astrology forecast

2023 Year of the Water Rabbit: Good Opportunity

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!

I hope this new year is treating you well so far, and that any challenges you face soon come to clarity and resolution with ease and grace.

As has become tradition, I am writing this article in acknowledgment of the Lunar New Year, as well as the Gregorian calendar year of 2023.  The tone of 2023 is one of transition, opportunity, and harmonization.  After the upheaval of the last few years, now we regain our footing and begin to face life anew.  It is time to look ahead, create new order, care for the self, and embrace simplicity.

This is a year of greater calm, offering necessary reprieve for reflection and reorientation.  Use this time wisely, as the coming years in this decade are likely to continue to be very intense collectively.  Integrate what you have learned about yourself in the last few years to strengthen your resilience.  Be adaptable.  Soften any remaining edges of rigidity, hyper-vigilance and obstinance.  Reconnect with community.  Remember what is true.

To give a more complete overview of what to expect in this coming year, I will share from both the Eastern & Western astrological perspectives.  Enjoy!

I-Ching Reading for the Lunar New Year:  Year of the Water Rabbit 2023

This year’s casting yielded Hexagram 11:  T’ai, “Peace / Good Opportunity.”  Line number 3.  The italicized quotations presented here are from the I-Ching:  Book of Changes and the Unchanging Truth, translation and commentary by Ni Hua Ching.


Earth over Heaven


General Guidance for this Hexagram: 

“Good Opportunity.  In a time of prosperity, something small is given and something large is returned.  Little effort brings a big reward.  Good fortune.  Proceed.”

The hexagram of Earth over Heaven represents peace and integration.  Because of the rising Yang nature of the Heaven trigram, and the sinking Yin nature of the Earth trigram, in this arrangement, the two trigrams intermingle harmoniously.

Master Ni notes in his commentary that a more literal translation of the Hexagram’s title “T’ai” is “Best Order” or “Perfect Condition.”  The suggestion here is that we can utilize a harmonious time to establish appropriate structures, discipline, and alignment that allow peace to be sustained.  During 2023, it will be important to balance one’s lifestyle, health, resources and affairs, and to do so in a manner that is useful and enduring. 

From a Taoist perspective, integration means no extremes.  If there are discordant, stagnant, disconnected or otherwise inharmonious energies in your life, now is the time to observe these, and invite guidance on how to set them in order.  The conditions of this time are much like a still point between worlds — we are shedding our old concept of self and reality, while solidifying new groundwork and new understanding.  The new frameworks that we build in these quieter times will carry us forward through more challenging ones.

Because the energetic conditions are naturally harmonious, adjustment will be more effortless.  Thus it is a good opportunity to strengthen oneself for the future.

Guidance from Line 3:  

“No plateau is without a slope and no forward movement is without a turning back.  One needs to maintain one’s goal without being discouraged by difficulties.  Have no worries and be faithful; thus enjoyment and blessings follow.”

The third line represents a position of transition.  One must maintain control and be firm in approaching one’s goal.  Though this situation may appear beyond one’s capabilities, with firmness, good results can be achieved.

Line #3 is the “specific guidance” of this Hexagram for the year of 2023.  The events of the last several years have been revelatory and have shown us many personal and societal weaknesses.  At the same time, these difficulties have the possibility to embolden us and lead us to greater understanding, personal strength, and resilience.  While this year might not be as eventful as previous years, reflecting upon what has occurred already provides necessary insight as to what we need to know, do, or be going forward.

Once clarity has been established within, the difficulties that arise must be faced courageously and unwaveringly.  Where we might have withered before, we instead stand strong.  The wisdom we have gained through hardship will not be easily thrown off course.  Yet, we should be prepared for unpredictable circumstances, situations, and outcomes — and pursue the path forward with faith regardless.

Characteristics of the Water Rabbit

The year of the rabbit is a yin energy year, which promises a gentler period after the very intense and stormy energy of the Water Tiger.  Elementally, the year of 2022 and 2023 both share a Wood/Water combination.  This is a combination very conducive for growth and expansion.  Many of last year’s themes of simplification and temperance are still relevant this year — and will likely feel easier to accomplish under the Rabbit’s energies.  The turbulent Tiger can be difficult to deal with, and so while normalcy may have been regained in some respect, there were still many big waves to navigate.  Events around the world were far from stable, and in our individual lives many experienced their fair share of upheaval and disruption.

Last year’s I-Ching guidance of “Self Restraint” encouraged discipline, and retaining one’s energy instead of wasting or overextending it.  In our current conflict laden and psychically pressurized environment, such a skill is incredibly useful to develop.  Under the Tiger energy, we had a lot of chance to observe how well we manage our energy.  Tiger’s intense and dynamic vibe can be very active and eventful, leaving one depleted if down time is not respected.  During the Tiger year we were more courageous, and may have undertaken difficult projects, new adventures, or set new boundaries for others and ourselves.  In this coming year, we will have the opportunity to fully integrate our new understandings with regards to these developments and apply our awareness to forging new structures that protect us from wasteful expenditure of energy, resources, and time.

The rabbit is a quiet and gentle archetype that symbolizes elegance, quick responsiveness, kindness and patience.  The rabbit is skillful, responsible, empathetic, and social.  Those born year of the rabbit are very intuitive and sensitive to their environment.  They will not usually flaunt their thoughts and feelings, but will show their true nature through their actions, creations, and gifts.  They tend to be reserved, but demonstrate a gracious and welcoming attitude.

During 2023, we will all likewise feel a bit more amicable, crave peace, and appreciate our solitude and social life equally.  Calmness is refreshing after such stressful years, and our energy for conflict will likely wane, as inward pursuits take precedence.  I will add as a footnote here that 2023 is also a Numerological Year 7 — the number of retreat and spirituality.  So it is likely that many will feel the impulse to focus more on spiritual pursuits, personal healing, and self reflection, especially if the turbulence of the last few years caused disruptions to your usual routine.  Essentially, it feels a bit like the dial on collective noise will be turned down a bit — and we will regain a sense of sweetness in daily life.

