polarities and the opportunity for alchemization brought forth through the synthesis of them.  It is encouraged to engage with life in real time, rather than becoming lost in abstractions — something Aquarius can be quite prone to.  The  Aquarian dilemma of abstract concepts vs real world application, individualism vs collectivism, and mental vs spiritual paradoxes are some of the most pressing issues of our time.  As Pluto begins its transition into Aquarius in 2023 (following Saturn’s 3 year transit through this sign), we can expect this struggle will continue.

The Lunar New Year chart (set for Washington DC time/USA focus) does seem to orient us towards looking at relationships and facing communication barriers with full honesty.  Conversations and connections are fraught, and can be painful, but continuing on in the way that we have leads us collectively further from truth.  We must be willing to engage impartially — to take the time to investigate things, understand others’ perspectives, and build relationships if we’re to reach any potential of higher realization or collective clarity.  Allowing systemic forces to continue to influence us to engage in division is unwise and is our greatest collective vulnerability and downfall at this time.  Nothing is resolved when there is no listening.

The paradox of Aquarius is that it contains both individualism and collectivism.  These concepts are both expressive of fundamental facets of human development and evolution, and are both important.  In this time, however, the guidance that has been shown to me is that we must develop our individual sovereignty, from a spiritual perspective, firmly, before we can have a healthy collective.  This means we need to learn to cultivate our vertical connection (the energetic link to heaven and earth) first and foremost — and allow our horizontal connection (social orientation, material world) to be born from that.

It is so important to develop one’s own relationship with spirit, and with the earth in order to form healthy and clear personal discernment and presence.  At this time on earth there is an unprecedented level of difficult, dark and chaotic energies creating interference in the mental, emotional and spiritual consciousness of humanity.   Many of these are deeply embedded historical energies that are arising to be cleared, while others are simply born of the egregores of today’s outer world challenges.  If one is not sufficient grounded, it is easy to become confused by all of these cross currents, and lose track of the here and now.

On a more basic level, having a firm connection with one’s own internal alignment, and its alignment with natural cycles, as well as a well-developed relationship with our higher aspects, also allows us to have a healthy relationship with ourselves.  The more attuned we become to our personal alignment with both heaven and earth, the more we will be in rhythm with life, have healthy boundaries, and be able to recognize and correct lower tendencies latent in our nature. This personal work is essential if we hope to develop healthy community in any future time — especially on a larger scale. Pluto’s transit through Aquarius will undoubtedly bring this collective shadow process to the fore throughout the next two decades.  Before we can cross the threshold of the true “Age of Aquarius” we must deeply reckon with the roots of corruption that darken communities, organizations and governments — and learn to move from clarity rather than fear or control.  There is no true freedom from the evolutionary loop if this is not resolved.

From a Taoist perspective, the heaven & earth connection is the essential integration that we as humans have the power to actively develop.  To integrate both heavenly & earthly energies, is to be capable of manifesting higher energies through one’s earthly form to the physical world.  If we only orient ourselves through the horizontal plane — socially, intellectually, materially, so on — we are subject to the currents of those realities.  The needs of our soul may or may not be regarded.  And because we are not utilizing our natural alignment or listening to natural order, it is also difficult to create tangible change.  In this case, we may find ourselves simply repeating the cycle.

Being oriented only in the horizontal aspects of reality — that which is visible — is a form of being too “earthly.”  In this point of view, it might also be considered being too “human only” — not respecting earthly cycles or heavenly cycles.  However, it should be understood that there is also a pitfall of being too oriented in “heavenly” energy only.  This is when a person is floating about in the spiritual aspect of reality with no grounding.  While it may appear to be more “exalted” than the “human only” orientation, this, too, is imbalanced.

In the Taoist perspective, it is important to be able to live a “plain, simple life” in the world.  To understand what it means to be in society, to have a home, to pay your bills, cook food, and tend to basic survival.  If one is only focused on spirituality and is not able to bring this into their life in an authentic way, the energy is ungrounded.  On a similar note — all spiritual concepts, philosophies, etc, that one takes on should also be functional in the regular world.   A large part of integration work is alignment, as I have mentioned — which means eliminating hypocrisy and internal contradictions.  Walking your talk.  Whatever virtues one cultivates must be embodied completely and universally.  Not selectively.

Additionally, one of the most important aspects of cultivating our awareness of spiritual reality is to bring the wisdom and purity of heaven into the material world. To give back and serve, even in simple ways. Similar to how the pitfall of being “too human” doesn’t invite alignment to cosmic forces and thus perpetuates the cycle of human limitation, the pitfall of being “too spiritual” doesn’t allow us to ground higher evolutionary change into the world. In both instances, one is separated from an essential aspect of reality and unable to be effective. This is why the integration of both the heavenly and the earthly is the highest calling of this time — and the true path to creation.

Of course, because we are human, we will not be perfect in our execution of all things at all times.  But, if reaching toward a better world is your goal, it is important to practice consciously, and to always work towards self development.  If we can’t maintain goodness and grace ourselves — how can we have the strength to root out the world’s darkness?

The coming planetary movements in 2023 all harken back to these essential ideas.  This is a time for building spiritual discipline, untangling knots in our consciousness, freeing ourselves from enmeshments and falsehood, facing collective shadow, and exploring human consciousness in all of its facets — deeply feeling the truth of this world — its darkness, and its promise.  We transform the world by first transforming ourselves.  Trying something different.  And exploring the possibilities of what lies just beyond our awareness.

Thank you for reading!

If you are interested in working with me more deeply, one-on-one consultations are available on a limited basis. Please check out my booking page to see my calendar and get in touch.

For Qigong work and energetic development, please see our options at Tao Institute & Tao Institute Online.

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2022: Year of the Water Tiger

Hello everyone!

Today, February 1, marks the new moon in Aquarius, and the Lunar New Year: Year of the Water Tiger!  The energy of the Water Tiger is guaranteed to bring an unpredictable year with many dynamic changes, and opportunities for spiritual expansion & growth.

In this article, I will be going over my thoughts and messages for this coming year.  There are two main sections of this essay — the first is an I-Ching reading for the year, and the second is an intuitive message regarding the spiritual process of these times.  Much of the writing in this post is an amalgamation of my astrological observations of the many active cycles, as well as intuitive messages that I perceive concurrently.  So even if the astrological significations are not explicitly outlined, their underpinnings are present throughout both sections of this piece.

I also wanted to incorporate a message from the I-Ching because I find the I-Ching offers clear and grounded guidance on how to approach the energies of a situation in a way that no other intuitive tool can.  I felt the message that came through was quite useful and astrologically relevant.

I hope you find the multi-faceted approach I take here helpful.

Please enjoy :)

I-Ching Reading for the Collective:
2022 Year of the Water Tiger


Hexagram 60:  Self Restraint
Line 5

“Self restraint helps one to progress.  Anything overdone cannot last long.”

In this hexagram, water is above lake.  If there is too much water in a lake, it will overflow and cause damage to the surrounding area.  If the water level is too low, life will be undernourished.  Likewise, one’s energy much be balanced for life to flourish.

A person’s energy can be managed in the same way that water is regulated by a dam.  If energy becomes too full, the dam will break; if the energy is depleted, there will not be enough in reserve for times of need.  This is a time of self control, self discipline, and self restraint.

