A brief note for week of November 10, 2014


Lots of cycles reaching climax points this week -- now is a time to really consider your current course... Are you where you need to be? Do you need to readjust? What can you do without? What do you want to carry forward? What is the REAL DREAM? Break out, break free, get angry in a productive way, take relationships seriously -- take yourself seriously, and most importantly -- see the vision and do what needs to be done to get there.

In the most succinct summary, that is what we are dealing with this week... Really try to work with this energy! It can be turbulent as heck, but also amazingly productive, empowering, and freeing

Now is the time to take everything you've been learning and working with since October 2012 and start to put it into action! Do it, because right now you have the resilience, the resolve, and the determination to really get it done and set some new parameters in your life for the coming years. The decisions you make now can impact you for the next one, two -- to thirty years! So look at the long range desires, goals, and objectives. Not just emotionally or logistcally -- but from a soul perspective.

October 2014 Eclipses, the nature of change, and other considerations...


Emerging from a long silence – I am here! The prevailing internal storms and external frenzies have subsided just long enough for me to share some feelings on the astrological weather of late. My hope is to make a habit of it, as the winter comes in and I have more time to sort through the bits and pieces of writing scattered across journals about this year, 2014. Below are some thoughts on the October eclipses, and overarching themes of the year and the times… Enjoy!

Reflections on the Astrology of the 2000s through the lens of the October Eclipses…

The first thing that immediately strikes me about both eclipse charts is that here on the east coast, they are occurring right at the horizon lines – such that, this morning, as some might have seen, we had the rare event of an eclipse occurring while the moon was setting and as the sun was rising simultaneously. There’s something beautifully symbolic about that – as some large, prevailing emotional current culminates, ends, or finds clarity, the sun rises again for a new day, as if to remind us that the turbulence of the times will pass, that even in moments of confusion and darkness, we have hardly to wait to receive the light of profound transition.

The horizon of a chart, as some may know, is also the realm that refers most immediately to how we interact with the world. And indeed, these eclipses seem to resonate with the idea of profound transition. Swift, immediate, and surprising.

For the past several years we have been going through a time of immense change and turbulence. Since I’ve been learning and practicing astrology, I feel I have been witness to a fascinating, complex and multi-layered process of unfolding occurring across humanity. Since 2008, when Pluto first made its ingress into Capricorn (followed by Uranus into Aries in 2011, and Neptune into Pisces in 2012), the world has begun a marked process of transformation that has effected virtually everything from the most personal and intimate aspects of our lives to the largest institutions under which we operate. In the past several years, I’ve been writing in this blog to “dream the dream!” and telling clients (and myself) to begin to shape their lives and reality around what it is they really deeply believe in and want for the future. As the social constructs that society has built itself upon continue to shift beneath our feet, the dream of the future has an unprecedented opportunity to take root and blossom into something quite beautiful and different from anything we’ve built in the past.

Each year in this process has brought something distinctly different to the table. Pluto’s ingress into Capricorn (2008), for example, shook, eroded, and broke down the very core structure of society as a whole, beginning a 24 year process of destroy, evolve, and rebuild to systems, governments, and other large and powerful societal constructions. Uranus’ ingress into Aries (2011) created an atmosphere of awakening and rebellion against the outdated, the worn down, and the broken, creating demand for new ways of thinking and innovations to greater serve individual rights to freedom. Neptune’s ingress into Pisces (2012) then added an element of spiritual consciousness to the mix, the veil between the seen and unseen becoming quite fluid and malleable, exposing deceptions and other things of that nature more readily… even making humanity more sensitive to pollutants. These influences and subsequent aspect patterns have worked us from the inside-out to evolve our perspectives and clarify for ourselves what the purpose of life here on earth might be and how we want to live it in better alignment to this purpose.

This year, 2014, I feel, is a climatic point in this overarching process. And these eclipses, a time of major breakthrough and decisiveness in regards to the process. A turning point, if you will.