Growth in recent years has been much more Yang presenting — dictated quite often by sudden changes in the outer world, events, and chaos from other people.  This year growth will come through inward exploration, clearing and anchoring.  Instead of letting ourselves be wound into collective chaos — how can we instead stay grounded and centered within ourselves?  To gain and maintain one’s own internal stability and clarity, regardless of what is occurring outside, is what is truly useful.  Through that, we can be a vector for productive and creative forces, contribute positively to others and society, and be an active part of facilitating change.

Western Astrological Notes for 2023

A reading for this Lunar New Year New Moon in Aquarius at 1 degree from Ellias Lonsdale’s “Inside Degrees.”


A two-headed calf

Taking a good look at things with an eager eye brings you right into the middle of the dilemma with polarities.  As you stand there faced with the different sides, you are impartial; neither side pulls you more sharply than the other.  Immense opportunity.  Huge challenge.  You have vital potential for brilliant synthesis, but a subtle temptation to think too long.  A schooling in alchemy in every moment—do you find what is ready to emerge, or do you think about it?  Progressive evolution draws you through your mistakes into all that can be.

This reading of the Chandra symbolism for Aquarius 1 was quite apt in conjunction with the other facets of this reading, so I felt it would be useful to share as another look at the same general concept.  This reading in particular centers around harmonizing polarities and the opportunity for alchemization brought forth through the synthesis of them.  It is encouraged to engage with life in real time, rather than becoming lost in abstractions — something Aquarius can be quite prone to.  The  Aquarian dilemma of abstract concepts vs real world application, individualism vs collectivism, and mental vs spiritual paradoxes are some of the most pressing issues of our time.  As Pluto begins its transition into Aquarius in 2023 (following Saturn’s 3 year transit through this sign), we can expect this struggle will continue.

The Lunar New Year chart (set for Washington DC time/USA focus) does seem to orient us towards looking at relationships and facing communication barriers with full honesty.  Conversations and connections are fraught, and can be painful, but continuing on in the way that we have leads us collectively further from truth.  We must be willing to engage impartially — to take the time to investigate things, understand others’ perspectives, and build relationships if we’re to reach any potential of higher realization or collective clarity.  Allowing systemic forces to continue to influence us to engage in division is unwise and is our greatest collective vulnerability and downfall at this time.  Nothing is resolved when there is no listening.

The paradox of Aquarius is that it contains both individualism and collectivism.  These concepts are both expressive of fundamental facets of human development and evolution, and are both important.  In this time, however, the guidance that has been shown to me is that we must develop our individual sovereignty, from a spiritual perspective, firmly, before we can have a healthy collective.  This means we need to learn to cultivate our vertical connection (the energetic link to heaven and earth) first and foremost — and allow our horizontal connection (social orientation, material world) to be born from that.

It is so important to develop one’s own relationship with spirit, and with the earth in order to form healthy and clear personal discernment and presence.  At this time on earth there is an unprecedented level of difficult, dark and chaotic energies creating interference in the mental, emotional and spiritual consciousness of humanity.   Many of these are deeply embedded historical energies that are arising to be cleared, while others are simply born of the egregores of today’s outer world challenges.  If one is not sufficient grounded, it is easy to become confused by all of these cross currents, and lose track of the here and now.

On a more basic level, having a firm connection with one’s own internal alignment, and its alignment with natural cycles, as well as a well-developed relationship with our higher aspects, also allows us to have a healthy relationship with ourselves.  The more attuned we become to our personal alignment with both heaven and earth, the more we will be in rhythm with life, have healthy boundaries, and be able to recognize and correct lower tendencies latent in our nature. This personal work is essential if we hope to develop healthy community in any future time — especially on a larger scale. Pluto’s transit through Aquarius will undoubtedly bring this collective shadow process to the fore throughout the next two decades.  Before we can cross the threshold of the true “Age of Aquarius” we must deeply reckon with the roots of corruption that darken communities, organizations and governments — and learn to move from clarity rather than fear or control.  There is no true freedom from the evolutionary loop if this is not resolved.

From a Taoist perspective, the heaven & earth connection is the essential integration that we as humans have the power to actively develop.  To integrate both heavenly & earthly energies, is to be capable of manifesting higher energies through one’s earthly form to the physical world.  If we only orient ourselves through the horizontal plane — socially, intellectually, materially, so on — we are subject to the currents of those realities.  The needs of our soul may or may not be regarded.  And because we are not utilizing our natural alignment or listening to natural order, it is also difficult to create tangible change.  In this case, we may find ourselves simply repeating the cycle.

Being oriented only in the horizontal aspects of reality — that which is visible — is a form of being too “earthly.”  In this point of view, it might also be considered being too “human only” — not respecting earthly cycles or heavenly cycles.  However, it should be understood that there is also a pitfall of being too oriented in “heavenly” energy only.  This is when a person is floating about in the spiritual aspect of reality with no grounding.  While it may appear to be more “exalted” than the “human only” orientation, this, too, is imbalanced.

In the Taoist perspective, it is important to be able to live a “plain, simple life” in the world.  To understand what it means to be in society, to have a home, to pay your bills, cook food, and tend to basic survival.  If one is only focused on spirituality and is not able to bring this into their life in an authentic way, the energy is ungrounded.  On a similar note — all spiritual concepts, philosophies, etc, that one takes on should also be functional in the regular world.   A large part of integration work is alignment, as I have mentioned — which means eliminating hypocrisy and internal contradictions.  Walking your talk.  Whatever virtues one cultivates must be embodied completely and universally.  Not selectively.

Additionally, one of the most important aspects of cultivating our awareness of spiritual reality is to bring the wisdom and purity of heaven into the material world. To give back and serve, even in simple ways. Similar to how the pitfall of being “too human” doesn’t invite alignment to cosmic forces and thus perpetuates the cycle of human limitation, the pitfall of being “too spiritual” doesn’t allow us to ground higher evolutionary change into the world. In both instances, one is separated from an essential aspect of reality and unable to be effective. This is why the integration of both the heavenly and the earthly is the highest calling of this time — and the true path to creation.