This hexagram also gives guidance on how to correctly govern people with wise laws, reasonable controls, and moderate restraints.  Restraint that is rigid or harsh cannot be adhered to, will reap negative results, and thus will not endure.

The appropriate and positive use of natural limitations and healthy temperance in all aspects of life is the primary guidance of this hexagram.  Restraint allows one to know one’s limits.  By recognizing them, one can be free within them and thus conduct oneself properly in any situation.  By not expecting more from a circumstance than is possible, and by not striving for impossible goals, one will be able to conserve one’s energy for other needs.

Line 5 - “Enjoyable, sweet self-restraint.  Good fortune, everything furthers.”

This line represents a strong leader in the right position.  Such a person controls and regulates his life by imposing restraint in a natural way.  By regulating himself appropriately there is benefit.  As master of his own life, he gains the love and respect of others.  Thus, he enjoys the benefit of his habitual self restraint.

(Excerpts from “I-Ching:  Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth” by Ni Hua-Ching)

This message from the I-Ching struck me as quite interesting.  It naturally aligned with the intuitive analysis that I had already written (included in the next section), but brought in a clear concept of temperance that I felt was helpful.

The energy of the year of the Tiger, brings strength, intensity, rebellion, power, and unpredictability.  Tiger is also associated with the element of Wood (expansion).  The year’s element of Water, representing the more internal qualities of wisdom and intuition, naturally fuels Wood.  The feeling of this combination is that many things that happen this year will grow rapidly.  A mere seed of a thought can become manifest, and have already grown several branches, before it has even reached the ground.  Even before we crossed the threshold of the first lunar month (February) — the quick-shifting nature of this year seems to have already made itself known.

Water element is sensitive, reflective, and adaptable — yet it can also be extremely powerful and stormy, with big waves and torrential downpours.  Likewise, the nature of the Tiger is famously dynamic and often eccentric.  Tiger can be gentle and lazy, like all cats, but is also fierce and dominant.  There is no question that this is a robust combination energetically — and while the Water Tiger is less temperamental than other Tigers — it is still a Tiger, and it will not be afraid to make its voice heard and its presence known.

One of the challenges that I see ahead for this year is a tendency to go to extremes and become easily exhausted by the constant unpredictable change.  Now, more than ever, it is necessary for us to truly learn the skill of temperance, as is presented by the image of this hexagram.  Temperance with ourselves, temperance with our interactions with the outside world and other people, and temperance with our ambitions.  It is important to not be wasteful of our energy, because this year will bring many demanding tasks before us, and we are best served channeling our energy into those things that require our attention, and minimizing those things that distract or deter us from needed rest, mental focus, and spiritual clarity.

This hexagram is also a useful reminder to not take on too much this year, as there will likely be unforeseen shifts in trajectory — and so all expectations should be held lightly, allowing space for ebbs, flows, and forks.

On a spiritual level, this is a call to simplify and develop more self discipline, in order to bring in and make space for higher energies and important internal shifts.  We need to be attentive to the management of our energy, and work towards removing drains and excesses — whether these be obligations & work we no longer enjoy, or mental & emotional crutches that don’t allow us to grow — the more we can cut away what is unnecessary in favor of greater peace and ease, the better.  Using the image of water as presented in this hexagram, we can reflect that we want our lives and energy to flow naturally, like a calm river.  If there is excess accumulation somewhere, maybe we need to remove some rocks or obstructions to invite more flow, and if there is an area where energy is too sparse, perhaps we need to bring in more fortification to contain the energies better, or redirection, so that scattered energies can unite into one stream.

Another important message from this hexagram is that of rebalancing.  On an individual level, I feel that this is a year of rebalancing our energies after so much intense upheaval.  We are called to spend more time inward — gathering and regenerating — after what has been, and will likely continue to be, a stressful period for most of us.  As we soldier on under the intense pressure of these times, we are becoming wise to productive and unproductive energy investments.  In a way, it’s a time of taking our power back and returning our energy to ourselves, after having exhausted it so rigorously due to the air of constant vigilance the last two years have demanded.  We are learning to be more measured and to respond with a fair dose of realism to outer world chaos.  

On a collective level, I see this rebalancing playing out in the power dynamics between official authorities and regular people.  Many countries will continue to experience upheaval and rebellion due to the simple energetic principle outlined in this hexagram:  Extremes beget extremes, and are not sustainable.  Until the restraint authorities place upon populations is appropriately balanced, there will not be calmness or peace.  We can expect mass protest to increase and get louder until things are dealt with in genuine truth, and all sides are respected and considered.  We will continue to experience the many ripple effects and repercussions of poor policy from the last two years throughout many systems in society — including the ensuing conflict between people and authorities — as institutions continue to fail due to poor management, corruption, and dysfunctional leadership.  Countries that have chosen a more balanced approach in recent years will fare better, but we can assume that all will be affected in some way, as many of the issues are worldwide.

I also feel that more truth will be brought forward this year.  The chaotic energy and information overload of the Gemini North Node transit is starting to wane, and the many pieces and perspectives we are left with will be investigated and evaluated with greater depth, revealing more concrete clarity regarding what has occurred.  I feel this is reflected strongly in the astrology — with the Water Tiger as a figure of great perception, intuition, and clear judgment, along with Western astrological significations such as Mercury retrograde conjunct Pluto (deep investigations) in the Lunar New Year chart, Jupiter in Pisces (truth & intuition), and the North Node transit through Taurus & Scorpio (common sense / skeletons in the closet).

Of course there will also be continued campaigns from authorities to sow confusion, create division, and obfuscate information, along with autocratic assertions of power and moves for control.  Unfortunately, as the South Node (the aspect of the collective soul process we are trying to outgrow) transits Scorpio, the urge to dominate will likely increase.  Yet, equally, so will the urge for investigation and uncovering of the complete truth.  In the eyes of the people, I feel concrete evidence (Taurus North Node) will start to win out over emotional manipulations of power, dominance and dependence (Scorpio South Node).  The shadow will seem stronger than before, but it will also become more obvious.  This contains some benefit, as it creates more openings for people to observe the workings of the shadow, and thus begin to understand how to counter and transmute it.

An important thing to note here is that the negative or weakened attributes of the Water element are fear, anxiety, indecision, and a lack of motivation or will power.  When water is depleted, a sort of complacent anxiety can start to overtake a person — and so this is something that we must be wary of this year and next (Water Tiger/Water Rabbit).  This is why the image of Self Restraint is so key — if we maintain our energy and sense of nourishment, we will not fall into despondency and overwhelm as easily, and will be able to make calm, rational decisions with regards to our destiny — even in the face of unpredictable, and even oppressive, outer circumstances.

With all of that said, I think it is important to remember that the process we are in collectively is a long haul process.  Real progress can be made this year, and many big changes are coming our way — especially in the US, as we are just days away from the first exact hit of our Pluto return (discussed more in this post).  However, it is unlikely that much will be resolved in this year.  All that has happened up until now has merely been a part of the process of revealing how deep the shadow goes.  Human collective consciousness as a whole and the consciousness of nations all play a role in our observation of this.  Put simply, we are still unpacking Pandora’s box.

However, I do also feel that the seeds of new structures will start to peek out.  It might still be some time before we can clearly see what the appropriate systems will be going forward — but the edges of the frameworks might start to emerge in our lives, as we collectively contemplate the lessons we are learning currently, and from history.  What do we want?  What don’t we want?  How do we ensure that the societies of the future are just?  That all people get what they need and are treated with respect?  How do we account for, and balance negative human proclivities?  And most important of all, how do we dismantle the paradigms that lead us to fall into the same consistent traps of power and corruption, that have prevailed for such a large chunk of our history?

