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2023 Year of the Water Rabbit: Good Opportunity

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!

I hope this new year is treating you well so far, and that any challenges you face soon come to clarity and resolution with ease and grace.

As has become tradition, I am writing this article in acknowledgment of the Lunar New Year, as well as the Gregorian calendar year of 2023.  The tone of 2023 is one of transition, opportunity, and harmonization.  After the upheaval of the last few years, now we regain our footing and begin to face life anew.  It is time to look ahead, create new order, care for the self, and embrace simplicity.

This is a year of greater calm, offering necessary reprieve for reflection and reorientation.  Use this time wisely, as the coming years in this decade are likely to continue to be very intense collectively.  Integrate what you have learned about yourself in the last few years to strengthen your resilience.  Be adaptable.  Soften any remaining edges of rigidity, hyper-vigilance and obstinance.  Reconnect with community.  Remember what is true.

To give a more complete overview of what to expect in this coming year, I will share from both the Eastern & Western astrological perspectives.  Enjoy!

I-Ching Reading for the Lunar New Year:  Year of the Water Rabbit 2023

This year’s casting yielded Hexagram 11:  T’ai, “Peace / Good Opportunity.”  Line number 3.  The italicized quotations presented here are from the I-Ching:  Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth, translation and commentary by Ni Hua Ching.


Earth over Heaven


General Guidance for this Hexagram: 

“Good Opportunity.  In a time of prosperity, something small is given and something large is returned.  Little effort brings a big reward.  Good fortune.  Proceed.”

The hexagram of Earth over Heaven represents peace and integration.  Because of the rising Yang nature of the Heaven trigram, and the sinking Yin nature of the Earth trigram, in this arrangement, the two trigrams intermingle harmoniously.

Master Ni notes in his commentary that a more literal translation of the Hexagram’s title “T’ai” is “Best Order” or “Perfect Condition.”  The suggestion here is that we can utilize a harmonious time to establish appropriate structures, discipline, and alignment that allow peace to be sustained.  During 2023, it will be important to balance one’s lifestyle, health, resources and affairs, and to do so in a manner that is useful and enduring. 

From a Taoist perspective, integration means no extremes.  If there are discordant, stagnant, disconnected or otherwise inharmonious energies in your life, now is the time to observe these, and invite guidance on how to set them in order.  The conditions of this time are much like a still point between worlds — we are shedding our old concept of self and reality, while solidifying new groundwork and new understanding.  The new frameworks that we build in these quieter times will carry us forward through more challenging ones.

Because the energetic conditions are naturally harmonious, adjustment will be more effortless.  Thus it is a good opportunity to strengthen oneself for the future.

Guidance from Line 3:  

“No plateau is without a slope and no forward movement is without a turning back.  One needs to maintain one’s goal without being discouraged by difficulties.  Have no worries and be faithful; thus enjoyment and blessings follow.”

The third line represents a position of transition.  One must maintain control and be firm in approaching one’s goal.  Though this situation may appear beyond one’s capabilities, with firmness, good results can be achieved.

Line #3 is the “specific guidance” of this Hexagram for the year of 2023.  The events of the last several years have been revelatory and have shown us many personal and societal weaknesses.  At the same time, these difficulties have the possibility to embolden us and lead us to greater understanding, personal strength, and resilience.  While this year might not be as eventful as previous years, reflecting upon what has occurred already provides necessary insight as to what we need to know, do, or be going forward.

Once clarity has been established within, the difficulties that arise must be faced courageously and unwaveringly.  Where we might have withered before, we instead stand strong.  The wisdom we have gained through hardship will not be easily thrown off course.  Yet, we should be prepared for unpredictable circumstances, situations, and outcomes — and pursue the path forward with faith regardless.

Characteristics of the Water Rabbit

The year of the rabbit is a yin energy year, which promises a gentler period after the very intense and stormy energy of the Water Tiger.  Elementally, the year of 2022 and 2023 both share a Wood/Water combination.  This is a combination very conducive for growth and expansion.  Many of last year’s themes of simplification and temperance are still relevant this year — and will likely feel easier to accomplish under the Rabbit’s energies.  The turbulent Tiger can be difficult to deal with, and so while normalcy may have been regained in some respect, there were still many big waves to navigate.  Events around the world were far from stable, and in our individual lives many experienced their fair share of upheaval and disruption.

Last year’s I-Ching guidance of “Self Restraint” encouraged discipline, and retaining one’s energy instead of wasting or overextending it.  In our current conflict laden and psychically pressurized environment, such a skill is incredibly useful to develop.  Under the Tiger energy, we had a lot of chance to observe how well we manage our energy.  Tiger’s intense and dynamic vibe can be very active and eventful, leaving one depleted if down time is not respected.  During the Tiger year we were more courageous, and may have undertaken difficult projects, new adventures, or set new boundaries for others and ourselves.  In this coming year, we will have the opportunity to fully integrate our new understandings with regards to these developments and apply our awareness to forging new structures that protect us from wasteful expenditure of energy, resources, and time.

The rabbit is a quiet and gentle archetype that symbolizes elegance, quick responsiveness, kindness and patience.  The rabbit is skillful, responsible, empathetic, and social.  Those born year of the rabbit are very intuitive and sensitive to their environment.  They will not usually flaunt their thoughts and feelings, but will show their true nature through their actions, creations, and gifts.  They tend to be reserved, but demonstrate a gracious and welcoming attitude.

During 2023, we will all likewise feel a bit more amicable, crave peace, and appreciate our solitude and social life equally.  Calmness is refreshing after such stressful years, and our energy for conflict will likely wane, as inward pursuits take precedence.  I will add as a footnote here that 2023 is also a Numerological Year 7 — the number of retreat and spirituality.  So it is likely that many will feel the impulse to focus more on spiritual pursuits, personal healing, and self reflection, especially if the turbulence of the last few years caused disruptions to your usual routine.  Essentially, it feels a bit like the dial on collective noise will be turned down a bit — and we will regain a sense of sweetness in daily life.

Growth in recent years has been much more Yang presenting — dictated quite often by sudden changes in the outer world, events, and chaos from other people.  This year growth will come through inward exploration, clearing and anchoring.  Instead of letting ourselves be wound into collective chaos — how can we instead stay grounded and centered within ourselves?  To gain and maintain one’s own internal stability and clarity, regardless of what is occurring outside, is what is truly useful.  Through that, we can be a vector for productive and creative forces, contribute positively to others and society, and be an active part of facilitating change.

Western Astrological Notes for 2023

A reading for this Lunar New Year New Moon in Aquarius at 1 degree from Ellias Lonsdale’s “Inside Degrees.”


A two-headed calf

Taking a good look at things with an eager eye brings you right into the middle of the dilemma with polarities.  As you stand there faced with the different sides, you are impartial; neither side pulls you more sharply than the other.  Immense opportunity.  Huge challenge.  You have vital potential for brilliant synthesis, but a subtle temptation to think too long.  A schooling in alchemy in every moment—do you find what is ready to emerge, or do you think about it?  Progressive evolution draws you through your mistakes into all that can be.

This reading of the Chandra symbolism for Aquarius 1 was quite apt in conjunction with the other facets of this reading, so I felt it would be useful to share as another look at the same general concept.  This reading in particular centers around harmonizing polarities and the opportunity for alchemization brought forth through the synthesis of them.  It is encouraged to engage with life in real time, rather than becoming lost in abstractions — something Aquarius can be quite prone to.  The  Aquarian dilemma of abstract concepts vs real world application, individualism vs collectivism, and mental vs spiritual paradoxes are some of the most pressing issues of our time.  As Pluto begins its transition into Aquarius in 2023 (following Saturn’s 3 year transit through this sign), we can expect this struggle will continue.

The Lunar New Year chart (set for Washington DC time/USA focus) does seem to orient us towards looking at relationships and facing communication barriers with full honesty.  Conversations and connections are fraught, and can be painful, but continuing on in the way that we have leads us collectively further from truth.  We must be willing to engage impartially — to take the time to investigate things, understand others’ perspectives, and build relationships if we’re to reach any potential of higher realization or collective clarity.  Allowing systemic forces to continue to influence us to engage in division is unwise and is our greatest collective vulnerability and downfall at this time.  Nothing is resolved when there is no listening.

The paradox of Aquarius is that it contains both individualism and collectivism.  These concepts are both expressive of fundamental facets of human development and evolution, and are both important.  In this time, however, the guidance that has been shown to me is that we must develop our individual sovereignty, from a spiritual perspective, firmly, before we can have a healthy collective.  This means we need to learn to cultivate our vertical connection (the energetic link to heaven and earth) first and foremost — and allow our horizontal connection (social orientation, material world) to be born from that.

It is so important to develop one’s own relationship with spirit, and with the earth in order to form healthy and clear personal discernment and presence.  At this time on earth there is an unprecedented level of difficult, dark and chaotic energies creating interference in the mental, emotional and spiritual consciousness of humanity.   Many of these are deeply embedded historical energies that are arising to be cleared, while others are simply born of the egregores of today’s outer world challenges.  If one is not sufficient grounded, it is easy to become confused by all of these cross currents, and lose track of the here and now.

On a more basic level, having a firm connection with one’s own internal alignment, and its alignment with natural cycles, as well as a well-developed relationship with our higher aspects, also allows us to have a healthy relationship with ourselves.  The more attuned we become to our personal alignment with both heaven and earth, the more we will be in rhythm with life, have healthy boundaries, and be able to recognize and correct lower tendencies latent in our nature. This personal work is essential if we hope to develop healthy community in any future time — especially on a larger scale. Pluto’s transit through Aquarius will undoubtedly bring this collective shadow process to the fore throughout the next two decades.  Before we can cross the threshold of the true “Age of Aquarius” we must deeply reckon with the roots of corruption that darken communities, organizations and governments — and learn to move from clarity rather than fear or control.  There is no true freedom from the evolutionary loop if this is not resolved.

From a Taoist perspective, the heaven & earth connection is the essential integration that we as humans have the power to actively develop.  To integrate both heavenly & earthly energies, is to be capable of manifesting higher energies through one’s earthly form to the physical world.  If we only orient ourselves through the horizontal plane — socially, intellectually, materially, so on — we are subject to the currents of those realities.  The needs of our soul may or may not be regarded.  And because we are not utilizing our natural alignment or listening to natural order, it is also difficult to create tangible change.  In this case, we may find ourselves simply repeating the cycle.

Being oriented only in the horizontal aspects of reality — that which is visible — is a form of being too “earthly.”  In this point of view, it might also be considered being too “human only” — not respecting earthly cycles or heavenly cycles.  However, it should be understood that there is also a pitfall of being too oriented in “heavenly” energy only.  This is when a person is floating about in the spiritual aspect of reality with no grounding.  While it may appear to be more “exalted” than the “human only” orientation, this, too, is imbalanced.

In the Taoist perspective, it is important to be able to live a “plain, simple life” in the world.  To understand what it means to be in society, to have a home, to pay your bills, cook food, and tend to basic survival.  If one is only focused on spirituality and is not able to bring this into their life in an authentic way, the energy is ungrounded.  On a similar note — all spiritual concepts, philosophies, etc, that one takes on should also be functional in the regular world.   A large part of integration work is alignment, as I have mentioned — which means eliminating hypocrisy and internal contradictions.  Walking your talk.  Whatever virtues one cultivates must be embodied completely and universally.  Not selectively.

Additionally, one of the most important aspects of cultivating our awareness of spiritual reality is to bring the wisdom and purity of heaven into the material world. To give back and serve, even in simple ways. Similar to how the pitfall of being “too human” doesn’t invite alignment to cosmic forces and thus perpetuates the cycle of human limitation, the pitfall of being “too spiritual” doesn’t allow us to ground higher evolutionary change into the world. In both instances, one is separated from an essential aspect of reality and unable to be effective. This is why the integration of both the heavenly and the earthly is the highest calling of this time — and the true path to creation.

Of course, because we are human, we will not be perfect in our execution of all things at all times.  But, if reaching toward a better world is your goal, it is important to practice consciously, and to always work towards self development.  If we can’t maintain goodness and grace ourselves — how can we have the strength to root out the world’s darkness?