Of course, because we are human, we will not be perfect in our execution of all things at all times.  But, if reaching toward a better world is your goal, it is important to practice consciously, and to always work towards self development.  If we can’t maintain goodness and grace ourselves — how can we have the strength to root out the world’s darkness?

The coming planetary movements in 2023 all harken back to these essential ideas.  This is a time for building spiritual discipline, untangling knots in our consciousness, freeing ourselves from enmeshments and falsehood, facing collective shadow, and exploring human consciousness in all of its facets — deeply feeling the truth of this world — its darkness, and its promise.  We transform the world by first transforming ourselves.  Trying something different.  And exploring the possibilities of what lies just beyond our awareness.

Thank you for reading!

If you are interested in working with me more deeply, one-on-one consultations are available on a limited basis. Please check out my booking page to see my calendar and get in touch.

For Qigong work and energetic development, please see our options at Tao Institute & Tao Institute Online.

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The Astrology of March 2016: Eclipses in Pisces & Libra ... Deep Release, Divine Revelation, Collective Vision & Spiritual Partnership

There is no way to over-emphasize the power of Tuesday’s Total Solar Eclipse & New Moon.  Occurring at 18 Degrees of Pisces, the eclipse is forming significant relationships with every collective and transpersonal planet, all of whom are involved in world shaping aspect patterns, and represent the ongoing stories in our lives and human consciousness for the past several years.

USA Solar Eclipse Chart

Historically, eclipses are seen as portentous and ominous events, traditionally bringing with them all of the signatures of change – which in archaic contexts means difficult news, crisis and chaos.  Solar Eclipses, occurring always on the new moon, are symbolic of endings and conclusions that of course are often followed by major new beginnings.  Total eclipses of all kinds are especially powerful because they really create a pause in the energy (even if it is not visible from your location) – a break from the pattern that we expect.  This energetic break is like a window of opportunity for accelerated change and transformation.  In fact, I have come to see eclipses as times of revelation, decision, and crossing thresholds.  No matter what arrives at the time of an eclipse – whether subtle, amazing or tragic – it is always an experience that we don’t come back from the same.  There is never a return to the “normalcy” that once was – rather, we arrive at a NEW normal.  This is true for the news that we see during eclipse phases (many immensely tragic events that have shaped our consciousness as a society have occurred around eclipses, thus their ominous reputation), and also for our personal experience.  So whether we experience a new birth, or a shocking end, the impact of it is always profound, long lasting, and permanent.

The astrological reason for this is that eclipses ALWAYS occur on an axis that is referred to in Tropical Astrology as the “Nodes of Fate” or “Nodal Axis.”  This axis represents the point at which the orbit of the earth and the moon intersect.  When a new or full moon occurs in the realm of this axis (this happens every six months), we experience eclipses somewhere in the world.  Eclipses or no eclipses, the nodal axis is a significant point in any chart, as it refers to the soul’s evolution and direction.  Transits of the nodes, or prominence of the nodes in any given chart often bring fateful experiences – these can be meeting those major people, making those major decisions, or any other critical turning point that brings us closer to our soul’s true course.  The nodes are referred to as North and South – North being the direction that we are headed, and South often referring to past life, past experience, and where we have a tendency to become addicted and stuck.  Eclipses that occur on the North Node propel us forward – eclipses that occur on the South Node bring about major releases.  In every eclipse period there is always a pair, and sometimes even a triplet of eclipses, so we will experience both the north and south nodes and the see-saw of emotions that relates to their ongoing polarity.

This eclipse in Pisces is a South Node eclipse.  It is VERY near to the South Node, so since the last full moon, many of us have been experiencing a rapid fire clearing of old emotions.  Since the eclipse is in sensitive Pisces and in very close aspect to the asteroid Chiron – an energy that pertains to our deep soul wounds – this is a MAJOR clearing of deep-seated and subconscious issues.  These are things that often we have tended to hold onto because they are too sensitive to touch – so rather than face these wounds, we often develop emotional workarounds.  So even though Chiron is only one small piece of this very complex astrological puzzle – this component to the energies is like the symbol of Chiron itself – it feels very much like the KEY to the whole configuration.

Chiron is often described in a simple manner as being about wounding and healing – but this energy is very interesting, because it is also a profound teacher.  It is the bridge between Saturn (A planet which shows us our insecurities, weaknesses and responsibilities) and Uranus (The energy of the divine mind & fearless individuality).  Like Saturn, Chiron urges us to face our fears and problems, to deeply and completely LEARN from them and heal through the refinement of our wounded tendencies – and like Uranus, Chiron aspires to transcend the state of woundedness to come into the higher actualization of our Chiron issues so that we can BECOME that healing force in the world in the realm and sign archetypes that are represented by our natal Chiron.

With Chiron’s placement in Pisces conjunct the South Node & the Solar Eclipse, I am finding one of the themes of the energy is around experiences concerning victimhood.  This came to me as particularly pertaining to compassion and empathy – times in our lives past (and even very present for many) where empathy was not received and even times when we did not give empathy or compassion to someone who needed it.  It is likely that these things correlate – where we have not received empathy and compassion is usually the precise area where we find it difficult to show this empathy and compassion to others.  The wound inflicted by the experience of judgment in our time of need can be so sensitive that we are not even conscious of our lack of compassion until some later time.  We can even feel that offering acceptance to another in the area where we feel wounded is tangibly painful for us and so avoid doing so, masking our pain with a negative reaction.  The overarching themes of victimhood and sacrifice that arise from the Pisces archetype are, as I see it, deeply entwined with the emerging desire for a true sense of empowered individuality for all people, in all situations.  Clinging to the role of the victim is where we are hung up in our progress.  We identify so easily with what causes us pain that we subconsciously support the illusion that our painful experiences must continue to define what we are capable of being, creating, etc.    But the need for change is POWERFUL.  On a large scale, there is now an extremely obvious state of unrest over human rights issues of all kinds – and on a smaller scale, many are feeling a similar unrest with regard to their personal relationships, workplace politics, and other sources of authority past and present.  There has been dissatisfaction with the overall structure of things for a long time now.  On a personal level, many of us have been making changes to move away from stuck attitudes and paradigms, opting for a more pioneering approach.  But in order to truly embark upon these ventures, what we most need to let go of is our toxic identification with this inner victim.