The true crossroads is whether or not we will pass through this lesson.  This is the initiation of the shifting of ages.  The painful process we are in now is the fodder for our expansion into a collective golden age of humanity in the next long epoch.  Similarly, on a more present level — it is also fodder for our personal growth, and clearing of karma, as the shift begins within ourselves before it will manifest outwardly into the world.

This feels like a natural segue to the next section — so let’s transition to part 2 of this post, an intuitive message on the spiritual process of 2022, and these times in a grander sense.

Intuitive Message for 2022:
Peace, War, and Visions of a Far Future

Understand this year that turbulence is guaranteed.  It will not be prevented or controlled.  It cannot be managed or hemmed in.  So to find peace, we must build it ourselves, within ourselves.  How can we expect peace in the world if we cannot build it in our own lives?

What an absurd idea it is — to ever expect that such a thing could be given from the outside.  That some authority will provide it to us if we behave properly — and if only we could just get the others to settle down and follow instructions, then, maybe, we could earn back peace.  Is it no surprise that we are at war?  The whole world is waiting around — for it all to go away, for all of us to miraculously start agreeing, going along — and then there can be “normalcy” and then there can be “peace.”  Has true peace ever been attained through the force of external agreements?  Or is peace, as we imagine it, just another Cold War?

And make no mistake, this is a war.  A war that serves to delude us into believing we are nothing more than our lower states.  That we are doomed to fail — and that everything we thought was solid is, in fact, fragile as glass.  We’ll always be selfish, we’ll always succumb to hate, and we are not capable of reaching a true understanding.  This is “human nature,” they say.

Distortions and shadows brought into our consciousness over millennia — these are real, and they will require real work to overcome.  But we are not these things — no matter how convincing it might seem to believe that we are.  Our true higher nature is bigger than that.  The purity of our souls is far beyond that.  The only trouble is our own realization of what we already are.  The only work is our own clarification of what is already pure.  And to realize, ultimately, that we have all of the power to change everything.  To create a peace that cannot ever be given.

We will never be able to control the thoughts and opinions of our neighbor — and have likely already discovered that such an effort is wasteful, and goes nowhere.  Even if coercion is won, it is won bitterly, and without a sense of the natural, authentic internal change that comes with true insight.  What comes instead of peace — is resentment.

Resentment is the pyre built by warring ideologies and those that benefit from the war.  Grudges, acrimony, and antagonism are the source of all historical and present conflicts.  Righteous anger, becomes generational outrage, and furthers the spiral of deep sadness and wounding.  Truth gets lost in the damage done — as what is true becomes no longer relevant, bifurcates, and degenerates — inverting original intent and once sound reasoning into chaos, and into a new emerging truth of pain and cyclic harm that strangles and stifles progress.  Bitter wins are not victories, and quiet compliance is not peace.

The real fight is the fight of clambering out of the darkness of amnesia and insanity — the darkness of believing anything is solved when the war is won.  The real fight is facing a collective crossroads of destiny, and choosing the high road, disavowing the low road, and refusing to succumb to the seduction of familiar enslavement in favor of the unfamiliar and daunting difficulty of our real work.

The real work of peace is the work of purification, transmutation, and overcoming our lower states.  The real work of peace is becoming the person you expect others to be — to be impeccable, and self responsible.  To maintain respect, and integrity.  To honor others.

Until we can truly master sovereignty — we cannot regain a sense of healthy community.  We will always try to get others to meet our expectations and become upset when they don’t.  Disputes will emerge and cleave irresolvable impasses between individuals and groups.  Working through the dilemma of individualism and collectivism is very much thematic of the Aquarian age — as these two orders of our existence and nature must become appropriately aligned and ultimately unite.  Currently, we are far from clearly perceiving the way of this new internal matrix — which is the order of the next epoch.  The true version of the new order is something we must evolve into organically — and only after we have begun to build it within will we be able to establish correct societal systems in reflection of this internal reorientation of human collective consciousness.

The systems in place in our world today are the old guard.  Those that have accrued power in this system are not the architects of the new world — as they have gained their power through the paradigms of oppression, subjugation, and human sacrifice by way of war, slavery, and other atrocities.  It is not likely for those who have gained control through corruption to become suddenly altruistic, and it is equally unlikely that any new system presented by this so-called “upper echelon” of society will be any different than the last.  They have built themselves through the DNA of the dying age — and their creations and constructions will not withstand the changes of the one that is emerging.  That is why the new world will — and must — come as a soul urge from the collective of humanity.  That is why peace must be earned truly, and not won by a side.

On a pure energetic level, as more and more layers of the new paradigms begin to integrate into the consciousness of humanity organically, it will eventually become impossible for the older paradigms to maintain their footing.  Their material amassment will not matter.  It will become like an antiquated law that people no longer abide by.  Like a bit of energetic grime stuck to the dish pan — with some good soap, and enough water, it will not be able to hang on.  With the unfolding changes, their world will disappear.

The only thing that could possibly derail this outcome is if people continue to remain closed to the reality of the threshold we are actually at, and continue to believe that history is doomed to repeat itself without further consideration.  Even then, I suspect the derail would not be permanent, but the crossroads is nonetheless real.  This is a test we have not yet answered — and there is much more unknown than there is known.  A great deal of the ultimate destiny of humanity is up to us, on an individual, and collective level, to develop our higher faculties of intuition, and to begin cultivating our understanding of spiritual science, to clearly see the energetic world as it is now, as it has been, and as it has the potential to be.

So our work is on ourselves first.  In unwinding and unhooking the innumerable distortions that determine our perception of reality — and in opening our awareness to the unseen structures of the next epoch.

Our problems are real, and they are many.  This moment carries karma that harkens back as far as the earth’s most ancient human civilizations — civilizations on which we have no, or very little, written history.  Our memories and traumas as a human race are highly activated as we work to make new choices, in almost complete blindness.

Easily, and quite often, the task can feel impossible to our human selves.  The idea that the current reality and order could ever change — and the idea that it is even possible for us to collectively overcome our basest instincts — are two of the biggest stones in our path.  But yet, if we tune in, that glimmer of the high road still exists — a foggy path you can only see as you are walking on it.  A new path, that is being created with every step.

Beyond the shadow is a light that is unshakable.  Work tirelessly towards clear vision — even if it is never realized and never rewarded.  One day, your eyes may see a path that no one else can.

Thank you for reading!

If you are interested in working with me more deeply, one-on-one consultations are available on a limited basis. Please check out my booking page to see my calendar and get in touch.

For Qigong work and energetic development, please see our options at Tao Institute & Tao Institute Online.

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Lunar New Year Message: 2021 Year of the Metal Ox

Hello Everyone!

Today is the Lunar New Year! Happy New Year!

I wrote up this short overview for the year of the Metal Ox, and wanted to share it with all of you. I am hoping to return with more in-depth astrological writings soon! In the meantime, please feel free to follow me on Facebook or Instagram for some of my more spontaneous, off-the-cuff astrological posts :)

Enjoy :)


2021: Year of the Metal Ox

As of today (February 11) we officially cross the threshold from the Yang Metal Rat to the Yin Metal Ox. With the Western charts showing a 6 planet stellium in Aquarius squaring both Mars & Uranus in Taurus, this is not likely to be a calm, uneventful year. However, the Ox does bring with it a sense of firmness, resilience, and strength that might make weathering the changes of this year feel a bit more graceful than the last.