The coming planetary movements in 2023 all harken back to these essential ideas.  This is a time for building spiritual discipline, untangling knots in our consciousness, freeing ourselves from enmeshments and falsehood, facing collective shadow, and exploring human consciousness in all of its facets — deeply feeling the truth of this world — its darkness, and its promise.  We transform the world by first transforming ourselves.  Trying something different.  And exploring the possibilities of what lies just beyond our awareness.

Thank you for reading!

If you are interested in working with me more deeply, one-on-one consultations are available on a limited basis. Please check out my booking page to see my calendar and get in touch.

For Qigong work and energetic development, please see our options at Tao Institute & Tao Institute Online.

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2022: Year of the Water Tiger

Hello everyone!

Today, February 1, marks the new moon in Aquarius, and the Lunar New Year: Year of the Water Tiger!  The energy of the Water Tiger is guaranteed to bring an unpredictable year with many dynamic changes, and opportunities for spiritual expansion & growth.

In this article, I will be going over my thoughts and messages for this coming year.  There are two main sections of this essay — the first is an I-Ching reading for the year, and the second is an intuitive message regarding the spiritual process of these times.  Much of the writing in this post is an amalgamation of my astrological observations of the many active cycles, as well as intuitive messages that I perceive concurrently.  So even if the astrological significations are not explicitly outlined, their underpinnings are present throughout both sections of this piece.

I also wanted to incorporate a message from the I-Ching because I find the I-Ching offers clear and grounded guidance on how to approach the energies of a situation in a way that no other intuitive tool can.  I felt the message that came through was quite useful and astrologically relevant.

I hope you find the multi-faceted approach I take here helpful.

Please enjoy :)

I-Ching Reading for the Collective:
2022 Year of the Water Tiger


Hexagram 60:  Self Restraint
Line 5

“Self restraint helps one to progress.  Anything overdone cannot last long.”

In this hexagram, water is above lake.  If there is too much water in a lake, it will overflow and cause damage to the surrounding area.  If the water level is too low, life will be undernourished.  Likewise, one’s energy much be balanced for life to flourish.

A person’s energy can be managed in the same way that water is regulated by a dam.  If energy becomes too full, the dam will break; if the energy is depleted, there will not be enough in reserve for times of need.  This is a time of self control, self discipline, and self restraint.

This hexagram also gives guidance on how to correctly govern people with wise laws, reasonable controls, and moderate restraints.  Restraint that is rigid or harsh cannot be adhered to, will reap negative results, and thus will not endure.

The appropriate and positive use of natural limitations and healthy temperance in all aspects of life is the primary guidance of this hexagram.  Restraint allows one to know one’s limits.  By recognizing them, one can be free within them and thus conduct oneself properly in any situation.  By not expecting more from a circumstance than is possible, and by not striving for impossible goals, one will be able to conserve one’s energy for other needs.

Line 5 - “Enjoyable, sweet self-restraint.  Good fortune, everything furthers.”

This line represents a strong leader in the right position.  Such a person controls and regulates his life by imposing restraint in a natural way.  By regulating himself appropriately there is benefit.  As master of his own life, he gains the love and respect of others.  Thus, he enjoys the benefit of his habitual self restraint.

(Excerpts from “I-Ching:  Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth” by Ni Hua-Ching)

This message from the I-Ching struck me as quite interesting.  It naturally aligned with the intuitive analysis that I had already written (included in the next section), but brought in a clear concept of temperance that I felt was helpful.

The energy of the year of the Tiger, brings strength, intensity, rebellion, power, and unpredictability.  Tiger is also associated with the element of Wood (expansion).  The year’s element of Water, representing the more internal qualities of wisdom and intuition, naturally fuels Wood.  The feeling of this combination is that many things that happen this year will grow rapidly.  A mere seed of a thought can become manifest, and have already grown several branches, before it has even reached the ground.  Even before we crossed the threshold of the first lunar month (February) — the quick-shifting nature of this year seems to have already made itself known.

Water element is sensitive, reflective, and adaptable — yet it can also be extremely powerful and stormy, with big waves and torrential downpours.  Likewise, the nature of the Tiger is famously dynamic and often eccentric.  Tiger can be gentle and lazy, like all cats, but is also fierce and dominant.  There is no question that this is a robust combination energetically — and while the Water Tiger is less temperamental than other Tigers — it is still a Tiger, and it will not be afraid to make its voice heard and its presence known.

One of the challenges that I see ahead for this year is a tendency to go to extremes and become easily exhausted by the constant unpredictable change.  Now, more than ever, it is necessary for us to truly learn the skill of temperance, as is presented by the image of this hexagram.  Temperance with ourselves, temperance with our interactions with the outside world and other people, and temperance with our ambitions.  It is important to not be wasteful of our energy, because this year will bring many demanding tasks before us, and we are best served channeling our energy into those things that require our attention, and minimizing those things that distract or deter us from needed rest, mental focus, and spiritual clarity.

This hexagram is also a useful reminder to not take on too much this year, as there will likely be unforeseen shifts in trajectory — and so all expectations should be held lightly, allowing space for ebbs, flows, and forks.

On a spiritual level, this is a call to simplify and develop more self discipline, in order to bring in and make space for higher energies and important internal shifts.  We need to be attentive to the management of our energy, and work towards removing drains and excesses — whether these be obligations & work we no longer enjoy, or mental & emotional crutches that don’t allow us to grow — the more we can cut away what is unnecessary in favor of greater peace and ease, the better.  Using the image of water as presented in this hexagram, we can reflect that we want our lives and energy to flow naturally, like a calm river.  If there is excess accumulation somewhere, maybe we need to remove some rocks or obstructions to invite more flow, and if there is an area where energy is too sparse, perhaps we need to bring in more fortification to contain the energies better, or redirection, so that scattered energies can unite into one stream.

Another important message from this hexagram is that of rebalancing.  On an individual level, I feel that this is a year of rebalancing our energies after so much intense upheaval.  We are called to spend more time inward — gathering and regenerating — after what has been, and will likely continue to be, a stressful period for most of us.  As we soldier on under the intense pressure of these times, we are becoming wise to productive and unproductive energy investments.  In a way, it’s a time of taking our power back and returning our energy to ourselves, after having exhausted it so rigorously due to the air of constant vigilance the last two years have demanded.  We are learning to be more measured and to respond with a fair dose of realism to outer world chaos.  

On a collective level, I see this rebalancing playing out in the power dynamics between official authorities and regular people.  Many countries will continue to experience upheaval and rebellion due to the simple energetic principle outlined in this hexagram:  Extremes beget extremes, and are not sustainable.  Until the restraint authorities place upon populations is appropriately balanced, there will not be calmness or peace.  We can expect mass protest to increase and get louder until things are dealt with in genuine truth, and all sides are respected and considered.  We will continue to experience the many ripple effects and repercussions of poor policy from the last two years throughout many systems in society — including the ensuing conflict between people and authorities — as institutions continue to fail due to poor management, corruption, and dysfunctional leadership.  Countries that have chosen a more balanced approach in recent years will fare better, but we can assume that all will be affected in some way, as many of the issues are worldwide.

I also feel that more truth will be brought forward this year.  The chaotic energy and information overload of the Gemini North Node transit is starting to wane, and the many pieces and perspectives we are left with will be investigated and evaluated with greater depth, revealing more concrete clarity regarding what has occurred.  I feel this is reflected strongly in the astrology — with the Water Tiger as a figure of great perception, intuition, and clear judgment, along with Western astrological significations such as Mercury retrograde conjunct Pluto (deep investigations) in the Lunar New Year chart, Jupiter in Pisces (truth & intuition), and the North Node transit through Taurus & Scorpio (common sense / skeletons in the closet).

Of course there will also be continued campaigns from authorities to sow confusion, create division, and obfuscate information, along with autocratic assertions of power and moves for control.  Unfortunately, as the South Node (the aspect of the collective soul process we are trying to outgrow) transits Scorpio, the urge to dominate will likely increase.  Yet, equally, so will the urge for investigation and uncovering of the complete truth.  In the eyes of the people, I feel concrete evidence (Taurus North Node) will start to win out over emotional manipulations of power, dominance and dependence (Scorpio South Node).  The shadow will seem stronger than before, but it will also become more obvious.  This contains some benefit, as it creates more openings for people to observe the workings of the shadow, and thus begin to understand how to counter and transmute it.

An important thing to note here is that the negative or weakened attributes of the Water element are fear, anxiety, indecision, and a lack of motivation or will power.  When water is depleted, a sort of complacent anxiety can start to overtake a person — and so this is something that we must be wary of this year and next (Water Tiger/Water Rabbit).  This is why the image of Self Restraint is so key — if we maintain our energy and sense of nourishment, we will not fall into despondency and overwhelm as easily, and will be able to make calm, rational decisions with regards to our destiny — even in the face of unpredictable, and even oppressive, outer circumstances.

With all of that said, I think it is important to remember that the process we are in collectively is a long haul process.  Real progress can be made this year, and many big changes are coming our way — especially in the US, as we are just days away from the first exact hit of our Pluto return (discussed more in this post).  However, it is unlikely that much will be resolved in this year.  All that has happened up until now has merely been a part of the process of revealing how deep the shadow goes.  Human collective consciousness as a whole and the consciousness of nations all play a role in our observation of this.  Put simply, we are still unpacking Pandora’s box.

However, I do also feel that the seeds of new structures will start to peek out.  It might still be some time before we can clearly see what the appropriate systems will be going forward — but the edges of the frameworks might start to emerge in our lives, as we collectively contemplate the lessons we are learning currently, and from history.  What do we want?  What don’t we want?  How do we ensure that the societies of the future are just?  That all people get what they need and are treated with respect?  How do we account for, and balance negative human proclivities?  And most important of all, how do we dismantle the paradigms that lead us to fall into the same consistent traps of power and corruption, that have prevailed for such a large chunk of our history?

The true crossroads is whether or not we will pass through this lesson.  This is the initiation of the shifting of ages.  The painful process we are in now is the fodder for our expansion into a collective golden age of humanity in the next long epoch.  Similarly, on a more present level — it is also fodder for our personal growth, and clearing of karma, as the shift begins within ourselves before it will manifest outwardly into the world.

This feels like a natural segue to the next section — so let’s transition to part 2 of this post, an intuitive message on the spiritual process of 2022, and these times in a grander sense.

Intuitive Message for 2022:
Peace, War, and Visions of a Far Future

Understand this year that turbulence is guaranteed.  It will not be prevented or controlled.  It cannot be managed or hemmed in.  So to find peace, we must build it ourselves, within ourselves.  How can we expect peace in the world if we cannot build it in our own lives?

What an absurd idea it is — to ever expect that such a thing could be given from the outside.  That some authority will provide it to us if we behave properly — and if only we could just get the others to settle down and follow instructions, then, maybe, we could earn back peace.  Is it no surprise that we are at war?  The whole world is waiting around — for it all to go away, for all of us to miraculously start agreeing, going along — and then there can be “normalcy” and then there can be “peace.”  Has true peace ever been attained through the force of external agreements?  Or is peace, as we imagine it, just another Cold War?

And make no mistake, this is a war.  A war that serves to delude us into believing we are nothing more than our lower states.  That we are doomed to fail — and that everything we thought was solid is, in fact, fragile as glass.  We’ll always be selfish, we’ll always succumb to hate, and we are not capable of reaching a true understanding.  This is “human nature,” they say.

Distortions and shadows brought into our consciousness over millennia — these are real, and they will require real work to overcome.  But we are not these things — no matter how convincing it might seem to believe that we are.  Our true higher nature is bigger than that.  The purity of our souls is far beyond that.  The only trouble is our own realization of what we already are.  The only work is our own clarification of what is already pure.  And to realize, ultimately, that we have all of the power to change everything.  To create a peace that cannot ever be given.