The overwhelming energy of this chart is actually one of opportunity and vision.  What we want is RIGHT THERE in front of us, it’s ALREADY available to us.  What we’re needing to release right now are the things within our consciousness that prevent us from believing that we can do the things we most deeply desire.  Receiving is an essential aspect of giving.  Many of us have a very difficult time truly receiving and accepting gifts.  These gifts can come in so many forms and capacities – they can be gifts of insight that seem so far-fetched to us that we immediately dismiss them, they can be physical gifts of appreciation that we are not certain of accepting due to feelings of unworthiness, perhaps, or suspicion – and they can also be opportunities that we immediately assume must be “too good to be true.”  Accepting gifts, trusting others, and learning to embrace major upgrades without the feeling that there’s strings attached or a secret catch, is actually a part of our work towards more individual empowerment and collective unity.

There are a lot of ideas in the collective right now that many people want to make a reality, but what’s coming to me is that it can be hard for us to come together and unite because of our cynicism and fearfulness about the reliability of other people.  Can we work together?  Do our visions really align?  Is it really possible to have functional, respectful partnerships?  Is group action in our fragmented world a real thing or is it just some silly, idealistic notion of times past?

Part of the anxiety feels like because in recent years, we’ve been doing SO MUCH emotional & spiritual work on ourselves that pertained to our more troublesome relationship dynamics that we now carry a reluctance to fully embrace others again.  But we are actually done with that work for the most part and the people that we need to be around in the NOW have already entered our lives, and it is time to start doing something with those connections.  Of course, there is an ongoing process between the moment of insight and the realization of the vision – but I feel that this is a time of major breakthrough with regards to getting OURSELVES out of the way and doing something for the greater good.  This is a time about really trusting the process -- that our pure intentions are received, supported, and guided.  There is something much bigger at work – something that is beyond us, and if we can just surrender to that, what we need WILL happen.

The other point that’s important to note is about a release of the ego – whether the ego is shouting in disagreement with our intentions or whether it is on a course of grandiosity, there is truly no room for this in a higher spiritual sense.  This phase of change is not about that – it is a collaborative energy.  It is not about you and what you want to do and them and what they want to do – it’s about what NEEDS to be DONE, what we can personally contribute, and who we can connect and partner with to have a greater impact & a broader reach.  This is a major purging of the collective consciousness, which is in essence, also a sort of space clearing.  This energy is about the collective coming together – and that is what Pisces energy really is about – the collective, and needing to make collective choices, having collective gatherings, and working for the greater good of all… rather than continuing to operate in our typical individualistic mentality.  The work for us as individuals IS, however, the work of being egoless -- not about surrendering to others, per se, but about surrendering to the higher vision of the mission and spirit of service.  The message that I am receiving is that this is the only way to truly collaborate with others, and it is a skill that we so desperately need to cultivate.  What the challenge seems to be is the question of HOW?  Not because the idea is so far-fetched, but HOW do diverse groups of people truly get on the same page, spiritually speaking, for a collaborative humanitarian mission?  Can we put our human selves aside well enough to do it?  It seems we won’t know until we try – and what we are experiencing now is really preparation for this next phase, which feels quite significant to our evolution.  Even if this perspective seems idealistic, there is a sense that there is real possibility here due to the incredible malleability of the social structures in this moment.

I believe that many people are aware of this transition in consciousness, even if subtly.  There is a lot of soul searching going on about what we truly want – and this is one of those times when we should put some real energy into that vision:  If there were no obstacles to the life we wish existed for us – be it monetary, societal & social, or personality driven (in the case of personal relationships) – What would that life look like?  What would it feel like?  Who would we be in that world?  And if you don’t know what your vision is, try to focus on the feelings you most wish you had – is it comfort?  Is it success?  Acclaim?  Financial security?  Love?  Community?  Freedom?  And then expand the scene from there.  The energy of the vision feels so incredibly strong right now, and I feel that the reason the release over our victimhood is simultaneously just as strong is because the truth is that we cannot move fully into the ideal relationship, the ideal career, or the ideal ANYTHING as long as we are carrying baggage about how this or that thing has failed for us in the past.

It might not necessarily seem like a cause-effect situation either.  Sometimes we’re carrying wounds about things that are weighing us down and we don’t even realize how they are affecting our life.  They can be small things or real intense and profound things – but if we take the time to look inwardly and explore the most prickly of our inner emotions, particularly those that might be arising right now in the reflection of our lives – we might be surprised to discover hang ups that are creating obstacles to our growth that we were previously unable to perceive.

What we have the opportunity to do in 2016 is rewrite our truth.  What we are being presented with, in many cases, is a strange combination of the dying past reminding us of its true end – and new opportunities that are so beyond our typical scope of vision that we’re having to wade through a mountain of insecurities that we never knew existed.  The first answer to the question of HOW seems to be surrendering to fear and uncertainty by really looking at the part that feels tense, wound up and sensitive.  The second answer is truly, wholly, and genuinely beginning to ACCEPT the possibilities that are before us.  Because stepping into the idea that we are powerful enough as people to actually CREATE something of real substance in this world using our personal brand of ingenuity, motivation and drive, can be pretty scary.  But this is that decisive moment between helping another in need or choosing to lick the wounds of our own ancient problems.  Do we keep feeding the monster that impairs us, or do we transmute our feeling of lack and failure to one that can see another’s hurt before our own?  Can we recognize that to spite our failures past, that we still have the capacity to give and enrich others with our unique talents?  Can we embrace the power of what we could give, if only we allowed ourselves to do so?