Both the Rat and the Ox have a quality of resourcefulness and resilience. The Rat's native energy is water -- and it therefore relies on its flexibility, cleverness, and intuition to adjust to afflicting forces. The Ox on the other hand is native to the earth element, and relies on its steadiness, literal heaviness, and unperturbed discipline to endure and overcome all obstacles. Those who have Ox prominent in their Chinese astrological nature have an iron will and determination to overcome that allows them to outlast their peers in any area of their interest.

Ox energy encourages us to cultivate the discipline necessary to stay focused towards our long term visions. Everything about 2020 and the coming years is about major overhaul of systemic issues — those of society and our personal lives. There are no more bandaids to the problems that have erupted, and so we are faced with the hard work of changing deeply ingrained patterns and social structures in our lives and in our world. The Metal Ox provides energetic support for us to face these difficulties with strength and motivation, and to maintain faith that our work is ultimately meaningful.

The Metal element (which is the elemental influence for both 2020 & 2021) is an extremely intense phase of energy. It is sharp, conductive, mental, and ordered. Metal element is about purity and clarity — and when impurities are present it can become chaotic. Because the Metal element loves order, it helps us see what we need to cut out (like a knife) and what we need to contain and set boundaries around (like a bowl) in order to restore order. Disordered Metal is like a ball of ungrounded wires — ordered Metal is like a smooth circuit that conducts high amounts of electricity. In my observation, this element is the most extreme in how it operates. Its response to stress tends to go back to how well the base structures are functioning. Metal tends to be inflexible and so it either performs extremely well, or is blowing fuses, with nothing in between. Thus, the reflection of poorly managed structures in our society today is all the more evident to us.

Along with the Western Astrological emphasis in these years on Capricorn (old structures, authorities & powers) and Aquarius (new ideas, visions, technologies, individualism, society as community) energies, the Metal element is presenting an important opportunity for us to take stock of what is happening, and acknowledge how many of our long wrought systems have failed humanity time and again. This gives us the fodder for change, clarity on what needs to be changed — and ultimately a real time experiential encounter with these flaws that will lead us to the “How” of future resolution.

Key words for the Ox are: Endurance, Patience, Resilience, Hard Work, Faith, Good Will, Methodicalness, and Honesty

So after all of the scurrying that the Rat brought about in 2020 in order to adjust to the upheaval, 2021 is a year to slow down, be a bit more reflective, and take our time with all that we are creating. The Ox energy will influence us, also, to be more decisive with our time, actions, and many other issues that arise in our lives. Many of us might feel the sternness brought on by the Ox energy is a welcome shift to assist in dispelling distractions.

I hope that you all have a wonderful 2021 — Wishing you all love, prosperity and peace. :)

2019 Lunar New Year Report: Year of the Yin Earth Boar

Hello everyone!

I am happy to announce this year’s Lunar New Year report on the Yin Earth Boar has arrived! This report was a massive effort and includes an in-depth analysis of the Lunar New Year, as well as the aspect patterns and influences throughout the entirety of 2019 into 2020. This is a report you will want to reference again and again throughout the year as we are entering an extremely potent and pivotal time period, and events in this time period are sure to change the course of our lives, and the trajectory of humanity.

I have made this report available as an individual download or as a combined download with January’s Eclipse report, as the events of January hold relevance to the year ahead and I feel it would be beneficial for readers to have both as a joint reading.

Please click below for more information on the Lunar New Year report for 2019 :)

The 2019 Lunar New Year Report: Year of the Yin Earth Boar contains 17 pages of in-depth astrology analysis for the year of 2019.

This report includes:

  • A short retrospective reflecting on how the energies of 2018 played out and the influences which lead into 2019

  • An explanation of the Chinese Lunar Years and how I work with them

  • Analysis and dates for all major planetary aspect patterns of 2019

  • Comprehensive & intuitive analysis of the Year of the Earth Boar as a whole from an East/West perspective

All of my astrology writings are geared towards spiritual evolution and deepening ones understanding of energy as it plays out in our lives.

Thank you for your support :)



Personal readings & gift certificates are available and you can book online anytime!  Please click below for more information :)

2018 Year of the Earth Dog // Lunar New Year & Solar Eclipse


On February 15, 2018 under the New Moon in Aquarius at 4:06PM EST, we welcome in the Lunar New Year – The Chinese Year of the Earth Dog!  This lunation also happens to be a solar eclipse – which supercharges the energy of the 2018 Lunar Year, making it a powerful year for change and soul evolution.  This year will be a significant turning point -- with many choices made during this year having a lasting impact on our lives, as well as setting us up for the major astrological alignments that are to come within the next several years.  This year, it is all about seeing the long view and integrating all of the lessons and realizations of recent years to create our lives from a place of wisdom and clarity.

Please enjoy this perspective on the spiritual lessons and projects ahead of us during this time period.  I hope that you find it helpful and illuminating with regards to your personal direction and process at this time :)

First, a bit of background on the Lunar Year Cycle and why I use it:

As a practitioner and teacher of the Chinese Taoist Arts, I work with Taoist cosmology and energy theory on a daily basis.  Although my primary astrology work is based in the Tropical perspective, I am greatly influenced by the Taoist system in many ways.  In observing both people and current events, I have found the lunar years to be extremely useful in understanding the overall themes and character of a year.  The correlations between East & West are often uncanny – and so I have found drawing from both offers a well-rounded view of what’s ahead.

The Lunar New Year begins on the 2nd new moon after the winter solstice.  This is a time period where we are beginning to transition from winter to spring, and as such naturally feel a sense of settling more fully into the energies of the year.  In the Chinese Zodiac, those energies are defined by the 12 animal signs and 5 elements, which are paired and cycle through over a period of 60 years.  Each year within this 60 year cycle has its own distinct flavors based on the animal/element combination and of course the planetary and star-based factors that we know so well from the Tropical astrological view.

When I look at a Lunar New Year chart, I observe both the patterns of the animal/element from the Chinese / Taoist Cosmology point of view, as well as the Western Astrological planetary factors that are shown at the time of the New Moon.  This helps me see a lot about the function of a year as a spiritual process, as well as what it might be like from the mundane view.   The natural interweaving of these is what I will describe in this post – with an emphasis on the former (the year as spiritual process), rather than the latter.

2018 Year of the Earth Dog Analysis:

As mentioned earlier, 2018’s Lunar New Year energy is especially powerful as it is also a solar eclipse.  The eclipse that initiates the Earth Dog Year directly corresponds with that mega-powerful Solar Eclipse that crossed the USA back in August.  In fact both eclipses in this cycle (January 31’s Total Lunar Eclipse & Feb 15’s Partial Solar Eclipse) activate many of the same degrees as the August eclipses -- So everything that came up last summer has been back up this month with a vengeance, and we may feel that the time has come to make the decisions and commitments that will define our lives going forward.  It is the implementation of and dedication to these decisions, commitments, and projects that will characterize 2018.