We will never be able to control the thoughts and opinions of our neighbor — and have likely already discovered that such an effort is wasteful, and goes nowhere.  Even if coercion is won, it is won bitterly, and without a sense of the natural, authentic internal change that comes with true insight.  What comes instead of peace — is resentment.

Resentment is the pyre built by warring ideologies and those that benefit from the war.  Grudges, acrimony, and antagonism are the source of all historical and present conflicts.  Righteous anger, becomes generational outrage, and furthers the spiral of deep sadness and wounding.  Truth gets lost in the damage done — as what is true becomes no longer relevant, bifurcates, and degenerates — inverting original intent and once sound reasoning into chaos, and into a new emerging truth of pain and cyclic harm that strangles and stifles progress.  Bitter wins are not victories, and quiet compliance is not peace.

The real fight is the fight of clambering out of the darkness of amnesia and insanity — the darkness of believing anything is solved when the war is won.  The real fight is facing a collective crossroads of destiny, and choosing the high road, disavowing the low road, and refusing to succumb to the seduction of familiar enslavement in favor of the unfamiliar and daunting difficulty of our real work.

The real work of peace is the work of purification, transmutation, and overcoming our lower states.  The real work of peace is becoming the person you expect others to be — to be impeccable, and self responsible.  To maintain respect, and integrity.  To honor others.

Until we can truly master sovereignty — we cannot regain a sense of healthy community.  We will always try to get others to meet our expectations and become upset when they don’t.  Disputes will emerge and cleave irresolvable impasses between individuals and groups.  Working through the dilemma of individualism and collectivism is very much thematic of the Aquarian age — as these two orders of our existence and nature must become appropriately aligned and ultimately unite.  Currently, we are far from clearly perceiving the way of this new internal matrix — which is the order of the next epoch.  The true version of the new order is something we must evolve into organically — and only after we have begun to build it within will we be able to establish correct societal systems in reflection of this internal reorientation of human collective consciousness.

The systems in place in our world today are the old guard.  Those that have accrued power in this system are not the architects of the new world — as they have gained their power through the paradigms of oppression, subjugation, and human sacrifice by way of war, slavery, and other atrocities.  It is not likely for those who have gained control through corruption to become suddenly altruistic, and it is equally unlikely that any new system presented by this so-called “upper echelon” of society will be any different than the last.  They have built themselves through the DNA of the dying age — and their creations and constructions will not withstand the changes of the one that is emerging.  That is why the new world will — and must — come as a soul urge from the collective of humanity.  That is why peace must be earned truly, and not won by a side.

On a pure energetic level, as more and more layers of the new paradigms begin to integrate into the consciousness of humanity organically, it will eventually become impossible for the older paradigms to maintain their footing.  Their material amassment will not matter.  It will become like an antiquated law that people no longer abide by.  Like a bit of energetic grime stuck to the dish pan — with some good soap, and enough water, it will not be able to hang on.  With the unfolding changes, their world will disappear.

The only thing that could possibly derail this outcome is if people continue to remain closed to the reality of the threshold we are actually at, and continue to believe that history is doomed to repeat itself without further consideration.  Even then, I suspect the derail would not be permanent, but the crossroads is nonetheless real.  This is a test we have not yet answered — and there is much more unknown than there is known.  A great deal of the ultimate destiny of humanity is up to us, on an individual, and collective level, to develop our higher faculties of intuition, and to begin cultivating our understanding of spiritual science, to clearly see the energetic world as it is now, as it has been, and as it has the potential to be.

So our work is on ourselves first.  In unwinding and unhooking the innumerable distortions that determine our perception of reality — and in opening our awareness to the unseen structures of the next epoch.

Our problems are real, and they are many.  This moment carries karma that harkens back as far as the earth’s most ancient human civilizations — civilizations on which we have no, or very little, written history.  Our memories and traumas as a human race are highly activated as we work to make new choices, in almost complete blindness.

Easily, and quite often, the task can feel impossible to our human selves.  The idea that the current reality and order could ever change — and the idea that it is even possible for us to collectively overcome our basest instincts — are two of the biggest stones in our path.  But yet, if we tune in, that glimmer of the high road still exists — a foggy path you can only see as you are walking on it.  A new path, that is being created with every step.

Beyond the shadow is a light that is unshakable.  Work tirelessly towards clear vision — even if it is never realized and never rewarded.  One day, your eyes may see a path that no one else can.

Thank you for reading!

If you are interested in working with me more deeply, one-on-one consultations are available on a limited basis. Please check out my booking page to see my calendar and get in touch.

For Qigong work and energetic development, please see our options at Tao Institute & Tao Institute Online.

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The State of Our Union: Fall 2021, Mercury Retrograde, Personal & Collective Crossroads, Global Awakening & The USA Pluto Return


We have passed through the threshold of the 2021 Fall Equinox and since then, I have felt an energy shift in the collective process.  The month of October will likely be eventful as 4 planets station (meaning their energies will feel more intense over the course of the month), and most notably for the USA:  Mercury and Pluto are stationing square to each other, in exact aspect to the USA Natal Mercury — a point of significant tension over the past few years.  As the USA Pluto return, the major event of 2022 for US citizens, approaches, it feels important to discuss where we are now, and the potentials ahead.  So these are the thoughts that come forward as I observe the charts, and my perspective on what is happening.  I hope that it can shed some light on the underlying energies as things evolve.

Social unrest and interpersonal struggles continue across the world, as citizens and governments are in conflict over the ongoing crisis — and this is likely to persist and intensify throughout this fall season.  The aspects on this equinox strongly indicate continued instability between people with an emphasis on fighting around issues of freedom, justice, and the right to peace.  I strongly sense that the Mercury retrograde that kicks off the season will be a time of “truths coming out” in all areas of life.  The equinox chart contains a grand trine in air signs — a strong indicator for the free circulation of information — and the aspects, on their own as well as in relation to the USA chart, lead me to suspect that more information will be brought to greater public consciousness regarding situations that effect our country.  This seems to already have been occurring during the shadow phase of the Mercury retrograde (which started September 6), but I suspect that during the first 3 weeks of October, there will be some major reveals, and maybe even some power plays from the US government.

My expectation is that the information surfacing now will be, for some, greatly clarifying.  For others, it will not be what they want to hear.  Many will feel a great pressure as the dissonance between their belief and the truth being presented intensifies.  However, Plutonian truth is the kind of truth that will not ultimately be avoided.  This is a time for accepting things as they are — not as we wish them to be.  That is the only way forward.  Change, in this circumstance, quickens only when we surrender to reality — and stalls when we resist it.  This is true on a personal level, as well as with reference to collective events and circumstances.

The space of resistance defines much of public discourse for the last two years.  This is especially evident in the constant expectation that around every corner is some distant notion of “back to normal.”  The reality is that there would never be a back to normal.  Cosmically speaking, such an idea was foolish from the start — but on the ground, even more so.  The damage done to the structures of society and the consciousness of people is too great — and the resulting awakening that emerges from such instability is too powerful.  “Back to normal” is denial.  “Back to normal” is a rejection, actually, of the potential of positive catharsis that awaits us on the other side of truth — and the new world which could be formed from this realization.

The symbols of 2020’s Saturn, Jupiter & Pluto alignment in Capricorn all point back to one thing above all — and that is the corruption and dysfunction of society’s systems.  Since 2008, when Pluto began its transit through this sign, we have witnessed the fallibility of the world’s systems.  While the power structures seem to have silently expanded during this time, simultaneously they have become untenable in many countries.  In this last 13 years there have been countless examples of blatant corruption in governing bodies, leading to poor policy that serves only the wealthy and never the people — a condition that has existed and been corrected so many times before in history.  Tracking the Pluto-Capricorn cycle we can see a trend — as past Pluto-Capricorn time periods include events such as the American Revolution and the Reformation — both historical shifts that were originally based in a very similar overgrowth of institutions that hoard wealth, power & authority, while abusing citizens.

In the last decade, Pluto’s transit through Capricorn has, in a sense, reinforced the power of the Oligarchs while simultaneously showing the world every contradiction that exists within the dynamic of control that humanity has become so conditioned to.  It is inevitable that eventually this unsustainable system will cannibalize itself.  The question is “When” — and every day that passes, as the fires of division are stoked even louder among citizens who are, on all sides, the farthest from the roots of the problems, we edge even closer to that faltering.

In the USA, the situation is even more tenuous, as our first Pluto return approaches this coming year, in 2022, and presents one of the most significant crossroads that the nation has faced since the Civil War — which unsurprisingly occurred in a period where we faced the activation of many of the same planetary alignments that we have in the current decade of the 2020s.  Those alignments, in particular, are the return of Uranus (2028), the opposition of Neptune (active from 2021-2022), the transit of Pluto through the Cardinal signs (2008-2024), and the eventual conjunction of Pluto to the USA South Node (also 2028).  Observing the charts, there is an unsettlingly similar trajectory of planetary movement in the decades leading into and during the Civil War — which should not surprise anyone living in the US, as the idea that we are going towards civil war has been felt and even publicly discussed by many at some point in this past year.

However, there is an important distinction in the energetic currents from 1861 until now — and that is the position of Pluto.  Pluto, back then, had just passed its opening square to the USA natal Pluto — which cyclically is a time when energies are pushing outward.  This time, we are at the completion of the cycle — and so there is a feeling, for me, that the energy has a more implosive quality — that it turns downward, and inward.

While there are many opposing opinions on the how we got here, and who is at fault — the deepest layer is actually that the problem lies within the very mythology that the USA was founded upon — and the hypocrisy of our nation’s self perception all along.  It is the kernels of self delusion that have fueled the ever expanding great delusion of our present day political system.  The ideals of our constitution were never evenly applied, and our history exists in the distortion of all colonial history, which bears the idea of heroes, villains, and saved — while burying the facts of dreadful and deceitful actions all along the way.  The founding fathers of the US did try to plan for the inevitability of corrupting forces — however, the spoiling factors were actually overlooked, and it is these factors that are catching up to us now.

These factors, of course, likely could not have been predicted — and are only able to  emerge at this time due to the evolution of human consciousness, and the changes in the outer world that have created circumstances beyond the imaginings of the American founders.  Our current overgrowth of corruption is, at least in part, a result of our globalized world, and the interaction that America has with other nations — both locally and abroad.  Our influence, the influence of others upon us — the way we deal with our “melting pot” culture — the way we remember colonization — and the existence of corporate entities that do not abide within a specific national code, or rule of law.  While there is still much in US ideology that is worth holding onto — a significant update is necessary if we are to maintain our identity in this world.  We must be careful at this precipice, as most, if not all, of the factions currently vying for power do not represent the true identity of this country — or the true potential of what we could be.

My observation of the past year is that identification with political parties has obscured the vision of many.  There is a widespread belief that the corrupting forces, figures, and groups belong only to whatever side is the opposite of what one supports.  This false dichotomy unfortunately fuels powerful and destructive ideological division that significantly stunts our ability to look at, and address our problems.  Many forget or downplay the reality that corporate interests dominate the underlying messaging of not just politics but also the vast majority of the systems that exist in the USA currently — from health care to the media.

The issues of messaging and ideology are most clearly represented at this time by the axis of the lunar nodes, which currently occupy the communication oriented signs of Gemini (North Node) and Sagittarius (South Node).  Transits of the lunar nodes in general color considerably the karmic emotional process of the collective.  Big outer planet aspect patterns such as we have had in the last two years (Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter conjunction 2020, and Saturn-Uranus square 2021) describe the multi-dimensional, long cycled and layered nature of the recent upheavals — but the lunar nodes always tie together the crux of the dilemma, and the area of life through which the dilemma is at its most self sabotaging and troublesome.

In the case of our current times the influence of the South Node in Sagittarius is very pronounced in public discourse and mass media.  Sagittarian shadow tendencies of self righteousness, dogmatism, and belief that what one agrees with is “right” have completely overtaken most channels of discussion.   Observations and ideas are censored, canceled, or politicized in the name of “preventing misinformation” — often while promoting more socially preferable misinformation.  The South Node impulse, therefore, seems to be to stave off uncertainty by clinging to belief and faith.  But it doesn’t work — not in any long term, or solution oriented way —  and not in any way that does anything but placate the mind, which has been quite understandably destabilized by everything going on.