Of course I am talking a great deal about this on a large and more public scale, in terms of our work in the world as a collective – but this also applies directly to our personal lives and challenges.  The mutable energy of 2016 as a whole is prime for really working through and transforming mental constructions that inhibit us from having the reality that we wish for.  Under this climate if you can dream it – and REALLY see yourself where you want to be in all senses – you can create it.  Now is a time for finding our happiness, speaking our real truth, and fearlessly walking our talk.  This is a time for meeting people, connecting with mentors, doing our service, and perfecting routines.  It is a time to let go of our guilt or lack of forgiveness.  A time to be humble, and tune in to the compassionate heart.

Use this window of opportunity for the expansion of your wellbeing – and the wellbeing of those around you!  Really listen for the messages of change that arrive during this eclipse cycle.

USA Lunar Eclipse Chart

A very quick note on the Lunar Eclipse which is to occur on March 23 – I expected I would write two articles this month, but after writing this one, I realized that these insights apply to the logic of both eclipse charts – Tuesdays Solar Eclipse really sets the tone and creates the need for clearing the space, emptying out, letting go, and getting ready for the new – and the Lunar Eclipse in Libra orients us toward forward movement and human connections.  The Libra eclipse especially brings in the aspect of connecting with those towards whom we can be of service, whom we can serve with, and whom can serve us.  The Lunar eclipse also forms a strong aspect to Mars in Sagittarius, which really triggers the energy of action.  We will likely feel by the full moon a sense of culmination and also perhaps completion with reference to the past several years of deep relationship work.  We’ve established the groundwork for what feels right and appropriate to us in relationship (with ourselves, with each other, with life, in love, in business, and in friendships) – now it is a matter of beginning to implement these changes fully empowered.  The face of how we relate is evolving at a fundamental level – and the bottom line of it is one of more care, more deep authenticity, and more freedom.

So this was very long and involved, I know – but all of these insights have been coming to me and asking to be shared, so I really hope that this is helpful and clarifying during this challenging month!!!

Note that I do offer personal readings, and will be extending my special through March 23 for 15% off on readings using the code “CELESTIAL” through my checkout page to make readings more accessible to those who are in need of deeper personal insight at this time.

Sending love to you and yours...  Enjoy the beauty & power of March's transformations.

Full Moon in Gemini // Feeling Overwhelmed? // Saturn Neptune Square, Virgo North Node


I had no intention of writing anything about this full moon. My life has been in a FLOW lately. A good flow, but also a busy one. Even though on the one hand, my schedule seems completely conquerable and normal, this other part of me finds itself easily overwhelmed by the simplest, smallest little things. A sign of the times, no doubt. But nonetheless, some murmurings crossed my vision today about this moon and the astrology of late and I felt it pertinent to offer some context, and perhaps solace, to those that this may reach. While I could really break down the whole chart for the full moon piece by piece if I wished, I feel it can be summarized more simply by just a few major aspects: The first perfection of the Saturn-Neptune Square, the recent transition of the North Node into Virgo, and the influence of Chiron & Jupiter.

The short story of all of that? The energy of vulnerability, of wounding, and of feeling adrift at sea is king right now in the cosmic soup. And if you are feeling somewhat bereft, you are most definitely not alone!

The extremely powerful 11/11 New Moon came across to me as an opening for monumental change, and a choice point for the world – on its simplest level, I felt it brought forward a recognition of (or need to recognize) the true power of consciousness. Almost immediately after the new moon, as the nodes shifted into Virgo/Pisces, a number of alarming news stories appeared before us. I watched for a brief moment as the emotion of compassion began dividing, and even the reality of tragedy seemed itself to quickly spiral away into the cloud of discourse, dialogue, and debate. I could feel the earth aching to such a degree that it all seemed to descend into this fuzzy mass of pointlessness. It occurred to me, suddenly, that what was important here had nothing to do with the details – the key to it all was within the realm of PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. Peace, if it can be achieved, will only ever have staying power if the people carry the vibration of peace, safety, and trust deeply within our own psyches. All of the complexity that resides above the level of pure compassion, is actually just a human constructed illusion of separation and isn’t really fundamentally important. OK – OK, I know that this might sound somewhat Pollyanna-ish to some people, but bear with me.

You can say that the realm of Pisces is the realm of consciousness. It is where we experience the authentic purity of ONENESS with all. It is also the realm of illusions, of the “fog,” muddy waters, so on. With the South Node in Pisces we are dealing DIRECTLY with the issues of this realm as a world. The way I see it – the transition of the North Node into Virgo (South Node Pisces) was the true transition & trigger point for the massive mutable T-Square between Saturn, Neptune & Jupiter that is dominating this month, this season, and 2016. Having made our way through so many intense, physically & emotionally powerful changes in the past decade or so… and the past few months really orienting our most basic attitudes around “what is mine” and “what is yours”… we’ve now crossed into a stage where THE MIND IS KEY. Mutable energy TRANSFORMS. That is its role in the Zodiac. So what we are working with most acutely in the next 18 months while the nodes transit one of the most active areas of the sky right now, is how we transform our own minds to banish illusion and arrive at the truth (which is to say, the heart of compassion and the spirit of wholeness among people – higher form Pisces) – AND – how we intend to bring that down to earth in the most mundane, day-to-day aspects of our reality (Virgo).

Pisces energy does not care about the details. At its worst it can live with senseless religious fervor, a zealot that knows no boundaries or reason – and holds to its dream as gospel. But on its highest level it sees far beyond the earthly straight into the soul. It is a HIGHLY impressionable energy. People who identify as empaths usually have a strong Pisces or Neptune energy in their charts, and can certainly understand how easily another person’s vibes can suddenly become your own. As such, it is easy for Pisces energy to fall into despair, fear, anxiety and helplessness. But there is ALWAYS A CHOICE. Just because these emotions exist and we can receive them so easily from the messages in our environment, does not mean we have to let it all in. Just as those things can influence us, we can turn right back around and influence our environment to say, “No! I’m going to feel happy, peaceful, and safe... I am going to choose to be in my light and in my strength, rather than let something outside of me cast shadows on my heart.” And one excellent way to activate our higher form Pisces is through the everyday discipline, routine, and devotion of Virgo. Virgo creates the container in which spirit can flow. It sets up the boundaries, it discerns what is suitable, and it strives for health in a physical & mental sense. Virgo is what keeps it real, because it’s always asking the question, “Does this work for me? Is this useful?” If you look at your life and some part of it is falling to total decay because of your spiritual beliefs, Virgo energy will strive to correct this deficiency… but we must learn to accept responsibility, receive criticism, and have some discipline about our lives.