However, this does not have the same “hit the ground running” feel that the previous years have had.  Earth energy, is by nature, measured and methodical – which is quite the opposite of our recent experience.  The last two years were fire years – the Yang Fire Monkey & Yin Fire Rooster/Phoenix.  Two extremely strong characters paired with an extremely potent element – about as unpredictable as you can get!  Fire energy is the most unstable and most difficult to control element in the Chinese Zodiac and this energy was very strongly reflected and even amplified in Western charts -- especially in 2017 with a massive grand fire trine dominating the sky for a good part of the year.  Under these energies change flew into our lives rapidly and wildly, and for the most part all we could do was respond.

Moving into the earth year, the momentum is slowing waayyy down.  Since the winter solstice, which was strongly defined by Saturn’s transition into Capricorn, we have been actively feeling this deceleration.  This is not to say we are less busy or experiencing less change – we may in fact feel we are facing more than we ever have before in terms of workload, karmic backlog, and transformation – but the tone of the process has become quite a bit more heavy – more meticulous, more deliberate, more “at the bottom of Mount Everest looking up.” This tone shift may have felt somewhat abrupt after how hectic it has been, but it offers something very important – which is the time and space to “digest” all that has come to pass in recent years.

In Chinese astrology, the Earth element is the element that combines and harmonizes all of the other elements.  It is the pure “yin” – the absorbing element – and is literally correlated with the stomach and digestion in Chinese medicine.  If earth is weak or imbalanced in the body – then the entire system is affected.  When Earth is restored, the center is restored, and balance can begin to return to other areas as well.  As such, Earth times are not a time of fast, intense, hard change, but a time of integration, introspection, moderation and establishing stability & strength by way of the insights gleaned from previous years.

In this case, the process of integration is quite involved.  From a cyclical perspective, earth element years fall about a decade apart -- and in the past decade, the world has seen incredible change!!!  Back in 2008 (Year of the Earth Rat), the world economy was greatly disrupted when Pluto made its first ingress into the sign of Capricorn (the sign of the government/social order/financial institutions), followed quickly by many other significant planetary shifts and alignments that have shaken up our world, inside and out. In the process of the past decade, many things that had been long established shifted dramatically.  And our ideas about what is important to us, what we really need, and where we’re going have also shifted as a result.

So the integration, rebuilding, and stabilizing process that we are currently facing is one that involves the transformation of ourselves and society.  Quite literally.  And what that really means, at this time in history, is a total reform of many pre-established social constructs that we carry deeply within ourselves, as well as those institutions and systems that pervade culturally throughout society.

Incidentally, the Earth element in the Chinese system is also correlated with Saturn – the planet that speaks specifically to creating order and new structures - and Saturn’s influence during this period of time is extremely powerful on all counts.

  • Both 2018 & 2019 are Earth element years, and therefore Saturn ruled.

  • Remember how I mentioned it was Pluto’s transit into Capricorn that initiated the huge economic collapse of 2008? Well, now Saturn is transiting that same sign over the course of the next 3 years, stirring up all of the broken pieces left behind in Pluto’s wake.

  • While in Capricorn, Saturn is going to make an extremely potent, epochal conjunction with both Pluto and Jupiter in 2020, an alignment that will undoubtedly trigger a significant sea change with regards to Capricorn institutions (governments, banks, the structures that hold society together).

  • In fact, from now until 2023, Saturn will be in its own favorite signs of Capricorn & Aquarius – strengthening its general vibration for this time period and putting a special emphasis on social/societal overhaul.

  • And on top of all this, Saturn is the ruler, and therefore influencer, of the transiting South Node (representing karmic past and shadow self) until May of 2020, making us truly aware of how deeply embedded the issues really are, and how much will power, attention and care is needed to overcome these.

All of this basically spells:  MAJOR OVERHAUL!  It really does not get more Saturn than this!

With an energy like this operating as the primary baseline for the next several years, it is essential that we take the time to fully digest our lessons and regularly evaluate our lives for authenticity, clarity, and alignment with our karmic purpose – or we will find ourselves running headlong into obstacle after obstacle.  The next two years are years of learning to respond to change – not impulsively or purely on instinct as we’ve had to in a lot of recent times – but having thought it through, weighed it out, and consciously decided.

Saturn in Capricorn is especially focused on taking our life and whittling it all down to the most essential aspects, and creating the order of our lives in the image of our ideal.  This is the planet and sign of mastery over the material realm – the ability to navigate our lives in the highest perfection possible.  To do this takes discipline, focus, and discernment – the ambition to look realistically at what our lives ARE, and make cold evaluations on where we’ve succeeded and failed, as well as how to make actual, tangible improvement.

Saturn can be a challenging influence for many people, as it constantly pushes our growth and doesn’t leave room for excuses. In general, because 2018 is influenced by an eclipse, the lessons and triumphs of this year will be greatly amplified.  Because this eclipse is also ruled by Saturn, this is doubly so.  All of our personal Saturn missions are UP – BIG TIME!   Our karmic lessons, inhibitions, spiritual obstructions – especially those focused around our earthly mission and embodiment, are all going to be a source of great focus for this year.  We are likely to feel a lot more pressure to make the right choices, as well as a lot more kick back for even the most subtle missteps.  However, when we are able to adhere to Saturn’s promptings for growth and maturation through its tests and trials, we will emerge feeling empowered and more in control of ourselves and the direction of our lives.

If I were to draw out one major theme for the 2018 Year of the Earth Dog that pulls all of this together – it would be Mastery of Mind.  Dog is an animal that is extremely loyal, protective and fierce – but there is a huge difference between a wild or feral dog and one that is well trained and obedient.  From an alchemical perspective, the Earth Element in Taoist cosmology is linked with the intent.  Intent, in its highest sense, is the directive we receive from spirit.  The mind can be like an untrained dog, running rampantly with distracted thoughts, emotions and misdirected aggression – but is most useful and effective when it knows what its purpose is, and how it can serve its master, the true self.  Dogs respond well to boundaries and to direction that comes from “a higher place.”  Where is your truth, your intention, and your direction in life really coming from?  That is the question we must really get clear on this year – and ideally strive to more deeply develop our connection with the “true” intention that is held within our souls.  Discerning this takes focus, discipline, training and effort, but it is a skill accessible to each of us just as it is for our canine friends.

Clarity of mind and sincerity is what will allow us to access the evolutionary & manifestation energy that is represented by the many archetypes at play in 2018.  The soul aspiration, represented by the North Node in Leo at this time, is about a life created from the pure genius of the heart.  In order to move in that direction, a direction that is desired by many people, we have been undergoing a profound purging of socially embedded core patterns and beliefs – all constructs of mind that present obstacles to the realization of this dream.  Many of the active planetary influences at this time are really feeding this process – inspiring us to dig deep into the darkest areas of our life, society and self, and seek the necessary counsel to become aware of and overcome these burdens to our being.  Not just to “get rid of” the bad feelings, but to resolve real problems at their root, so that the dis-ease can be removed rather than suppressed.

What this time period is really about on the spiritual and evolutionary level is revolutionizing the order from the inside out.  Eclipse periods are always gateways of alignment and deeper visioning, where we have a cosmic opportunity to examine our lives from the soul level.  Eclipses often give us big clues about whether or not we’re on track and are known for doling out “course corrections” that can show up in the form of sudden endings, failures, or new and unexpected opportunities.  A year that is influenced by such an energy is a cosmic opportunity expanded over a larger period of time, with a deeper and more collective push toward change.  The visibility and tangibility of the change, which has already taken root in many individuals, is only going to increase -- with greater and greater ripples out into the culture at large.