However, there is a solution in the directive of the North Node.  The North Node is the spiritual “due north” of the chart — it describes what we are learning to do, to be, and in a sense, it is the intended end result of our work in life from a soul perspective.  The South Node is the familiar, often over-developed area of the chart — and its untamed expression tends to be maladaptive, destructive, and karmic.   It is my observation that the energy of the South Node will play out most apparently in the collective in the immediate moment — but that the lessons of the North Node will tend to unfold eventually, over time.

The current position of the North Node in Gemini indicates that it is important to embrace multiplicity — which means to take into consideration all information and perspectives equally, impartially, and with curiosity.  For it is from the place of observing neutrally every proposed problem, idea and solution, that real solutions have the potential to emerge.  Withholding or suppressing information at a time when the problems are complex is a form of self sabotage — and we will be forced to evolve out of this space at some point if we are sincere about addressing our worldly and collective troubles.  Gemini North Node energy is not only about multiplicity of perspectives, but acceptance of others as well.  It encourages engagement with others as they are.  This is an essential skill if we are truly oriented towards building a just, free, and healthily interdependent society.

Another great example of North & South Node interplay that I wish to mention here is the “Great Resignation” — a worldwide phenomenon where workers are leaving their jobs, seeking higher pay, more flexible hours, and better treatment from employers in general.  The 2018-2020 transit of the nodes through Cancer (NN), and Capricorn (SN), was strongly aligned with Saturn, Jupiter & Pluto as they traveled through Capricorn, particularly from 2019-2020.  The South Node was emphasized — echoing back cyclically to 2009, the time of the Great Recession, when Pluto first entered Capricorn, and when the North Node was also in Capricorn.  The Great Recession set a precedent for worsening work conditions, as suffering businesses began cutting corners, cutting staff, and cutting salaries to make ends meet — and unfortunately this resulted in ongoing rampant employee abuse and a generally dismal, highly stressful work culture that often took more than it gave to most workers, even well after the recession had passed.

In 2020, this energy came back around when many people were forced out of work, again, and/or transitioned to remote work for a substantial amount of time.  This caused many people to reevaluate their lives and set new boundaries around what they are willing to accept from their workplace.  For those in this circumstance, the sacrifice to the job was no longer worth it and Cancer North Node values of home, family & self care ultimately won out.  This will force businesses to completely reevaluate their approach, and may, by force of pressure, begin to resolve issues of low wages, wasteful and poor management, and more.

This of course, is just one example of unintended systemic consequences to the pandemic shutdowns.  Another example that comes to mind along this same energy are the significant issues cropping up with the global supply chain.  This is another concern that is affecting innumerable industries, and I believe that this will bring in an eventual shift to more localized sourcing of goods, as well as a potential opportunity for new types of businesses, and reform of industries towards more sustainable practices in general.

In the very long view, the 2018-2020 Cancer/Capricorn node cycle connects back to the last iteration of a Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter Capricorn alignment in 1284/85 — a time when many seeds of the current systems were originally sown.  I said in an earlier article that I believed that because back then the North Node was conjunct the Capricorn stellium in 1284, that the energies of great power were favored — however, in the present day, it is the opposite — and therefore the fall of the empire is inevitable.  Unfortunately, or fortunately, I suspect that government mandates (a South Node/Capricorn stellium impulse) will start to backfire like this more and more.  Citizens no longer trust that the systems are working for the greater good, and even with risk to themselves, are exiting increasingly hostile environments towards unknown circumstances.

The result of all of these changes, responses, and situations is essentially the same:  People are finding themselves needing to find a new path, a new way.

In the years leading up to 2020, I saw through clients an almost constant vision of spiritual network — that many people would soon be called into new environments, with soul allies, to begin a different version of their worldly work.  I saw people making an impact with the integration of holistic perspectives and ideas, especially in fields that are typically the most bound by corporate interests and rules.  At this present time, this vision has ripened even further and the sense I have is that, by force of pressure, there will be the development of parallel systems that may in time begin to subvert collective reliance on the larger ones.  This is a form of erosion that leads to the collapsing and implosion of the known structures if they do not respond with change.

This is a potential, and even an inevitability, that I see for the vast majority of our outdated systems in the coming years, the US government included.  The corporate economic scheme on the one hand, seems stronger and more powerful than ever — but if one looks closely, its insides are crumbling.  It has become the albatross of its own ruin.  For the US — our reckoning is soon to arrive, and what comes next is still to be determined.  Global and domestic dynamics are continuing to play out, with a possibility of other powers stepping forward and surpassing the position of strength that the US has long held in international politics.  If such a change were to come to pass, it would permanently alter the geopolitical landscape.

Nothing is ever “Too big to fail.”  Cosmic law shows that all things rise and fall.  Graceful change is one that evolves naturally with the ebb and flow.  Is it still possible for our country to evolve in a natural way?  That is the question we will be facing with great tension in 2022.

What is most profound in all of this — the societal and worldly chaos — is that, fundamentally, every part is just a reflection of the shadow within collective consciousness.  The cycles of this time reflect back to so many cycles and memories of previous times — from the more recent history of this past century to the far distant history of ancient civilizations.  We feel the echoes of our past darkness in the present darkness — the echoes of war, slavery, misuse of technology, genocide, and environmental reckoning, all meet in this moment.  Our souls remember those errors, and that suffering — and it is collectively very challenging for people to manage and place these memories, feelings of urgency, fear, and existential dread.  Instinctively, I think we know that it’s time to break the chain.  Do we really want to keep playing out the destruction of ourselves, or are we willing to try something different and unknown?  Are we willing to look to the higher path?

Nothing we face is simple.  Our solutions will not come through heroes and villains.  No authority will ever be able to give peace to humanity from a high perch.  No evil is resolved by choosing the “lesser” version.

Darkness is resolved only by facing it.  All people must eventually awaken to the darkness that has taken root in every part of our world — and work to resolve it, sincerely, with light.  To keep throwing more darkness at darkness is to invite in more obscuration, more karma, more conflict.  There is more than enough, already.

There is no one answer to the problem, no one way that old karma is resolved — however, clarity, neutrality and discernment go a long way in moving it along quicker.

What sort of world are we building?  Have we lived up to our ideals?  What parts of our ideals are illusions, and always have been?  Do we have the courage to see the world with clarity?  Do we understand that oneness is integration?  That sovereignty and community harmony are not a zero sum game, nor are they opposing values.  It is in the shared space of opposites where equilibrium lies.  What path will we choose?

Peace to all in the (r)evolution.

Lunar New Year Message: 2021 Year of the Metal Ox

Hello Everyone!

Today is the Lunar New Year! Happy New Year!

I wrote up this short overview for the year of the Metal Ox, and wanted to share it with all of you. I am hoping to return with more in-depth astrological writings soon! In the meantime, please feel free to follow me on Facebook or Instagram for some of my more spontaneous, off-the-cuff astrological posts :)

Enjoy :)


2021: Year of the Metal Ox

As of today (February 11) we officially cross the threshold from the Yang Metal Rat to the Yin Metal Ox. With the Western charts showing a 6 planet stellium in Aquarius squaring both Mars & Uranus in Taurus, this is not likely to be a calm, uneventful year. However, the Ox does bring with it a sense of firmness, resilience, and strength that might make weathering the changes of this year feel a bit more graceful than the last.

Both the Rat and the Ox have a quality of resourcefulness and resilience. The Rat's native energy is water -- and it therefore relies on its flexibility, cleverness, and intuition to adjust to afflicting forces. The Ox on the other hand is native to the earth element, and relies on its steadiness, literal heaviness, and unperturbed discipline to endure and overcome all obstacles. Those who have Ox prominent in their Chinese astrological nature have an iron will and determination to overcome that allows them to outlast their peers in any area of their interest.

Ox energy encourages us to cultivate the discipline necessary to stay focused towards our long term visions. Everything about 2020 and the coming years is about major overhaul of systemic issues — those of society and our personal lives. There are no more bandaids to the problems that have erupted, and so we are faced with the hard work of changing deeply ingrained patterns and social structures in our lives and in our world. The Metal Ox provides energetic support for us to face these difficulties with strength and motivation, and to maintain faith that our work is ultimately meaningful.

The Metal element (which is the elemental influence for both 2020 & 2021) is an extremely intense phase of energy. It is sharp, conductive, mental, and ordered. Metal element is about purity and clarity — and when impurities are present it can become chaotic. Because the Metal element loves order, it helps us see what we need to cut out (like a knife) and what we need to contain and set boundaries around (like a bowl) in order to restore order. Disordered Metal is like a ball of ungrounded wires — ordered Metal is like a smooth circuit that conducts high amounts of electricity. In my observation, this element is the most extreme in how it operates. Its response to stress tends to go back to how well the base structures are functioning. Metal tends to be inflexible and so it either performs extremely well, or is blowing fuses, with nothing in between. Thus, the reflection of poorly managed structures in our society today is all the more evident to us.

Along with the Western Astrological emphasis in these years on Capricorn (old structures, authorities & powers) and Aquarius (new ideas, visions, technologies, individualism, society as community) energies, the Metal element is presenting an important opportunity for us to take stock of what is happening, and acknowledge how many of our long wrought systems have failed humanity time and again. This gives us the fodder for change, clarity on what needs to be changed — and ultimately a real time experiential encounter with these flaws that will lead us to the “How” of future resolution.

Key words for the Ox are: Endurance, Patience, Resilience, Hard Work, Faith, Good Will, Methodicalness, and Honesty

So after all of the scurrying that the Rat brought about in 2020 in order to adjust to the upheaval, 2021 is a year to slow down, be a bit more reflective, and take our time with all that we are creating. The Ox energy will influence us, also, to be more decisive with our time, actions, and many other issues that arise in our lives. Many of us might feel the sternness brought on by the Ox energy is a welcome shift to assist in dispelling distractions.

I hope that you all have a wonderful 2021 — Wishing you all love, prosperity and peace. :)

2020 Social Media Posts


2020 was one of the craziest and busiest years of my life, so I didn’t have much time to do any long form astrology articles. I did, however, write a handful of shorter messages. I felt it might be useful to compile those here. They are in chronological order. Enjoy!

January 25, 2020

A few quick thoughts on the Yang Metal Rat :)

The Rat is creative, resourceful and intelligent -- while the Yang Metal element is sharp, structured, and focused with crystal clarity. These two together form a harmonious blend of intuition and intellect, and promote action towards our higher goals. This year will be intense, with strong directives from heaven guiding the course. Keep the mind steady, and remain fluid.

This is a new cycle in the Chinese Zodiac and in the Western Zodiac, many new cycles are also beginning regarding the structures in our lives with long term effects. Utilize this turbulent energy to transform and restructure anything and everything that is weak in your life. Direct your life and intentions toward your current long term visions -- those that are lasting 12, 20 & 36 years at least. Cut away what's unnecessary -- especially within the mind, emotions and spirit. Find peace and wisdom in simplicity that makes room for further growth.

June 5, 2020

South Node Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse thought for the collective:

This is a time in history where we begin to observe: What is more important? Relationship or rightness? Nuanced multiplicity or hardlined ideals? Openness or safety?

The Gemini North Node, for the next 18 months, shows us that freedom and justice are principles that cannot exist in a vacuum. It's the interconnection of all people that forms the fabric of society. Gemini easily takes in all views without attachment, and applies what it has learned only after gaining sufficient information.

Flexibility is one of the keys to change right now. Stay curious to new ideas, new perspectives. We can't base the new world off of the old. As consensus dissolves, as reality dissolves, as your own mind melts in the chaos and the subterfuge, return to what's basic, common, and real.

October 2, 2020 (and a journal entry from March 3, 2020)

This message (below) that came to me so clear back in early March continues to resonate and reflect everything that has unfolded since. I take no credit for it because it was a 100% download that was delivered to me in response to my inquiry about the weird feeling that started to arise that first week of March.