Speaking positive affirmations is one thing, but living them is another. And this is an energy that is saying to us – LIVE YOUR VISION. LIVE YOUR TRUTH. Stop saying you want peace in the world and then spend your time arguing and getting mad about everything. Do the WORK. Find methods that help you create REAL TRANSFORMATION in your day-to-day, on the ground, here and now life.   Practice peace even –and especially- when people around you are not acting peaceful. Really feel it. Really explore what that means... And be willing to be a student and a servant to higher truth. It is not the talk of peace, compassion & love that changes things, it is the embodiment of it. The message I have been receiving is that we are in a time where the consciousness of I can have rapid and far-reaching effects on the All and that is what this time is all about. Understanding that the morphic field of consciousness energy that encapsulates the earth is just as powerful, if not more powerful, than the physical realities. And right now that field has holes, dark spots, and decay. It’s filled with so much hurt and sadness. People who bring light to this earth aura CAN influence its healing.

Connected to this is the Saturn-Neptune Square, and Jupiter/Chiron aspect that we see in the Gemini Full Moon Chart. Gemini is the messenger and I am feeling this moon as “providing the information.” The full moon is in close relationship with the Saturn/Neptune aspect, which actually perfects on Thursday. Though this aspect has been up in the sky intermittently throughout the year, the real tone of it still seems to be forming. Of all involved parties, Neptune is the most powerful in its home sign of Pisces. Saturn, the planet of structure and truth, meeting Neptune the planet of the formless, unseen, ocean of change in a stressful configuration can feel extremely depressing and difficult. On the one hand, Saturn has a role to create its world to Neptune’s bidding – which is of course, the “dream” – but it cannot do so until the crud has been washed away. And Neptune energy can come in like a tsunami, wiping away parts of our ego consciousness that we didn’t even know existed until they were gone. In light of what has been coming through for me as I write this article, I can really see that the ideas around what we have always held to be right and righteous (Saturn in Sag) are really coming up for question. Many years ago, what was appropriate in the consciousness of the culture, does not fit anymore. In fact, the amount of ill-fitting things seem to greatly outnumber the things that do agree. So what comes in its place? Truly we cannot get to that answer without fully clearing the old stuff first. That’s the way Neptune rolls. Whether you are experiencing this personally, or at a world level, there is always a great deal of muck mucking before the sun shines through in a Neptune transit. But the clarity once you get there is astonishingly clear. Your soul seems almost brand new again!

There is of course, yet another layer. While Saturn deals with structures and beliefs – Neptune deals with grief. As much as these things can seem separate, they are actually quite intertwined. Sometimes we develop habits to prevent ourselves from having to experience pain. This in turn creates this whole blockage around the process of our vision.   Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is acknowledge that we feel completely shattered and helpless. Amazing things happen when grieving processes are allowed to run their course – especially ones that have been harbored and stopped up for a very long time. Have you ever had one of those moments where you’ve been crying hysterically and inconsolably for hours over something, and then suddenly, out of nowhere, you stop crying and get this strong feeling of fortification, aliveness and clarity? That is the Neptune archetype in a nutshell! When Saturn comes into the mix we may also find ourselves grieving the things that are breaking down within us – a particular pathway we’d wanted to walk, a face we wore, a person we grew apart from – and noticing, with wonder, that even the littlest of these things was once important to us. And, in its own way, was creating a little sad dark spot on our spirit, no matter how innocuous it may seem. We might be confused by this because these things don’t always seem overtly negative, but it is like wearing old clothes, if they don’t fit you anymore why are you trying to stay so attached? What is that doing for you? Really?

The bottom line that I feel from these aspects being illuminated by this Gemini messenger moon, which we will be working with for the next several years, is “Soul Clearing.” What we are doing right now, individually, and as a world, is reuniting with our true spirit and bringing that once hidden part of ourselves into our mundane lives. Now is the time to “be the change” and trust in the fruit of change over the poison of fear.

Earlier today I had the insight that transformation only occurs in our lives when we enter into the still point of our being. This is our central essence. In fact, during the Scorpio New Moon on 11/11 the transmission that I received most strongly from the cosmic was to “Surrender every part of yourself but the part that is unchanging and eternal.” Now at this full moon that transmission seems to have evolved to go on to say that in order to fully enter that place of surrender, we need to fully enter into the unchanging absolute self. This essence self, this core being is the element of us that is connected to All. And we can get there through conscious abiding… meditation, art, qigong – whatever you do in your life that brings you to your pure and natural spirit, you need to use to cross into this space of being, and expand it. The expansion of the true self sheds, evolves, and transforms our lives naturally and effortlessly. It is through this that we become who we’re supposed to be. It is through this that we balance and heal ourselves. It is through this that we can break through the shackles of our self imposed limitations and life conditioning – and in turn influence and expand that internal consciousness of others. Allow yourself to empty in order to be filled with the universal and there will be no obstacles.

Words I wrote earlier, that I wish to share again here…

“The stillness within us knows that change is life and can accept anything... It is like a stone in the ocean... Storms or sunny days are all the same. It is here where we reside in our natural spirit. We are just lights floating around in a material world... Gains and losses come and go but the light is unflinching. In truth these pains are not really ours... And the losses are not gone. They are mere experiences, mere lessons, to remind the light of itself. And carry on.”

Peace and light to you in this time of change. May we always find the silver lining.