This is the true meaning of manifestation – that is, making tangible the vision of the spirit.  This sort of manifestation is not something propelled by the emotion driven will, but an alignment of the self with divine will.  As each year passes, the world becomes more and more Aquarian – with information traveling quickly, both literally and etherically.  When individuals make strides in regaining autonomy from the societal dysfunctions, society can also start to evolve.  Because we have changed, all of those things that we are tied to have the possibility of change.

2018 is an excellent year to get proactive and serious about changing your life for the better, and should be very fruitful for the motivated.  However it is also a year where we ALL will be faced with our shadows and obstructions with greater intensity – and so we must learn to be at one with the process wherever it takes us.

Discipline, focus and order are a huge focus this year – but good will, fellowship, and enjoyment of life are also important to keep the heart remembering.  This is a period of balancing and harmonization, as well as commitment and dedication to what’s truly important to us.  Remember to take your time this year, even when the pressure is strong.  Great change is achieved gradually, deliberately and with wisdom.  On the path to mastery, there is no need to hurry.

Thank you for reading my blog!

Personal readings & gift certificates are available and you can book online anytime!  Just click below for more information :)

New Moon in Aquarius // Lunar New Year // Year of the Fire Monkey


A conversation with a friend today reminded me of the classic Taoist image of Lao Tzu riding atop a Water Buffalo. The symbolism of which is the concept that Spirit (represented by Lao Tzu) rides Matter (the water buffalo). This is the image that strikes me when I consider what has arisen as the primary theme of the year ahead – The Fire Monkey – and that is: redefining the balance between the spirit self and the ego self. The general energy of this theme has been with us for many years now, and has come to us with many different names. Some call it the re-emergence of the divine feminine. Some say it is the dropping of the veils. Some simply refer to it as an awakening. No matter which way you observe it, the overarching perspective is that the presence of spirit is becoming greater, and the dominance of the material is becoming looser. Since the winter solstice I have been meditating upon the year of the Fire Monkey and the prominent Tropical astrology patterns that we face in 2016. The element that I have been speaking to the most is how important it is at this time to find, cultivate, and move from our “center.” As 2016 has unfolded, this sense of need has become even more anchored. The Monkey year promises to bring us many things – but the thing that it demands most rigorously is our absolute alignment with our inner self.


That is – through all of Monkey’s curveballs and challenges – we must learn to work inside first. Our project for this year is to learn to follow our intuition above and beyond our normal capacity. In fact, to work from intuition as a primary, and bring in the power of logic and reason only after the intuitive has been established. For though the Monkey is an animal associated with the mind, science, and analytical pursuits – he is a creature that excels in the realm of research, writing, etc. – Monkey can also take our mind on endless meandering jaunts through the jungle if we do not harness his energy appropriately.   And so the message I keep getting over and over again, is about HOW we harness the power of the mind and learn to wield it.

The Monkey is a free-wheeling, intelligent, and community-oriented animal. Inventive, creative, and a deft problem solver – the Monkey year brings the energy of proactive change, new ideas, and unforeseen new twists in the direction. The Fire Monkey calls us to embrace fun and freedom again after a long stint of seriousness and depressing difficulty. The Monkey energy suggests to me that we need to cultivate this aspect of our spirits REGARDLESS of seriousness and difficulty. Taking a lighter stance and allowing ourselves to step back from a situation, may bring forth solutions more readily. Monkey uses humor to save its own life regularly. It teaches us that even with a joyful and light spirit, we can still be protected – and in fact, it is from a place of less attachment and more ease that we operate with more freedom, even in a tight situation. This is because our attitude when we are in a place of humor is one that expands beyond and transcends. For many people who have been in the deep during this profound 9-year cycle (which this year, 2016, concludes), just the idea of being lighter and more optimistic is enough to put one on edge. The emotional currents of the past decade, particularly since 2008 when Pluto’s ingress into Capricorn brought about great structural upheavals that affected millions of lives, have been far from light – and there still resides a great deal of churning anxieties, weariness, and fear. The fears and attitudes that things never get better, that we live in a society of working wage slavery, political corruption, and extreme lack are all very present in the consciousness of our culture. It’s true that we have been on a slog through a mud pit for what feels like an awfully long period of time – and it is this reason that we feel the contradiction and paradox within the need to be connected to a lighter, freer, more hopeful self (at last), and the simultaneous sense of being bogged down by the resistance and irrational fear of this pull. But if I follow what my spirit wants today – what about work? What about obligations? What about money? What about... what about… what about? Cynicism, self judgment, and reluctance to embrace any idea that hope and sunshine are anything beyond schmaltzy hallmark cards and propaganda theme songs can hold us in place.   We deeply feel a sense that ‘Gone are the days of the carefree self’ and right now we are, as a culture, most interested in discovering real solutions to our very real problems – on a personal and societal level – not just more feel good talk.

So from the outside, we might feel there are plenty of good reasons to ignore the call of our spirit and continue with business as usual, staying within the safe zone of our practical concerns. But our inner selves keep nudging us and nudging us and nudging us! To the point that not acknowledging the pull toward our inner spirit is actually painful in some way. For any who have made it as far as feeling pretty well in tune with the inner self, there is still a sense right now that there is a “great leap” before us from working with spirit in a mostly practical reality – to directing our practical reality from spirit. As inconvenient as it feels, the urge to follow the dream of our life is becoming overwhelming, and demanding the full attention of our spiritual resources. I’m not talking about merely surviving in this world, what I am expressing is what it is going to take to truly and deeply thrive in this world. And by thrive – I mean find fulfilled happiness. In order to arrive at this place of thriving, we need to employ a tremendous amount of inner strength, faith, and TRUST. What we truly want is possible, but the challenge the Monkey presents us is the challenge of maintaining this vision to spite all obstacles and distractions. If you can harness the Monkey mind – this year will leave you better for it.

Now let us consider the Tropical chart for today’s New Moon. I set this chart to the location of Washington, D.C. to be relevant for all USA readers.


The previous analysis comes from both my understanding of the Monkey year as a whole and my sense of the Western astrology throughout 2016 generally… but when we look at the chart for the Lunar New Year specifically there are a number of interesting details which further illustrate this greater theme of “Directing the life from Spirit” that I feel.

First of all I want to talk about two of the major aspect patterns and the correlation with the Monkey… First, is the Saturn-Neptune Square which has been active since the fall. In short, this aspect is about The Structure of Things (Saturn) undergoing a process of Dissolution and Spiritualization (Neptune). Since these planets fall in mutable signs and are also relating with Jupiter (good opportunities, benevolent change) and the North Node (spiritual direction, fate), the sense that things are “malleable” right now is VERY strong. Reality (Saturn) is MORE malleable now than it has been for a VERY LONG TIME.