I want to share it again as a reminder to look beyond worldly chaos. Don't get sucked into the showreel of collective angst and division. Keep bringing the truth present, as whatever happens during this strange season -- evolution is inevitable, unstoppable, and unquestionable.

The shadow hates the light, but ultimately must yield or be overcome. Darkness may appear as if it is increasing, but all we see is only what was there all along. Our awareness is what is increasing. And quite frankly, there is a lot that we now can't unsee. About people. About society. So on.

But this is positive. For what is in plain sight will not be able to escape back under the rug. And we will continue to see more. It is far from over, but great healing is the other side.

Stay open. Work towards a neutrality that allows you to observe a greater multiplicity of thought and perspectives. Each cloud of consciousness has its own truths -- but none bears the full truth. The highest threads hold the gold -- and these preside in the nondual.

Awakening means not being glamoured by appearances, ensnared by the foolishness of petty conflict, or baited by the control and manipulation omnipresent in today's daily struggle. It is up to us to set those boundaries. To learn the tools necessary to clear, protect, seal up the weak spots, realign, and so on. To learn what health really is. Even if we lose the battle sometimes, that is how we win the war. That is how we overcome everything, no matter what the world is presenting.

Never let anyone, or anything, steal your sovereignty. Stop feeding your beasts of disempowerment. Stop handing power to that which is impotent. There is another way. Look to it, and watch the rest fall like the house of cards it really is.

Journal Entry from March 3, 2020

I came home this night feeling unexplainably "weird," and wrote this in my journal. I had absolutely no idea what was coming, but this message came through very clearly. I've copied it here word for word. Since it is obviously a channeled message, I shouldn't be so shocked by its relevance -- but, whatever -- I am! I thought it worthwhile to share.


"The world is very chaotic right now. I can feel the mounting tension in the air – distant, yet drawing closer.

The real thing is the invisible thing that is now becoming visible: the spiritual war.

The way they always win — is by domination of the mind — and the ignorance of the populace that such a war exists. Now it’s in a critical zone and the light inside people needs to come on. It’s not about fighting in the traditional sense — because that’s like lower self vs. lower self — it’s about rising above the emotions and standing in the light. Being peace, with clarity. And having the courage to face the darkness that fuels our inner war. The reason is simple, and bigger than we realize. If we knew that rallying the troops meant holding the light within — would more people feel motivated and inspired to learn what that means, exactly?

The worldly matters are and aren’t of importance — as there’s rise and decline in everything, always. But it mostly doesn’t matter — it’s mostly a distraction, and a source of fear. How do we remain integral?

Here’s reality – if we can’t do it in moments where bad news is distant – how should we expect to do it when our worst fears arrive? Is there really any function to expecting the worst case scenario? Obsessing over it?

It’s because we make it true, and because we don’t fight back. We allow the mental takeover — the attacks to good sense. And this makes us jaded, unmotivated.

We have to stand our ground, spiritually speaking!

Not allowing this hijacking any further — winning the battles of fortitude — with our will — agreeing to bring light and peace in the world — which is not easy, at all."

November 4, 2020

On the pandemonium and chaos, a very abbreviated perspective from astrology.

Our major planetary players in 2020 are:

  • Saturn, Jupiter & Pluto in Capricorn -- Government/societal structures and institutions of power being transformed.

  • Uranus in Taurus -- Physical bedrock of society/institutions being shaken up and disrupted

  • Neptune in Pisces -- Deception and illusions, difficulty discerning reality, higher spiritual truths

  • North Node in Gemini -- Being able to hold multiplicity, and accept all perspectives impartially

  • South Node in Sagittarius -- Dogmatically holding onto one's own point of view as the only truth possible, staunch rejection of other ideas

I could write a 50 page thesis on all of my thoughts about what has unfolded this year — and perhaps that is still yet to come (I am still very backed up on my projects) — but if I could awaken all of humanity to one simple thing it would be this:

It was never about the virus. It was never about the election. It was never about the president. It was never about masks. It was never about the economy. It is not about any of the things that it has masqueraded as, shouted that it is, and lulled the world into believing.

What it IS about is total and complete transformation of the societal systems that have always failed us and have never truly represented us. It is about the humans of the world being enlightened to the darkness that stokes the fire of the division and hatred, and instead of turning our weapons on each other, turning our swords to the heart of that darkness. This darkness is not the result your neighbor's opinion, or your step-parent's political stance — it is a common enemy whose tactics and tricks are to make us believe this is the case.

What would happen if we all could stop, detach, turn, and look? All of humanity looking right into the eyes of the true evil. All of that light illuminating the foul, cowardly presence it really is. Where would it go? What exit could we grant it?

The light of truth has already broken the bedrock of systemic darkness. All that has occurred since is simply darkness running amok, attempting to call back its control by infecting the mind of humanity with confusion and clouds. But all it takes is to see it. To stand firm and not believe it. To seal oneself completely, become sovereign from it. And its power is diffused.

The process of these times is not about trying to "work within the system." Those days are over. The system is breaking down. Let it happen. And as it is happening, follow your will to the part you are personally transforming and rebuilding. So when the veil of the old world falls, the foundation of the new world is already laid out.

I believe in the heart of humanity — that it is primarily good. That we all have the same basic desires, and can live harmoniously in the correct circumstances. Our error is in externalizing our personal power and hoping for others to create such a reality. No one will ever do it for us. It starts with us. It always has.

December 11, 2020

A brief summary of the coming week's Astrological events:

  • Dec 14: Solar Eclipse at 23 Sag / South Node

  • Dec 17: Saturn transitions into Aquarius

  • Dec 19: Jupiter transitions into Aquarius

  • Dec 21: Saturn & Jupiter conjunct at 0 Aq

For me personally, the winter solstice always feels like the true cap on the year & the next is initiated with the lunar new year. The Aquarian energy will be strong going into next year, as Uranus in Taurus will also be making squares with Saturn & Jupiter throughout the year — another few months of an intense 3 planet dance, before Jupiter finally leaves the arrangement. (Just be glad that Pluto was left behind at the last house... lol.)

I think with this eclipse coming up, and just in general — The simplest and most obvious advice with Mercury on the South Node, with nodes square Neptune, is — Don't believe everything you hear. The strong South Node energy this whole year (particularly with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction occurring on the South Node in Capricorn, with Jupiter conjunct it back in January) implies that agendas are everywhere. The spreading of disinformation and reaches for power are becoming more obvious, but many are taken in by them, because it has been par for the course for so long. This particular cycle of power has been active for at least 735 years... However, since it is South Node energy, it is not truly supported. And the powers that be can feel this energy slipping away as the Aquarian energies start to take root.

The chaotic energy we see now is a necessary part of the process of arriving at truth. Discernment is an internal process that everyone needs to cultivate — to listen openly, but accept nothing outright. The lies are immense. And in 2021, we will become more and more aware of this.

It is my personal belief that the incoming (arguably current?) alignment with the pole star (exact in about 100 years) is a peak initiation into the age of Aquarius. In new age circles the term "disclosure" is discussed often, mostly as an external idea. But disclosure is already happening within us. Every day, we are remembering our true history. Every day, we are awakening to the fact that we are not alone in this universe. Every day, we are being shown the true darkness on this planet — and every day, the light presents clearer impressions of its operations. Once it is seen, it's not long for this world. We just have to have the courage to unhook ourselves from everything the false matrix wants us to believe, and zoom out from the immediate moment enough to look at the big picture.

The most important thing we can do for ourselves is start to understand the mechanics and laws of energy. This is the true power that governs all things, from which we have been veiled — and encouraged to believe that everything is mechanistic and there is nothing more. Our higher dimensional energies are much more powerful than the tendrils of manipulation that infiltrate the collective mind — and once awakened, easily clear away such nonsense. "Awakened" is the key, however.

Aquarian energy is naturally "out of the box" and so we need to have some patience. There are times when it will seem like the people in our lives are veering wildly off course into some small madness. But in fact, this is a part of awakening. We're breaking consensus, and there won't be consensus for a while — as to what reality is.

Discern and stay grounded. Question the noise. The louder the noise, the bigger the question. Clear yourself. Our personal work has power. When we share and encourage others, this also has power. Dismantling false paradigms is an inside job that manifests outwardly. This is what we are learning as we step into this next phase of the process. We will rebuild in the same manner.

It's not over. But we have gotten through a very tricky stage. We have lightened our load considerably. I am grateful for that. Let's go forward empowered.

The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction: Paradigm Shifts and the Battle Cry of the Spiritual Warrior

Note to my readers :)

In light of COVID-19, I have been receiving a lot of requests for Astrological insights. I do have much to say about the astrology of these times but unfortunately not much time to create an article just yet. However, one is in the works and will arrive soon. In the meantime, I have compiled this list of articles, reports & courses that I’ve already created that discuss several topics related to what is going on right now, particularly in the US. Please feel free to check them out — along with the article below from January on the Saturn-Pluto conjunction.

The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is a major influence that will play out throughout the entirety of 2020 in its most intense stages and will effect us for at least another 36 years. This is a highly relevant transit to what is going on right now, so please understand that even though this event occurred in January, it is still playing out right now and will continue to do so. The emergence of COVID-19 in the news first occurred around the time of this Saturn-Pluto conjunction — and so it can be considered a major event of this transit. And it makes sense, since it has transformed the very world we live in, quite unexpectedly for those of us in the West who have been tottering along complacently for so long. This is what Saturn-Pluto energies, in the precise astrological circumstances of 2020, have the capacity to bring.

I will look forward to exploring this further with everyone. In the meantime, please enjoy this article and check out these other resources that discuss many topics relevant to this time. I am sure you will still find some usefulness in these pieces.

3 Hour Course describing the major Astrological factors of 2020 in-depth


Dear friends,

Welcome to the most astrologically potent weekend of the year, and the moment that defines an era.

This Sunday, January 12, is the conjunction of Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn – a major cycle that is amplified by:

  • A Lunar Eclipse on January 10 that happens to be in direct alignment with Saturn & Pluto – amplifying the power & karma of this energy to a very visceral, emotional level

  • Uranus moving direct on January 11 -- outer planets changing direction always bring a strong energy of that planet, and Uranus is about awakening, shocks & sudden changes

  • Jupiter in Capricorn, currently aligning with the lunar nodes, and approaching Saturn & Pluto throughout all of 2020 – Jupiter adds an influence of expansion to all that is occurring, making the events, feelings, and experiences bigger.  Since it is transiting the South Node currently, this is bringing out the extremism of the Capricorn ambition & power as well as the faith of Jupiter for collective evolution.

  • Saturn & Pluto, along with Jupiter, are also in the same sign as the current transiting lunar south node of the karmic past, as they have been throughout all of 2019.  This amplifies the complexity of their present transformation, showing that it has to do with deeply embedded past patterning that we must now rise above.

  • Saturn & Pluto are also coming into conjunction on their own planetary south nodes.  Where the lunar nodes are the karmic/soul points connected with the moon & earth’s orbits, planetary nodes are the karmic points of the planets & their orbits.  Saturn & Pluto’s south nodes also happen to be conjunct, doubling the effect of the energy, making the event more powerful, especially on the collective level.  Planetary nodes move extremely slowly and Pluto and Saturn don’t meet often, so this is an event of rare cosmic synchronicity.

Saturn & Pluto conjunctions are a 36 year cycle.  In this century, their previous meetings were in 1982, 1947 & 1914, with major culminating phases occurring in 2001, 1965 & 1931.  These are historical years that brought major events to the consciousness of society and the world.  Some of the most notable of these were the start of WWI (1914), the rise of Hitler & contrasting rise of Mahatma Gandhi in the 30s (leading to Indian independence from the British by 1947), the U.S. bank collapse that lead to the formation of the FDIC/The New Deal (1931-33), the Cultural Revolution in China and the Vietnam War in the 60s, and September 11.  This is a cycle that brings incredible change, major upheaval, and transformation to the world and whether the manifestations of this influence are expressed positively or negatively -- they leave deep impressions for decades to come.