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini: Serious Evaluation


Mercury retrograde is a cyclical event that occurs about 3 times a year. Other planets go retrograde as well, about once a year. A quick and dirty understanding of the phenomenon – “retrograde” simply refers to a period where from the earth’s vantage point a planetary body appears to move backwards in the sky. This is due to the orbit of the planet in relation to us, and is thus reflected in our astrological maps and in the energetic feeling of that planetary body. Retrograde cycles are times for reevaluation and inward reflection on the area of life represented by that particular planet. Mercury governs the mind – in particular, thought and communication – so its direct impact on one of the most basic and fundamental aspects of ordinary life is one of the reasons why we tend to feel its effects so strongly. Now, as an astrologer I feel it is important and necessary to note that not ALL of the crazy upsets that happen during a retrograde are because of Mercury Retrograde (Has anyone else noticed that Mercury Retrograde is the scapegoat for all of life’s problems?) – however, there is no denying that our rational facilities become somewhat debilitated during the Mercury Retrograde cycle – and so any triggering aspects can be greatly magnified. And lately, there have been a LOT of triggering aspects. Simply know that whatever happens during Mercury Retrograde – the primary function of this cycle is to be a mental reset button. Our mental sphere is taking a break from its forward motion and pausing to reevaluate.

So I am calling this Mercury Retrograde cycle “Serious Evaluation.” Why?

One of the major correlations I am feeling with this Mercury Retrograde is its connection with the Saturn Retrograde cycle that started back in March. As of December, Saturn began its movement into Sagittarius after two years in the sign of Scorpio, only to move retrograde shortly thereafter, where it shall return to Scorpio for a few months this summer. Basically, we have some unfinished Karmic business in the Scorpio sector of our lives and we’re heading back into the themes of last year, particularly late fall, to finish up what we started. This Saturn Retrograde cycle is significant because it indicates both an ending and a beginning that is reflected by the cosmic interplay of 2015 as a whole. In my most recent articles I wrote a great deal about how the energies of March and April were bringing us forward into a new energetic context from the inside out. Now it is nearly June, and I am feeling that these new energies are definitely with us, but we are being urged now to purify our lives to an even greater level in order to align with them properly. Those areas where we have weakness or confusion are coming forward to be addressed in a big way. We are essentially undergoing a major overhaul in our collective perspective, and so as individuals are charged with the task of finding the truth of our own lives. Who are we as individuals when we are not wearing the masks or abiding the structures set for us by society? And then, what is our contribution as individuals toward the creation of a more balanced society?

So I really am feeling and seeing this Mercury Retrograde cycle as a focused phase of the larger Saturn Retrograde cycle. We’re being directed to observe not just the physical and structural obstacles to expansion and growth in our lives, but also the mental. For myself, a lot of themes from last summer and fall have already resurfaced and I have been finding myself saying, “Oh no, I’m not getting stuck in that rut again!” And working, actively, to change my attitude and mental blocks or else see the whole summer pass me by with the same unending dilemmas. This shifting has allowed for creative solutions to problems and to perceive the many options available that were previously invisible to me. A little flexibility in thinking can go a long way towards achieving desired results. Sometimes we might have to change course a bit, do something over, or re-experience a less favorable situation to come to clarity about what we really need to do. It’s all there to help us learn, and to bring us in alignment with the proper track.

Mercury Retrograde is also often known as a period for rekindling past connections and being visited by ghosts. These past teachers are cropping up all over – even from the distant past – and it being Mercury in its favorite sign Gemini – all of these people and things have messages for us. What are they? Memories of times that were easier, lighter, more free? What about those times is missing in your present life? How have you changed, grown, and matured since then? On the other hand, perhaps you have past memories that are showing themselves through emotional triggers. Where do these things come from? What is their present day cause? What is their deeper source? What are the steps to bring the shadow aspects of ourselves into the light of consciousness and heal?

We might be reevaluating our work life, the dynamics of our relationships, or realizing the holes that exist in our relationship with ourselves. Sometimes we can look at past situations and see the errors that we perpetuate. Sometimes we look at our past life and are reminded of things we’ve left behind, but perhaps never meant to. Have we forgotten the sweetness of life? The innocence of things before we got stuck in the cycle of “work?” Whether it be working on ourselves, working a job, working a business – are all of our pursuits really feeding our spirit?

Another aspect of this retrograde in Gemini that speaks to me is the nature of information, words, and the tricks of the mind. We live in a culture that is basically on information overload at all times and the influence of this borg of information on our consciousness must certainly be unprecedented, for better or worse. Give your brain a break. We can’t be all things at all times to all people. Gemini loves to play all roles and prides itself in its ability to adapt and take on many different kinds of projects. Quick witted Gemini can learn to fix a bike, aspire to be a yoga expert, write a novel, and remember the most specific details about any topic that has ever piqued their interest – all within the span of 5 minutes -- but there is a reason some people out there are specialists. There is a lot to be said for simply unplugging and focusing on what we really know, and what’s important for us as individuals to develop. That means not allowing ourselves to be scattered by envy for what Sally is up to, tripping over the standards set by others for what life should look like, or even just feeling that we need to take on certain tasks just because it’s slightly cheaper to DIY. In life people commonly say, “Pick your battles.” When it comes to our self-development I would echo this sentiment – “Pick your direction.” And don’t worry about how it compares… if your work/life/love/etc. is honest, and coming from the heart, it should be totally unique. Our unique contribution is what makes life interesting and rich.

The final subject I want to touch on is somewhat more mundane. Everything Gemini comes in pairs… so during Mercury Retrograde in Gemini expect to have to do just about everything multiple times and don’t sweat it. Bought something and brought it home but now it’s too big, small, etc? Just take it back and get another one. You might have to do it twice, even three or four times. But in the end you’ll find the thing that works just right. Accept that everything, in this moment in time, is a process of getting to “just right.” It might not seem very productive, but the idea that we need to “get it done now” and “have it right the first time” is a mental disease in itself as it keeps us in a state of anxiety. Use this time to yield, allow events to take their natural course, and learn to trust that all things work out as they should whether we try to force them, or not. Sometimes we hit it right the first time, sometimes we have to take our time. We are going through changes right now – and so what would have been right before, might not be right anymore. It can take time to see, and feel, the new truth.