Pair that basic concept with the fact that we are dealing with Fire in a Metal (Monkey is ruled by the element of Metal) year. In the Chinese 5 element cycle, Fire bends Metal. It is not the most compatible of combinations… as this element of Fire can be seen as creative on its own, but is weakening to the element of Metal, whose typical action is to precision and piercing focus. This metaphor is an almost direct mirror to the Saturn-Neptune Square. One is using water to dissolve the hard structures of metal and earth, while the other is using fire to do the same. When dealing with structures collapsing – even if they are long worn out – confusion and chaos is the natural next stage of the process. This is why we must be so very careful and conscious in our spiritual sharpness – because it is from this place that we can direct the appropriate changes, and make sound decisions. Our ego mind is likely to become too overwhelmed and confused by the outside changes to see it clearly enough.  In the midst of the change, we might not even be able to discern what is happening and may tend to be rash, impulsive, or even attempt to retrench. But the more we try to hold on to the tangible the more elusive it becomes, especially under Neptune’s influence – and the only way beyond the fog is to see past the realm of rational mind and into the realm of the spiritual mind. If the mind is extremely full of conflicting emotions and trying to rationalize everything, it will be almost impossible to figure out what the next step is and make a right choice. It is very important to remember that in this year – even though the impulse to act will be VERY STRONG (especially with Aries on the Ascendant and Mars impacting the New Moon!) – making wise action is tantamount. And in some cases that might mean waiting even when you don’t want to wait. Or sometimes it might mean following and flowing with the situation until the right action emerges. In all situations it is important to continue to do the things that you do in your life to cultivate your strength of spirit – because in order to affect positive change in your life, and world, your spirit needs to be strong enough to influence its surroundings in a positive way, rather than be continually influenced by things on the outside. Though this is an active year with a lot of outgoing movement, spending some time inward to keep in tune with this spiritual vision and inner truth is going to be necessary to keep it peaceful and relatively smooth.

The second pattern I wish to discuss before talking about the chart as a whole is the Uranus-Pluto Square. In the chart for Washington D.C. Uranus is SMACK DAB on the ascendant and Pluto is prominently placed in the 10th house.   This pattern has been a major influence in shaking up the world since 2012 and is finally beginning to separate this year. However, its close aspect and prominence in the Fire Monkey chart should not be overlooked – even though Uranus & Pluto do not make another exact square this year, they will be making sure the job gets done. This really adds to the instability mentioned – even if it is familiar instability – and in this chart I believe it speaks to many of the things I mentioned about directing the mind.   In this case specifically, Uranus on the Ascendant (conjunct the Part of Fortune & Vesta – the Goddess asteroid of the hearth, keeper of the eternal flame of truth, focus, and passion) really speaks to the power of individual autonomy, particularly when working from a place of the clear-divine mind in order to revolutionize the personal self and the “self” ego image of society as it currently is.  Uranus has a tendency to shock, and will encourage an energy of individualism and freedom at all costs in this powerful position.  It will not yield to conform and will instead be inclined to rebel.  This is where the Fire Monkey energy can be very intense -- as it will generate a lot of forcefulness around its ideas, for better or worse.  Uranus tends to bring about change and revolution that serves more people, but the energy is quite difficult to control in this fire sign of Aries.  On an individual level we need to really work on our impulse control, especially when anger is triggered, as the outbursts can be explosive.  However, this can be useful for gut flip and switch type decision making -- in moments where there is pressure to act and act NOW and we have no other choice, we can appeal to divine mind for the quick response.  In a similar sense, this energy can also bring sudden insight, and is likely to also bring major, sudden shifts in individual rights and the social scene as a whole in 2016.

At the same time Pluto, the planet of intense evolution, is in the 10th house of the public, forming a square to Uranus & the chart Ascendant as well as connecting with Venus (social connections, harmony) & Jupiter, suggests profound change at the structural level will be a huge theme of the year, as it has been for some time. The main difference that I sense from this year over years previous is that the structure has loosened so much now, that there is finally room to insert some new energy – and these new energies/structures/etc. will be most successful if they are coming from truly new, strong, soul level evolved perspectives… whereas anything that attempts to create from the dysfunctional paradigm that is now falling apart, will also show itself to be dysfunctional and ultimately destructive.  This is not to say that those dysfunctional elements won't try their best -- this will certainly be a big part of the energy of the year, especially for the U.S. with an election coming up.  But by and large the power structure has been destabilized, and with the appropriate use of will and gathering the Monkey energy has the capacity to really fight for its rights and make demands for change through persistence and also perhaps, some new inventions, techniques, and strategies.  Pluto in close aspect to Venus will challenge us to really change how we relate to each other and especially in public spheres.  We must try to learn to understand power from new levels if we wish to make genuine changes or else the patterns of power that we are used to are bound to persist.  The plus side is that people will not be easily controlled or manipulated under this Monkey energy, and so will not as easily fall for obvious power plays.

Pulling back to look at the chart as a whole, we can see that the energies are mostly residing in societal houses – 10th, 11th, and 12th, houses with a few very important keys in the 6th house of work/environment/service, the 7th house of relationships, and the 8th house of deep psychology, sexuality, and shared resources.  The New Moon itself is in the social, community-oriented sign of Aquarius, happily presiding in its home -- the 11th house. This connects to Monkey’s more social element… Monkey wants us to collaborate, be active in community endeavors, support one another, develop friendliness and networking, and contribute cooperatively to the greater good of the tribe.  This year, with such an emphasis in the chart on the public houses, there is a great deal of focus on what we can do on a much larger social level.  This is yet another reason why our work on strengthening our own individual spirit has been and remains so important... since what we do with ourselves has the potential to greatly influence the other people around us.  The clearer we become, the more fearless we are, and the more deeply we realize our truth, the more effortlessly we can affect change.  If we work from our heart, and from spirit, many other spiritual friends will come to join our mission and we will feel happiness in these connections.  This can be a great year to team up with friends an do group projects or simply invite more collaborative elements to your business.  Collaborations can help build the visions of multiple individuals and be supportive for all people involved.  The energy here expresses that we don't need to live our lives through the idea that it's a dog-eat-dog world, nor do we always have to be lone wolfs.  At least, in this year, the more we connect, collaborate, and feel 'a part of' the better and more grounded we will feel about creating real, impactful, and long term change in the larger culture.

The final, important key to this chart is the Virgo Jupiter-North Node conjunction in opposition to the Pisces Chiron-South Node conjunction in the 6th and 12th houses respectively. This is a big energy theme for this winter and will influence the Monkey year. Jupiter and the North Node together bring luck and good opportunities – positive connections that can greatly influence our future path… especially in the realm of our service to the world, greater mission, and spiritual goals. Chiron on the South Node shows that we are also in a process of really working through the DEEPEST of our old wounds, especially around our failed ideals.  Times when we’ve fallen for illusions, when our unrealistic expectations caused heartbreak, when we were punished for being a dreamer, and when we believed in something that didn't work out are all things that can show up here. Anxieties, feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, uncertainty of what is real, feelings of hopelessness, despair, and not knowing if we’re doing the right thing are all a part of this wound. This combination basically wants us to use these wounded experiences, lost feelings, and mystical visions to create something practical and useful for the future going forward.  This can include creating positive spiritual habits, new health routines, learning to apply ourselves anew, creating outlets for our previous grief and guilt, and also opening ourselves to meet the important people who can help us along the way.  This combination of energies is extremely powerful for bringing in healing energies, spirits, and higher guidance.  Now is definitely a time to connect with mentors, begin or deepen spiritual studies, begin or deepen anything that pertains to healing, or health.  The idea is grounding the mystical and spiritual forces into some kind of form -- using the insight from the Pisces realm to inform the order that Virgo so desires to manifest.  And to use the Virgo energies of discernment and analysis to make sure that every idea is authentic, useful, and helpful.  I sense also with this combination that this is a wonderful time for people who are already established in a field of study to bring some new levels to it -- perhaps of their own insight and creation.