Looking at the long arc of history, the two most recent transits of Saturn & Pluto through Capricorn specifically stand out.  Their last meeting in this sign was in 1518, the year Martin Luther famously nailed the 95 Theses attacking church corruption to the church door in Germany, and English King Henry the VIII separated from Rome, signaling the start of the reformation in Europe.  And even further back than that, a transit of a very similar nature to the one we are receiving now occurred 735 years ago in the years of 1284/1285.

Saturn Pluto Conjunction 2020 (click to see full chart)

Saturn Pluto Conjunction 2020 (click to see full chart)

Saturn Pluto Conjunction 1284 (click to see full chart)

Saturn Pluto Conjunction 1284 (click to see full chart)

At that time, in 1284, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto & the lunar nodes were all aligned in Capricorn, much like they are today – with one primary difference.  Instead of the South Node of the karmic past working its way through this massive outer planetary alignment in Capricorn, it was the North Node of the soul’s destiny.  Back in 1284, humanity was at a time in history when world powers were strengthening and the structure of the world as we currently know it was being built.  Worldwide trade via the Silk Road made accessible by the massive Mongol Empire, the development of early banking systems & coinage throughout Europe, and the unification of city-states encouraged the urbanization of cities, like London and Paris, that still thrive today.  European monarchies were also growing in influence and strength, as their kingdoms also became more defined and consistent (and became fully formed and centralized by Saturn & Pluto’s next visit in the 1500s).  With the big figures of Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter aligning on the North Node in Capricorn (the sign of government structures) – the growth of such power structures was energetically supported, and fulfilled a need for the greater stability that arose from more established and consistent government.

This is not to say that it was all wonderful or particularly smooth.  Several areas impacted by the brutal Mongol invasion of the 13th century did not recover completely until the early 20th century, while other areas retained significant cultural influence from Mongolian rule, even long after the empire receded back to its original shape.  Worldwide trade lead to epidemics like the black plague in the 14th century -- and European Monarchies are famously responsible for all kinds of insane abuses of power that ultimately lead to the Western world adopting democratic government structures in time.  But the most important thing to understand here, at least from my reading on the matter, is that the things that were built and developed back then shaped much of how we’ve operated since.   The imprint has been profound and lasting.

For the better part of a year, I have been pondering the nature of these times along with these historical moments, particularly going back to this period within the 13th century because the astrological similarity is so striking.  The difference of the lunar node placement (North Node in Capricorn then, South Node in Capricorn now) is specifically of interest to me – as it implies that it is time for the world to release its hold on conglomerate power and imperialistic thinking.  This way of functioning in the world has served its purpose now, and through it we have grown and developed in many ways – particularly in the realms of science, economics, industrialization, and the evolution of government systems as a whole.  However, society is no longer sufficiently supported by this structure.  In fact, despite any political differences, I observe that most people seem to agree that out-of-touch & overpowered leadership, hoarding of wealth, and large government systems mismanaging world resources are some of the biggest issues we face as a society today.  Systemic issues that individuals have little power to control or mitigate are the central culprit for climate change, socio-economic crisis, war, and many of the physical and spiritual conundrums we face in our daily realities.

So many of us observe the suffering of the world, and wish there was something that could be done, yet continually it seems as if there is no end to the destructive cycles that are prevalent in our human civilizations.  The realities of this suffering are real, visceral, and not easily solvable.  Why?  Because they are systemic – and these systems that exist are deeply embedded not just in the function of how the world is built, but also in our entire conception of reality – so deep, at this point, that it is hard for us to imagine there is a way out of the way things are.

Yet saying this, I feel we all bear a responsibility at this time.  And that responsibility is to stay awake, stay present, and continue working on unraveling the bondage of our own minds.  Because it is not only the “greater forces” & government class at work in the collective consciousness, but the work of individuals attempting to see what’s not yet visible and not yet imaginable, driving the changes we now face.

Saturn is the planet of structure and this includes our mental structures & paradigms.  Pluto is the planet of transformations at the most profound level.  There are so many paradigms held in a single person’s consciousness – given to us by our family upbringing, society, etc.  We learn them and live them out, because they are the boundaries within which we can mostly guarantee safety.  But paradigms can be limiting & obstructive.  And when the time comes that these paradigms we hold are no longer safe, sustainable, or protective – what do we do?

It is not easy to let go of our mental, spiritual, emotional or physical structures – and knowing nothing else, we might even cling to them.  Structures make us feel at ease, even if they are dysfunctional.  They are familiar, definable, and grant us a sense of control.  To release what is known for the unknown, with nothing to slide in and fulfill the empty space is absolutely terrifying for the ego mind.  So it often takes something big for us to be willing to change: Something major that allows us to surrender.  And that something major has, from the astrological perspective, arrived, and is continuing to arrive.  We must forgo our previous conclusions and be willing to be creative, accept risk, and become fearless in the face of the unknown.

For the past year, we have all been preparing for the transformations of 2020 & the coming decade.  Each and every one of us has been facing major revolution in some area of our lives – it can be a positive breakthrough, a devastating loss, or some combination of both – but wherever it falls according to our human judgment, it has involved a major overhaul & deep inner process.  More important than the outer world changes have been the inner world reflections, revelations and realizations.  Our entire way of seeing a thing is shifting – and the reason why is because whatever structures have been built around that thing are no longer truly functional.  Our visions in that area of life have been limiting, too severe.

In our own selves, the issues are systemic.  We have played them out hundreds of times since their inception in our lives, likely in the earliest parts of childhood, and we know them, and the problems they bring us, so well.   But in this moment – this multi-year unfolding – we are being charged with the unusual and difficult task of truly resolving our systemic dysfunctions and begin understanding and addressing the deeply rooted behaviors that result.   These are things that can be so deep in the subconscious that most of the work is recognizing them to begin with – and the only way to start to recognize the paradigms we are beholden to in our own consciousness – is to continue to live and keep digging at what’s behind the triggers, the impulses, and the situational patterns.

As it comes to society itself, we are in a major nexus where so many of us are making major transitions around our social roles.  Many of us feel called, or are being pushed, to take steps forward that feel epic in proportion and even a bit scary because the tasks before us go against the grain of many prevailing paradigms.  This is a time for fortifying ones inner strength and inner truth, and cutting through these obstructions with crystal clarity – in oneself first, and then as the seeds of awakening for others in the world.  There are many possibilities for how we may be operating in this next phase, but the larger feeling is that many people are going to need to step up in order to bring in the new structure.  This is tending to look like creative, forward-thinking minds, crossing into traditional spheres and seeding new ideas from the inside, or bringing awareness of certain issues to the public in some new way.

Other ways that this is presenting strongly is among those in the healing/intuitive fields – there is a feeling of major growth in this area, and that the past several years of intense clarification and healing for this group has been to create stability in the midst of the massive changes – within the individual to do their work effectively as more and more people are in need, as well as within the collective consciousness of this group who are all working together to assist humanity’s evolution.  Many people who are in the fields of more traditional mental health and medicine may also be facing this, and feeling drawn to more integrative approaches in their work.

There are of course many other ways that this can unfold, but these are two archetypes that I am observing quite frequently in those who are deepening in their worldly work. Overall, I see this as a time where many people are effecting the systems they work in, whatever those might be, through their own personal transformations. As more individuals connect with their truth and natural abilities, they are more effective, creative, and sought after — and unique, personal approaches might start to be more accepted even in very hard-lined systems. I sense that in many cases, this is occurring in a very natural, effortless way.

For those facing personal crisis or changes that pertain more to private life, the growth feels centered in a huge way around the family unit, and healing family patterns – and in relationships particularly: unconditional love, and the recognition/healing of negative behavioral patterns.  It is a time when the bigger picture of our lives is coming into greater focus and so the more harmful, short-sighted & impulsive behaviors are in the line of our observation and inquiry.  What are our real needs and desires – and is the way we behave or are conducting ourselves bringing us in that direction, or actually doing the exact opposite?  Once our behaviors are seen with clarity by ourselves, we might find it easier to adjust or release them.

It is the energetic opening of individuals that creates the possibility for greater change.  The possibility for greater change is here because of the work of sincere individuals who strive to better themselves and serve the world – as well as the technological system that lets us spread and share messages so easily.  Ideas change minds, and changed minds can begin to alter what is awry, and what is awry is getting louder, yet more and more people are able to see that we don’t have to live the way we have been bred to believe.  The answers and solutions might not yet be present -- but the feeling of the truth, of the need for gentleness, compassion, community, and mutual support, and greater care for this world slowly grows.  One day, perhaps it will be so that the human heart will no longer be willing to bear such strife and tragedy as is enacted on our fellow human every day.  And then, we might be willing to step away from the wars that we create.  Inside & outside.

What we are dealing with in the world today and inside of ourselves is like a massive ball of tangled wires.  It will take a while to unravel the whole mess.  But it is not impossible – because we are here, and it is for this reason.  The most difficult thing is to trust.  But the truth inside is so clear if you listen for it – it is the part of ourselves that is whole and incorruptible.  And, next in importance to the strength of that is remembering this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  None of us are alone in a desire to do something for the world, if we feel that call.  There are many collectives within humanity charged with different jobs, and they are working together on similar tasks, even if they’ve never met each other.  So much support can be gleaned by connecting with the others in your “soul tribe” or “tribes.”  Through these interconnections we can further strengthen the grids of energy and intuition that we are a part of, and help each other as well as the world.

It is from the space of deep trust in the light that we move forward.  To have faith in that path, whatever form it is taking in your present life, is to have a reason for being in this difficult and extreme place.  It will take a long time to untangle the mess, and perhaps even longer to synthesize and integrate things enough for a new balance to take root – but we mustn’t turn away from the challenge.

All who take up this work, whether in the smallest, simplest ways for oneself, or in a bigger way for one’s community, are spiritual warriors, facing the inner and outer foes with great courage.  And as spiritual warriors we have the ability to shape the future, just as it was shaped in previous cycles throughout history.  Faith is tantamount and support readily available.  Let us vow to make this an era where humanity begins its ascent into lightness, into truth, and into sovereignty.  For ourselves and all who embody here.

This is my deep wish.  Accept it, if you also wish.  And may we all begin to live in truth and power in 2020.  For a better world, for everyone.

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Jupiter Crosses into Capricorn: Transition to 2020 Officially Begins // The Start of a New Era

This is a spontaneous transmission on Jupiter in Capricorn that I wrote yesterday. More on 2020 energies will be coming soon :)


Jupiter crossed into Capricorn Monday and eclipse season will begin next week at the full moon. Jupiter's motion into Capricorn officially pulls in the transition into 2020 energies, and the eclipses are soon to illuminate and amplify the coming transformations, particularly in January. We have been preparing for this time for the entire decade, and especially this past year.

I feel the transition of Jupiter into Capricorn is bringing in a more focused energy — while it was transiting through Sag, it was a time of spiritual exploration, expansion and even literal travel for many people. Our concept of reality, our lives and what brings it meaning, has expanded its scope to contain more and be less delineated. Especially in the modern world of spirituality -- it feels like a shift towards a more integrated approach to spirituality is available/unfolding.

With Jupiter’s transition into Capricorn, I feel that this a time where we bring some of temple life into our modern life, a bit of the esoteric into the scientific, and so on. This is necessary even more so for people who see themselves as following a spiritual path, as this is somewhat of a departure from past archetypes of ascension/spiritual evolution/enlightment, where asceticism and separation were more of the norm. Now is a time when we evolve within our human lives, and along with this human world. To become like the immortals who have previously walked the earth. Embodied in our light -- and functional in our relationship to the planet and reality as it is and as it can be.

To do this successfully requires a lot of grounded work. It is work that has many manifestations and purposes — and is sorely needed for the gradual evolution of human consciousness on this planet. The 2020 alignment of Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter in Capricorn, is essentially laying the energetic groundwork for this evolution to be possible on the larger scale. It starts first in the inner world and individual integrity of spirit. The more integral we are, the more effective, even if the effect is extremely subtle. Yes, part of the effect can even be our own perception of life shifting — but just because it is internal to us, does not mean that others do not respond to it.