The thing I find tricky and tenuous about this discussion of the world evolving, is that there are always two sides to the coin – there are those that see only the destructive nature of things, and those that see only the positive, friendly, feel-good parts. Within this process of change there will ALWAYS be both, and change itself can feel like the complete destruction of one’s being – and sometimes, it is. With every overtone of higher evolution represented by planetary energies, there is always an undertone of the deep chaos and confusion also represented by these same energies. There are countless extreme examples in world events of recent years that have a twofold resonance of reflecting the horrific, overwhelming and negative impacts of mismanaged powerful energies – yet, these events have also had the effect of bringing sudden consciousness to issues previously neglected by society at large. The extreme pressure of these events seems to have left no soul unscathed or unchanged. On the micro level of our personal lives, these influences have of course been causing the same disruptions and upheavals in our own natal charts, causing countless people to reassess their careers, their locale, their relationships, and even their very identity.

In my other blog, the very first entry is a quotation I chose from a book called “Ta Chuan, The Great Treatise” by Stephen Karcher that discusses the use of the I-Ching (otherwise known as the Book of Changes). In this quotation Karcher explains that the word Change (Yi, or I in Chinese) is primarily translated as “trouble.” I find this definition relevant to the experience of life in recent years. Change is the one “Unchanging Truth” to use another scholar’s phrase. And when talking about major life evolutions, there are two ways it can happen – either from the outside-in by way of events, obstacles, etc, or from the inside-out by way of observation, allowance and early recognition of patterns/problems, etc. Regardless of how it happens, to me, change is ultimately an inner process – and certainly troublesome as there is no way to avoid it, and often it isn’t easy.

The past few years have been unquestionably intense for people on both an internal and external level – as the “dream” cannot be made real lest we make the necessary internal adjustments and commitments to realize it. These internal adjustments can include but are not limited to: shifts in personal belief structure, overall attitude, and even the letting go of aspects of the identity which do not correlate with the inner yearning. All of this stuff can be super scary, because sometimes it means that you also have to alter outer circumstances that are not in line anymore, but by which we have identified ourselves strongly – such as: ways of being or habits that are no longer healthy (having to set new boundaries, or parameters for your activities), shifting, changing or leaving work/environments/relationships that no longer fit, and in light of all of this -- having the courage to adopt new ways of being that might have seemed out of character or too different in the past. Most people, including myself, have to come to this by suffering losses. However, as we become more conscious of change in our lives, we have the power adjust how we experience change – and life itself! By looking more deeply into ourselves and recognizing incoming shifts and prevailing currents, our outer lives will inevitably be more even keeled, emotionally stable and transitions more fluid and easy.

In 2014, the major aspect pattern has been the cardinal grand cross that was exact this April. This was an interesting contrast to the prior years grand water trine – an expression of healing, fertility and growth. The overall feeling and theme of the grand cardinal cross is a major crisis of action. While we were off dreaming our dreams the year before, in 2014 we were propelled to take definitive action – a type of action that was rife with trials and growing pains as we sought to build a solid foundation for something truly new to us in some way, shape or form. Cardinal energy is the energy of creation, and so that is what this year has largely been about – the initial implementation of the vision we cultivated in the previous year. In the coming years, 2015-2016, what we are starting now will undergo a comprehensive test of authenticity, honesty, and integrity once Saturn moves into Sagittarius and forms a complex T-Square between sobering, logistics-oriented Jupiter in Virgo and disillusioning/spiritualizing Neptune in Pisces. This coming time will be plagued with an initial phase of extremes in thinking and idealism that will ultimately be met with hard realizations about what’s real and what’s not real. It is my intuitive impression and feeling that we are being asked now to align our material perspectives and realities with the higher spiritual ideals we all hold near and dear. All of the fallacies in our approach will become more than evident – which may result in some things falling down like a house of cards. Tricky though it may be, this, to me, feels like a time of reckoning and rebalancing when it comes to world politics and social concerns which are reaching/have already reached a point of critical mass and require profound adjustment.

Now, provided all of that context to what is happening here from my perspective – let’s return to the eclipses of October 2014!

Eclipses are interesting and mysterious events. Though they are cyclic, they often present major changes and shifts in consciousness in reference to ongoing situations. Often, during eclipse cycles, there are happenings that totally change our lives, or our approach to a given situation. Eclipses are fateful, extra potent full and new moons – and with them, they bring clarity, endings and new beginnings. On a spiritual level, I see eclipses as being like points of no return – gateways of time and space where things done can’t be undone and thresholds crossed that can’t be uncrossed. Once you see the truth of the matter, you cannot and will not go back to an old way of being. Perhaps propitious, perhaps ominous -- in either regard, significant and profound.