Overall, my feeling is that we are entering a phase that is more like Lao Tzu riding atop the water buffalo. More and more, the concept that the material dominates is becoming old paradigm logic. The concept that we need to leave the world of the material to become spiritual, is also old paradigm. The time we are in is about integrating spirit with our every day lives. This paradigm is about the mythic and magical shift back to a reality where the spiritual rules and the material supports. In order to arrive at this we must ultimately honor both sides of reality equally and simultaneously.  When we make it a task to tune in to our inner self before going about our every day activities, we have an opportunity to live more and more from this integrated reality.

Follow the pull of spirit to spite the ego. Find the place of trust. Honor the physical through positive routines and lifestyle choices – but let it happen from a place of natural flow, rather than an enforced ego goal. Trust. Trust that stability is easily found when one allows oneself to be internally guided and that the earth beneath us supports our honest endeavors and simple needs.  All that we manifest depends entirely on the strength and purity of our inner work. The stronger we are inwardly, the more clarity we have inside, the more powerful the influence and capability to create positively in the world. Learn to direct the mind. And do so with the humility and willingness to yield to the higher messages that we receive. And we should be able to find peace within chaos, stability in uncertainty, and wholeness of self.

All things happen in their due time, in flow, effortlessly.  Stay undistracted.  Live from the inner self.  And work that Monkey ingenuity to create positive change and empower others in your community.

Happy New Year -- for real this time :)

New Moon In Aquarius, Part II: Year of the Wood Sheep, 2015


The Horse year wound down dreamily, with profound emotional processing. Here in Western North Carolina and many places on the East Coast we were even blessed with a dose of winter weather hibernation as the Horse’s final moon waned to a close. Our energy has been low. We’ve been needing to recoup. To break up the routine – to have no routine. To lay in bed all day, ignore our projects, and exist in a state of receptivity, of rest, and of feeling. We feel it acutely: Something old is passing away, while a new dream emerges from the deep. This, as I expressed in last month’s New Moon post, is what I see as the predominant overarching theme in this upcoming Lunar Year of the Sheep. The Horse helped us set things in motion, now it is the Sheep’s job to begin the assimilation process – unburdening our closet of old selves, while gently nurturing the seed of the future. Just think of the shearing of a sheep’s wool – the extra stuff comes off, and with some work and cultivation, we fashion this wool into sweaters, coats, and scarves that continue to keep us warm for years to come. This opening moon of the Lunar New Year is like the shearing process. We feel a bit weak, sensitive and vulnerable. We’ve had a heck of a time recently – and we’re ready for a bit of peace. Most importantly, we are in a place where whatever it was that has been giving us difficulty has showed itself to be not worth hanging on to. So even if we were holding on, hesitating, and struggling – it seems somehow easier to let go of burdensome attitudes and situations right now than it did a year ago when many of these things were initially spun into crisis. Mainly, we’re just TIRED and feeling ready to move on. Whatever it was that caused all of the problems just can’t possibly be that important. Why waste precious energy on that old story, when there are plenty of new ones just waiting to be written? You know, next week, when the Aries energy starts and we’re ready to get off the couch.

An interesting point came up yesterday in a meeting with fellow intuitives that I think is relevant here. It is the idea that sometimes, the way to be free of disturbing energies is as simple as dissolving or dispersing those disturbing energies. Without needing to analyze, interpret – know how, know why – simply sweep away the debris. This, I feel, is what is happening – after the Horse opened us up, and galloped through our lives with a force, we are left behind with a mess. The ride was so strong, and so fast, that it seemed we might want to write some things down, or remember it, or memorialize something… but when it comes right down to it, the best thing to do is to grab the trash bag and push every broken chard of life directly into it. Right now, we don’t have time to waste playing “What to keep, what not to keep.” Trust that anything that came up during the 2014 Cosmic Shake Down belongs in the “What not to keep” section and be done with it. Because, remember, we are still feeling that new thing on the horizon. That important, big, creative dream – our personal, unique, individual contribution to humanity.  And we can’t let any of that old junk get in the way. That’s why it came up to begin with – because our job right now is to get clear, to be clear, and remove as quickly as possible, as deeply as possible, any and all impediments that interfere with the expression of our true self. Really chew on that one for a while – OUR JOB, Right now, is to see ourselves through the eyes of our UNIQUE perspective, gift, and calling … and let go of any and all psychological, emotional, and subconscious obstructions that keep us off course.

That brings me to the other theme I see powerfully presented in this Lunar New Year chart – and that is the sense that this a year for building new foundations. The interesting thing about these new foundations is that from all angles the element of deep release and divine surrender is also embedded within whatever it is we are planning to manifest. In other words, what I am perceiving from these energies is that what we are driven to manifest must powerfully align with our spiritual ideals and our hopes for the greater good – and, we must proceed with this work through the heart of service. Our ego involvement is not helpful in this situation, and so we are really grappling to connect more deeply and more authentically to bring forth what our heart is calling out for. We must see our creation as a container for something much greater than our small selves, and use this time to gather, test, and play with the many new ideas and visions we have been receiving. Having the willingness to surrender those bad habits that pit us against these higher goals helps us make progress faster, live a more balanced & healthy life, and fall in line with the divine direction more effortlessly.

I think this year it would be wise to avoid certain pitfalls that I see with these energies. Primarily, with the Sheep personality and the aspects in this chart, there can be a tendency to overthink, worry, or be fearful and obsessive. Getting in touch with earthy, grounded activities can be helpful this year as we are basically in a time where the small day-to-day tasks and routines are being laid out. For any void that might be left by the events of last year, we want to incorporate positive new habits and find a sense of steadiness. It is important, also, to cultivate a sense of safety and rootedness. This will help disperse some of the paranoia and subconscious emotional churning that is going to start working us big time these coming years. The sense of physical insecurity and instability of recent years, I feel, will start to ease off and we are entering a phase that will be more intense from a psychological and emotional perspective – so this is a time to really use the information we received in the past several years about what makes a good foundation and build upon it. A good foundation is one that has plenty of room for growth, expansion, and freedom, while also being a place one can return to when feeling lost, confused, or distressed.

Relationships are also a theme this year. Relationships will be a great source of inspiration, of pain, and also of reflection. This can be an area where we need to really shift perspective, or shed some people/things in order to be more authentic and stand in our truth. We feel VERY sensitive to others, and receptive to their energy at many levels. This sensitivity might also bring out the Ram within the Sheep – the more aggressive side of the Sheep that can emerge when his buttons have been pressed just a teensy bit too much! We might find ourselves occasionally defaulting on Independence At All Costs and relationships can quickly devolve into a war of rivaling forces – but compromise and cooperation are called for. Take some time to get clear about your own role and your own feelings before attempting to navigate these shifty waters with the other person. This will aid in smoother sailing for all involved.

I really see the year ahead as a year of visioning for our future, and tying up some loose ends and projects – emotional, karmic, and otherwise – from the last several years to be put away for good as we move into the more active phase of creative problem solving and restructuring that we’ll start to encounter toward the year’s end. I sense, overall, that this Sheep will be a more peaceful creature to contend with than the past year’s hyperactive Horse, and look forward to the calm progress that I think we’ll all feel is welcome now. Artistic, gentle, spiritual, and easy is the Sheep. This is the way we want to work our lives in 2015.