It is hard to say how fast or how slow this process occurs for both oneself and for "all of humanity" as it were. If we look back at history, we can see that evolutions in consciousness occurred slowly over hundreds of years. But if we look at our present day, it seems that they can happen quite quickly, relatively speaking — so quick that people who aren't ready for the changes are quite fearful about where the world is going — so there is a massive amount of conflict as a result. Just look at the social issues that have come up in the past 5 years alone in the USA — racial, lgbtq+, gender, & socio-economic sensitivity & awareness has all been right in the foreground with many people who are fully ready to change their thinking on these matters, and many others feeling extraordinarily challenged by these ideas, even outright rejecting them. From a larger view, the conflict is not rooted in truth or non-truth, but in the fabric of reality being shaken, and people having different reactions to it. There are, of course, many people who will try to seek comfort, while others find themselves in positions where no comfort is available, so the adventure and embracing of the unknown is the reality. It's the latter party that is on the forefront of the changes — and also who face the pain, loneliness and fear of rejection the most intensely. But it is not easy for either side — for changes in these areas are inevitable, and the issues are deeply rooted — in the long run, requiring systemic overhaul. And social issues are only one example. Environmental, economic, health, government and structural issues of all kinds are also up and facing similar conflicts, challenges and need for transformation.

But I am here to tell you that it is beginning. Whether or not it appears to be, the evolutions have been happening for the better part of the past century, and 2020 bears the seeds for an even more profound change in human consciousness that I sense will unfold with intensity over the coming decades. On the intuitive level where I receive these messages from, there is no feeling that we are heading into a dark ages, or that we must worry about descending backwards into chaos as history has shown to be the case in the past (and as some people like to predict) -- this time it is different. The energy of light in humanity is supported. We do not need to live or abide by the darkness in the world, and in fact, we have the capacity to effect it with our deeds great and small. It is the collective comprised of individuals choosing light, honesty, integrity, service and righteousness that creates change.

We might all still be grappling with our own inner struggles and we will not escape being confronted, conflicted, depressed, or discouraged but when we choose service from our sincere heart, we are also requiring ourselves to face our duality and human weaknesses. It takes strength to be willing to create a strong and pure sense of the inner self, to remain integral, not just for the self but for the selfless tasks in life which we are assigned.

That said, it is not always about our outer world and living a life that "looks" like a spiritual one -- more, it is about who we are inside and how we choose to give and be in our lives. So whoever you are, wherever you are, be where you are and trust in the place you stand and the places you feel pulled to go from the higher aspects of your being. This is the truth more clear and correct than anything that could ever be told to you.

We're here to help each other, and we also all have our part, our small piece -- a piece that deserves its own honor -- and has as much breadth and uniqueness as our fingerprints. It doesn't need to look like anything you know of, or it can appear to be completely ordinary. And it also has the capacity to completely evolve in unexpected ways — to be nothing like it was when we began.

Jupiter in Capricorn is about doing this work, actualizing the vision, and seeing the dream come to reality. 2020 & beyond hold so much potential for this to also happen within the greater world.

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Check out the Astro Shop for in-depth course offerings & reports on the Astrology of 2019 & 2020! And stay tuned — there is more coming soon!!!

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A Spontaneous Message for the New Moon in Libra


Hello Everyone! Happy New Moon in Libra!

We have passed through the fall equinox and October is already fast approaching. It is a time for reaping the year's harvest and also contemplating balance in our lives. This year in particular, it feels important to take some time this fall to assess our progress, clarify our goals, and reckon our successes, failures, energy levels, and engagement with the various facets of our life. 2019 has been an incredibly intense year for many people and with the fall now upon us, we will begin positioning ourselves for the serious ramp-up that will occur over the next several months as we cross the 2020 threshold.

The big Saturn-Pluto conjunction will be occurring in January, amplified by eclipses and Jupiter's ingress into Capricorn -- it is a collision of massive change that will shake the world. This is a time of rapid transformation that cannot be ignored. Expect a long, intense, deep, exciting, at times raw and often profound unfolding process throughout all of 2020 that will plant the seeds of change for decades, and potentially centuries, to come.

Whatever we have been working with in our lives in 2019 is about to meet an important nexus, as we redefine who we are, and embody more of our truth and potential. We all are embroiled in complicated situations, and many of us are in meetings with destiny -- accepting big soul projects, and facing steps into something unknown. It is a beautiful, mysterious, rollercoaster of a time to be alive. A time of deep surrender, acceptance, and engagement with what is.

Whatever is destroyed must be rebuilt, brick by brick. With greater intelligence than before. There are no more superficial patch-ups. That which has eroded is beyond saving. But it is not a failure -- rather, this is the natural way of things. A stage we don't particularly favor, but one that must exist.

This is a season of savoring what is gained and also what is lost equally. As we move deeper into the darkness of the year, surrendering the parts of ourselves that must now go in order for us to move forward to the new now. A notion that often sounds romantic but rarely is. Though it could be quite easy or very difficult, depending on us. Nonetheless, it is unavoidable.

All that said, please have a wonderful fall season. I hope that wherever you are there are pretty leaves and plenty of hot apple cider to enjoy moments of peace in the chaos. Hold fast to the center.



P.S. The awesome stock photo is by sergio souza from Pexels. I love how nostalgic it feels... a fitting image for the end of the summer going into the fall ... or the end of an era!

Originally written for my October Newsletter (feel free to read all the updates & subscribe here)

Spring-Fall of 2019 // Current Energies: Intense Clearing


Hello everyone!

It’s been a little while with much unfolding in my world, thus less blogging.  I have spent a large part of this past month in particular putting together an intensive online astrology course covering the energies of 2020.  I highly recommend checking this out if you are interested in understanding more about the energy of these times from the astrological perspective.

From my view, the year 2020 represents a breakthrough time, and so I felt called to dive deeply into it and share what has come to me / what I have been discovering about the energies as they approach.  The course offers deep examination of this as well as a comprehensive look at historical and thematic components to the potent and rare Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter conjunction that will be highly active throughout 2020 (Think:  Structures meeting major transformation in a BIG way!)

We are in a time where the consciousness of humanity is shifting rapidly and life is changing immensely for many people.  This year, 2019, is a transitional year in which we are going through many preparatory processes to get ready for the shifts coming in 2020 & beyond.  In the course I elaborate on the layers & dynamics of the astrological components at play in 2020, as well as how the energies affect individuals on a personal level.  In fact, I offer a whole version of the course that includes your natal chart, showing precisely how everything is aligning for you specifically and a highlighted handout breaking down what to expect and how to work with the energies :) 

So if you feel called, please check it out!  It’s really jam packed with information and I guarantee you will come away with much to chew on regarding the flow of the next several years :)


OK!  With all that said!

This month, we just passed through a major eclipse portal.  The energy of these eclipses brought up much that is directly tied to the 2020 astrological alignments that are already starting to form in the skies.  So I really wanted to make sure that I wrote a bit about what’s happening for us RIGHT NOW, as it is extremely important on many levels to our process going forward.

 Yes, the eclipses have passed already… however, the impact of the energy lately is profound, so I feel that what I have to share here will hold relevance long beyond this short window.  Of course – that is the nature of eclipses, anyway!  But the energy of this summer, in particular, is one of deep inner process – with long term implications. 

So without further ado, here are my notes on the current energies.

Saturn on the South Node:  Sitting in Discomfort, Stuckness and Stagnation 

One of the primary patterns active throughout this summer is the conjunction of Saturn and the South Node.  Saturn:  the planet of karmic evolution, hard work, and mastery of lessons – and the South Node:  our karmic past, bad habits, and lazy tendencies.  Starting in April, the South Node crossed over both Saturn & Pluto, triggering the karmic process around & preparation for the upcoming Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January 2020.  In essence, April signaled something significant for us about the incoming transformations – and at this time we were granted some special insight – a way forward.  And then, very quickly, because it was malefic planets and the South Node – in came the WORK.  The heavy, unpleasant work.

Ordinarily, a transit of the node to a planet is a fairly brief meeting.  Significant, but fleeting.  However, this April, it just so happened that just as the South Node and Saturn went into alignment, Saturn turned retrograde and the two have been traveling together ever since (the lunar nodes always move in retrograde motion) – and this journey continues until October.   That is a very, very long time for Saturn to be working with the South Node.  An arduous 7 months of standstill and intense clearing.

The way that I see and feel it -- this alignment is so powerful that the sum total of all other astrological unfoldings this summer go right back to this joining of Saturn and the South Node, including the eclipses.  So most everything I will be discussing from here on out will be working from this perspective.

OK – so what does this mean for us in real time?

The basic way this energy feels to me is a prolonged ennui.  A sense that everything is stuck and nothing is moving.  We are feeling all of the problems and the mounting weight of the work involved with getting out from under them.   In some levels, the problems might even feel a bit irrational – like the burdens and weights upon us are entirely invisible, with no discernible or simple cause – and the emotions connected to these weights disparate and a bit random.  The most mysterious array of feelings arise – about where we are, where we are going, and especially:  What is the point of it all? 

The most recent eclipse portal merely amplified the conundrum.  Almost as if the eclipse energy’s purpose was to turn up the volume so loud that our frustrations, questions and misgivings, inner conflicts, weaknesses and shortages could become undeniably present.  Yet what is most difficult of all is that none of the problems have easy solutions.  Sure, there is the solution we always fall back on (the South Node) and escape to… but we know, somehow, that this is not the real answer or the direction of forward progress.  Not this time, and not ever.  And it is hard to face that even with the most positive expansions and growth in our lives at this moment – we don’t get to coast through.  Because right now, whatever it is, it’s all important, and it all matters.

This is a time of reckoning.  Of reviewing.  And it is also a time of deep integration and digestion.  We feel, acutely, the consequences of our past choices, positive and negative.  And we sense the importance of setting up the next phase with as much wisdom as we can gather.  What is really true?  And how many layers down do we have to pass through within ourselves to arrive at the core of what our lives are supposed to be?  Sorting through all of the desires, all of the influences from society, the internet, our friends, our family, our partners.  From where have we been making our choices?  For whom?  And can we accept responsibility for our failures & mistakes – learn, and move on?

There are a few important components that I see in moving through this time…  The first and most important is PRESENCE.

Do not run from discomfort.  Discomfort is a sign of change.  Change in this case is many things – and facing the reality of oneself and one’s life is the first of those things.  Change is not accomplished through denial but through acknowledgement and acceptance of reality.  After this, change can become other things – such as transmutation/digestion of the old, creative solutions to the problem, simplification, action, or release.  All of this calls for presence with what is, and an ideally observational acceptance for all that arises.

The next important component is STOP CONTROLLING EVERYTHING.  Exertion might be required, but control interferes and causes resistance.  The best way to deal with the need to control is to just to stop and be still.  Wait to pick up the current, and when in the current, surrender.  Control is exhausting and wasteful.  Move with consciousness, not forcefulness.

 The last piece is always going back to WHAT’S IMPORTANT LONG TERM.  What do you really want out of your life in the long view and how do your current choices reflect or reject that?  What contrary feelings come up and where are they rooted from?

This is a very intense time but it’s for good reason.  Starting in 2020 we’re going to be hurtled full throttle into very powerful changes.  What’s wonderful about this time and this energy is that we have the cosmic opportunity to really feel it all out beforehand.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  And to move through some major layers of self which might be getting in the way of where we’re going.  The iron boots feeling of Saturn on the South Node just helps us sit still and stop getting so distracted.  Like… we’re here, we might as well make the most of it.

It can feel like nothing’s happening at all (deafening silence), or that everything’s the worst drudgery… but in fact, a lot is happening.  It’s just taking the form of internal processing, deep feeling, and a lot of work.


Intense Ancestral Clearing

What we are going through is essentially an intense, ongoing, energetic clearing.  It feels harsh at times because the karmic stuff coming up is really deep and old, and for many of us it’s ancestral.  This is the stuff that lives deep in the bones and in the DNA.  Our physical and ego structures are developed from these ancestral imprints – and deep within all of us are impulses that are so subconscious and internalized that we barely even know they exist until they crop up in times like these.