The October eclipses seem interesting to me for a few reasons. The first, is that this month’s solar eclipse is the final eclipse occurring in Scorpio for some time, giving a sense that there is some final conclusion being made in regard to our Scorpio mission these past few years – which has been especially important as both Saturn (Lord of Karma) and the Nodes of Fate transited this sign simultaneously. The second is the very strong sense of the individual and collective truly breaking out and doing something new and different.

Why, exactly, does this set of eclipses seem to me a tipping point over any other in recent history? From what I’ve observed and experienced previously, I feel as if all events leading up to now have been primarily preparatory. We’ve had to do some work in regards to our personal relationships, we’ve had to develop a vision, we’ve had to do a lot of inner seeing and healing, and we’ve had to make sense of some things – the new things – which we’re fumbling to bring forth. But now, at this time, it seems that the bulk of that work (at least in regards to this particular phase of it) is behind us, and now we are presented with a certain clarity of vision about how to take our lives in the much prepared for new direction.

Today’s eclipse is strongly influenced by inventive, innovative Uranian energy and ruled by an out-of-bounds Mars in Sag, which happens to also be in a grand trine with Jupiter in Leo. Though this combination of energies easily has the potential to become fire burning out control, there is also a very powerful vibe of inspiration, faith, courage, and creative expression that transcends ordinary rules and boundaries. To spite some major pitfalls to such an overabundance of fire, it feels to me interestingly auspicious. Being a lunar eclipse, this can be seen and felt as a culmination of the work we’ve been doing to break ourselves free from the inhibiting circumstances presented by the overarching problems of society. The main warning I sense seems to be reflective of what I see coming in 2015-16 -- we must use this inspiration wisely, and not let our imaginations run rampant with optimism, and be careful to maintain control of our impulses. There is a fundamental sense of new horizons, and greater freedom to do as we choose, if we choose responsibly and intelligently.

The solar eclipse of October 23 seems to carry a similar message as Uranus and Pluto sit firmly on the chart’s Ascendant and Midheaven respectively, implying shocking new approaches and great ambition, power and intensity. This is the final eclipse in Scorpio for some years, and lands on the degree of this month’s influential Mercury Retrograde cycle (giving us the opportunity to really reflect on and feel all that’s happening!) The solar eclipse in Scorpio, to me, is like the final call on our Saturn in Scorpio work of commitments. Though Saturn will continue to dwell in this territory for the remainder of this year and some of next year, we have finally become clear about our Scorpio work – issues surrounding deep intimate relationships with others, and our relationship with power – especially our own power.

Saturn in Scorpio has been an interesting phase. Its commitments seem simple enough on the outset, but in practice seem to probe at the deepest, scariest parts of our being – even when we believe we’d come to terms with these aspects of ourselves. What is curious about it, to me, is that the fears can sometimes be very nuanced and layered. Outwardly we might feel we have no problems committing to our partner, having a child, starting a business, joining the circus if that’s what our soul is calling us to do -- and we absolutely WANT to take on a path in life that is empowering for us… but inwardly there are all of this little hitches and hang-ups that seem to say, ‘Oh you want to do that – well then that means THIS – are you really ready for THIS?’ The THIS is the part of your life that you know will never be the same once you pursue THAT. THIS is us claiming our power and being one with who we are (or aren’t) in the face of potential opposition of others. THIS is the responsibility of our decisions, the narrowing of our focus, the shutting out of one thing to favor the growth of another. THIS is the point of no return – the courage to actually believe in ourselves, our lives, and our path enough to truly align with it.

To me, the energy of “breaking out” and "breaking through" that is described by the aspects seems very much tied up in the conclusions we are making about what it is we are committing to, why we are choosing that path, and then having the courage and the wherewithal to actually manifest this path. It’s like we’re getting the ‘in' – the universe is saying to us – OK, people, it’s cool. Be yourself, express yourself – please! Because it’s through the actions and pursuits of each and every one of us to influence and build a world that we all want to share and be in together. Hopefully, with greater harmony within and without.

OK, so that about covers it.  I have evidently been storing away tons of thoughts for this blog post. I hope you enjoyed it... There’s more to come!

Peace and love, Mela