What’s interesting about this, to me, is that there are certain family lineage patterns that we can observe easily (e.g. a history of addiction in a family), and yet there are others which we are completely unaware of until we experience them (e.g. the patterns of behavior in a relationship with partner or children) – in either case, even if we are aware of these patterns they are still quite difficult to root out and extinguish.

Many choices we make in our life, without us even knowing it, are driven by the family imprint, and in this moment there is a more pronounced sense of awareness around this. Are we following that imprint or are we departing from it?  And to what degree are we consciously choosing?  What is the distinction between autonomy and rebellion?  Between following tradition and falling into the same old trap?

Likewise there is a deep sense of longing for home – what home is to us?  What is the difference between our longings, desires and impulses that come from a desire for familiarity (DNA) and the callings of our spirit?  Are they one in the same for us — or distinct?

This feeling of searching for home and understanding our origins in communion with what’s true to our spirit and how to truly LIVE that, is really strong under this energy. How can we be sure we’re not just playing the same old tapes in disguise? And again, there is no clear answer, just a process.  Where the process is leading us, it seems to me, is into a deeper recognition of who we are, and a more easeful state of self acceptance, as well as a potentially healing time for family issues within oneself and between family members.

The work is heartfelt and deep.  There is a sense of coming together and back to basics with the North Node in Cancer.


The Power of Subtle Influence (Yin / Feminine Approaches on the Rise)

The final bit that I want to discuss is the increased potency, awareness, and implementation of yin (soft) methods to accomplish change in life, self and the world.

What this means to me, simply, is the reformation of oneself, one’s life, and perhaps eventually one’s community and the world, through influence, example, and direct relationship – rather than domination.

It is clear to me that no true change is realized without individuals coming to resolve their own inner conflicts for themselves.  I feel many people in the world are doing this work already – and I trust that reality will eventually shift with the increased cultural focus towards dealing with the internal contradictions and fallacies that dominate our world views (no matter who we are).  That said, I do not necessarily believe this means changes in our outer worlds (e.g. greater society level) will be discernible as quickly as many wish for.  However, I believe that over a larger arc of time, it is already unfolding and that we are heading into a more positive age for humanity.  The strength of feminine energy (and women), and yin approaches to problem solving (not gender specific), is a key component to this process.

Ever since Uranus crossed into Taurus in 2018, I have felt that we will see more women stepping forward to offer their ideas to the collective.  So far, I have observed this to be true and what is reflected to me about the feminine leadership that has appeared, is that it is in the feminine approach that something refreshing and inventive is brought to the collective.  The power is in how women connect with others, and also the unique ways in which women approach subject matter – bringing out dimensions previously unconsidered.  I believe that over the course of the next decade we will see many women bringing new approaches and ideas to previously male dominated areas of society and that this will cause a positive shift in the way larger structures & systems serve the world. 

On a more basic level, soft approaches are more favored now.  Encouraging connection and integration, in whatever way that shows up (within the body, within the spirit, within society) is extremely powerful, and needed now more than ever.  I feel hopeful that the true power of feminine energy is becoming more present, accepted and embraced by society as a whole and that the yin approaches of yielding, listening, integrating & digesting will be incorporated more and more into our daily lives, health practices, and discourse in general.

This concludes my thoughts on the energies for now :)  I truly hope that this serves you going forward.  If you are curious to read more – please feel free to check out all of the different articles I have on this blog, as well as my other more intensive offerings such as the 2020 Astrology Course, and my 2019 Written Reports (the information is still relevant and unfolding :)!) There is so much more to explore about the energy of these times and I have poured a great deal of my thoughts into these outlets — so do check it out!

Also – I often am asked by many readers what one can do to process all that is going on more smoothly.  I want to share that hands down, the best way I know to ground, transmute and transform in a graceful, yet deep way is through Meditation & Qigong work.

If you are local to Asheville, I would love to have you at the Tao Institute for any of our entry level classes to learn Tai Chi, Qigong & Baguazhang & other Taoist Cultivation & Meditation methods. These are wonderful, natural methods to get in touch with the body in a deep way, and assist in the process of spiritual transformation.

If you are not local, please stay tuned as we are working on more content for the Tao Institute website to better serve and connect with more people.  This is the work I do the most, which informs everything I write on this blog, and has also transformed my own life.  So I am pleased to share it in whatever ways I can :) 

Thank you so much for your time today and for reading my article.  Have a wonderful day and see you next time!

2020 Astrology Course

Ready to keep diving into the changes? Check out the 2020 Video Course :)

This course includes:

  • 3 Hours of in-depth video content — Digest it all at your own pace and return to it when you need to!

  • 2 in-depth handouts to help you understand how to work with the energy of 2020 on a personal level

  • Options to receive your personalized natal chart and handouts to help you connect with exactly how the energies are affecting you over the course of the next two years!

2019 Astrology Reports - On Sale!

If you are curious to learn more about what 2019 has in store for all of us, please check out my in-depth astrology reports. In these reports I expand on the spiritual themes and astrological configurations of 2019 in detail.

The themes and channeled messages within my reports will be relevant throughout the entirety of 2019 and can be revisited again and again throughout the year for guidance and insight.

Learn more by clicking on the report listings below :)


Personal readings & gift certificates are available and you can book online anytime! Just click below for more information :)

New Moon in Pisces : March Astrology Message


March 6, 2019 is the New Moon in Pisces.  It’s a particularly powerful one that I would like to share some messages about. 

This New Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, and coincides with a Pisces Mercury Retrograde and the movement of Uranus into Taurus – a major 8 year transit (please read my article on this transit for more in-depth insight).  Just a few weeks ago, the asteroid of wounds, healing, vulnerability and mentorship, Chiron, also changed signs from Pisces to Aries where it will reside for 8 years as well.

To put it simply, this is a moment where the movements of the heavens are reflecting great change down here on earth, and so we can expect our worlds to evolve and change in kind.  The two long-term planetary ingresses initiate significant new phases of growth and the very intense Piscean energy that pervades the month of March shows a watery transition – filled with long abandoned memories, grief, and deep emotional release. 

Some keywords/concepts for this month:  Reflective, mirroring, nostalgia, flux, vague, confusion, visionary, deeply emotional, inspired, afraid, facing and embracing the past, transition, holding patterns, finishing what’s unfinished, preparing space, clearing the past to invite the future, connecting with spirit, embracing change. 

In this month’s message, perhaps appropriate to the Pisces Mercury Rx active right now, I decided to go forgo my usual astrological breakdown & dissection and go directly into the energy.  My hope is for a simpler, more direct message as a result.  Please enjoy.

In this era of great change each and every one of us is undergoing processes of transformation.  For years now, people have asked me, “When does it end?”  And the answer is that it never ends.  Maybe the day comes when change is stabilized, but I could not tell you when such a reality would come to pass and if it is soon or in the far distance.  For now, I perceive that it is right to accept that change is the new normal, and that we can learn to embrace and enjoy it instead of holding so much resistance to it.  Resistance is nothing more than a survival mechanism and it has served its purpose.  Now invites surrender.

Many of us have conditions in our lives that cause us to spin in cycles:  Visions that seem out of reach.  Paths we resist taking.  Patterns we can’t ever seem to address.  Intuitively, we know that we need to move forward, but it feels unsafe and unknown to leap into things that have no guarantees, no specific pattern, no outline.  We fuss about being accepted, having enough money, and always knowing what to expect.  We worry too much about whether or not we’re doing things right.  Unconsciously, we keep ourselves stuck and blame circumstance for our failures.

What arises now is something different – both the motivation to change and the vision of where the root of the problem lies.  Reflections of the past show up in everyday moments and take us back to places we had long concluded we’d rather not be.  But observing and feeling them anew, having changed as much as we have, grants a new perspective.  Don’t run from your reflection – because one day you’re going to have to accept that it is your face. 

What is the mirror really for?  In it we see what we really are – what lingers around us, what weakens us, what undermines us from embodying the real self.  Even if we know intellectually, perhaps we still have not seen it truly yet.  Within us the emotional paradigms can seem quite vast and unfathomable – from where did they arise?  It could be well beyond what we think and anyway, it’s not important – what’s more important is recognizing the integration of our hundred selves and the wars within as nothing more but friction between our multi-dimensional aspects.  What we are going through is a sort of fusion – eventually it will melt down into one, but there are still pieces that knock together unpleasantly and of course, there is also the fire scouring the impurities in tiny bursts and spontaneous flare-ups.

What I’ve noticed is that it won’t work to reject the old faces, old fears, or lament what has past.  Instead these must be drawn in and digested, incorporated into the being – so we can go forward with wholeness and acceptance of self -- past and future.  We are being haunted by the scars upon our heart, our deepest unprocessed pain, everything left in the boxes of the past that we decided to shut off and not feel.  Even if we’ve met these ghosts before, still there are residuals -- threads kept intact, pieces unconsidered, broken shards with some answers.    

The past and future might have long looked like a straight line – but in this moment they are all joining together – lines bending back to create circles, all closing at once, meeting at one point.  That point being now.  That point being you. 

Above all things it is about wholeness through drawing ones spirit back into oneself.  And through this, old pain and heaviness is slowly, naturally, and effortlessly dissolved.  Whatever threshold lies in wait requires this merging.  For reasons that we don’t have to know now, but also for one reason that is obvious:  For completion.

In coming months and years we will be embarking on a new journey.  It is a journey we’ve been working towards for some time.  Quite simply, it is a journey into the future – into light – into a developing new paradigm of reality.  And it is not to say that this is the kind of thing where one day we suddenly pack our bags and arrive – no, it will continue to unfold in a gradual manner.  The world will continue to play out its chaos.  We will continue to grapple with ourselves.  But what I am seeing is a kind of tipping point – the see-saw is equalizing – the window between two worlds is open and soon, we will find ourselves on the other side.  Thinking, creating, wondering, “What’s next?” in a more joyful way.  With more confidence, personal power, and control.

In our current world, nature and civilization exist in conflict and contrast.  Yin and Yang are separated.  Human and earth too distinct.  The lack of integration within the human body creates disease, and so it could be observed that the lack of integration of man with nature is a form of disorder, and the true root of our current condition.  The path to reclaim our connection to the earth is quite long and the distance exceeds our view.  At the same time, the distortions of human consciousness are profound and deeply embedded by millennia of conditioned response – so of course we find it painful, destabilizing and confusing to be where we are now – the place in-between.   

But with sincerity and faith, we can go forward.  Trust in goodness.  Trust that you can be healed.  Trust in the power of the human spirit.  That we can overcome.  Together we already have the skills, knowledge and creativity to change the world, to correct the corruption, and find a new order.  And soon, we will also start to see the way through.  But for now we have to surrender and trust that wherever we are going next, we are getting closer to what we’ve hoped for.  

It starts with ourselves.  It starts inside.  Always.  Every time.

How can we embrace every person we’ve ever been – in this lifetime and in the past?  How can we accept every experience we’ve ever had?  How can we love the joy and the pain, the beauty and the sorrow, with equanimity?  And forgiveness?

It’s time we stop denying life to erase darkness -- because we know it doesn’t work.  Darkness is dispersed only when it is seen.  Health only exists when there is acceptance, integration and digestion.  Wholeness includes everything, no exceptions.

Yes, these times are intense, taxing, and filled with difficult inner trials.  We must remain vigilant to establish good habits for our health and well-being just to stay on top of it all.  But in the energy of change, there is also the possibility of miracles.  Our ails help us to grow. 

If we have beautiful dreams, no matter how grand or how simple, let’s nurture them with faith and devotion. Let us meet them with our complete, whole, and integrated selves.

2019 Astrology Reports

If you are curious to learn more about what 2019 has in store for all of us, please check out my in-depth astrology reports. In these reports I expand on the spiritual themes and astrological configurations of 2019 in detail.

The themes and channeled messages within my reports will be relevant throughout the entirety of 2019 and can be revisited again and again throughout the year for guidance and insight.

Learn more by clicking on the report listings below :)


Personal readings & gift certificates are available and you can book online anytime!  Just click below for more information :)