Change your mind, change your life. It’s all an inner process – no matter what is vexing, ailing, or holding us up – even if it seems like another person or thing -- it all resides within us. Feel the feelings, let the dust settle, trust that everything will become clear very soon. Make positive choices for your health, your growth, and your peace of mind. We are all capable of freeing ourselves from even the most ingrained patterns and beliefs. Mercury retrograde phases are excellent for doing just that. Take time. Really look at your inner world. Reform, reshape, reevaluate as necessary. Rinse, repeat.

See you on the other side…

April 4, 2015: Total Lunar Eclipse "PURIFICATION" // Libra Full Moon


Since Monday, I have been noticing the energetic build up to Saturday’s Lunar Eclipse. Every time I have left the sanctuary of my home, the world around seems to be teeming with chaotic vibes. Sirens, noise, agitation, strange encounters, and an overall energy of tension. It is a fire, but it’s not necessarily an angry fire. Nor is it carefree. I can feel it in my own physical body -- the grip of the mind attempting to hang on and having to coax it with special attention to rest, relax, and open. It is not that there are a lot of thoughts, but rather a sudden awareness of the iron-like vice of various egoic and emotional states, many of which I am not even consciously aware of. Some of which might not even be mine personally. When a wildfire caught on a mountain just a few miles away from my house, blowing and burning away over 500 acres of mountainside forest, the word that immediately came to mind was “Purification.” Tuesday night, as the town was crawling with unusual activity, I stopped to observe the burning mountain.

Firefighters from all over were at the scene attempting to contain a fire in windy conditions and extremely rugged terrain where vehicles could not travel. Again and again, since I have lived in Western North Carolina nature has shown me its abiding and unending power. The idea that mankind has at any time in history felt he has “control” seems increasingly laughable. For here in this environment, there is absolutely no manmade thing that can survive the rainfall, plant overgrowth, flooding, landslides, etc, without constant upkeep, and now – even a fire can start out of nowhere and creep steadily towards civilization with raging indifference.

It is the perfect metaphor for all that we have been experiencing.

Since the Winter Solstice, we have been undergoing an intense, oceanic process of reflection and purging. The New Moon Solar Eclipse two weeks ago was the climatic point of this long process of inner observation and feeling. Many people have found themselves in a state of grieving over things long since past, believed to be healed, or even, inexplicably, for no nameable reason. There is a feeling ‘Like life itself is dying’ to quote my own journals -- A deep sadness that is accompanied by a sense of ending, even if the departure is a welcome one. This underlying feeling does not seem to negate any good feelings we might have about the future, but the present situation is one of powerful unburdening, release, and letting go – and all of the sadness, apprehension, and fear that goes with it!

As we have traveled into this week of the Lunar Eclipse I have begun to really feel the ‘fire.’ That is, the Aries fire. It feels much like the fire on the mountain here outside of Asheville. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and represents initiating energy as well as innocence, purity, and freedom. The vibe of this time has had a strong element of initiation, but it is intrinsically paired with what feels to me like an alchemical firing process. This is the doorway of space and time that we have been awaiting for some years. By fall, once the Saturn retrograde cycle is complete and we enter another eclipse season, we will have fully crossed the burning lake into the next dimension of our collective human life experience.

Remember, we are still in the energy of the Pisces New Moon eclipse that is primarily about relinquishing the past. All unfolding energies subsequent still harken back to this essential concept. These are eclipses of karmic release – very profound, soul level, collective, world shaking, yet deeply personal transition. It does not stop after this month – as the influence of eclipses is with us for six months – so see this as a tipping point with reference to recent inner processes. What has happened this week, as the Aries energy has been accentuated by the Sun’s travels through the strong currents here, is the feeling that the emotions have surfaced and now we must burn them away.

This is BIG energy. About as big as it gets. But yet, we are not meant to try and manage or control it, per se. Simply we are to be its witness… and allow our lives to change in accordance rather than resistance. Our work now is not a directive, must do, must act, type of work – it is rather something more subtle: to look within, to allow what arises to arise, and then to open the door for its leaving. It is as if, perhaps, we are walking on coals – there is not pain in an overwhelming sense, rather a heat that continually churns, and our body sweats and purges. Stuck feelings deep within us purge through our skin, and the heat of the fire evaporates them. We are creating an empty space. This is a release of conditioning: societal, familial, and personal that over the years have blocked or hindered our connection to spirit. The idea now seems to be that the life of disconnection is no longer amenable.

We will be shown the way to clarity. We will be given the “why” for all of the recent years’ turmoil. But first we need to find “true north.” The true center of our being. The truth of us beneath all of the emotional layers that we have worn for years upon years – even beyond this life. This is the release of the “small self” or the “ego self.”

The process of emptying past experiences can be difficult because so often we identify with the past as being “who we are.” But it is not the truth. The past does not define us, good or bad. Or, at least, we do not have to let it define us.

Often our “identities” are like relationships that obstruct true flow in our lives. For life is change – one second we are this, another we are that. The only way to be all of it is to be none of it. Wonderful magic exists everywhere, every day, and is freely at our disposal. Who we are on the outside is not important, it is our resiliency and willingness to adapt that enriches us. Sometimes we have to suspend our notions of who we are to welcome growth and new opportunities. Think about it – does joy really come to us when we’re attaching to our roles? Or does it come when we open our hearts to the possibilities we have not previously imagined?

Aries energy is like a child. Fresh, pure, and innocent. It doesn’t even know who it is yet! So what I am saying is -- emptying is opening. The more structures we remove around our identity, the more peace we feel in our hearts. The more we explore what is ego and what is truth, the more we discover our universal nature. We can remove our identity and still be ourselves. We can release history, and still be forthright in the now. We can yield to powerful currents, and still maintain our grace.

Walk through the fire. Burn away your fear. Burn away your grief. Burn away your history. Burn away your very self.

For beneath the ash is a tiny sprout. A new tree. A renewed state of being. A fresh start.

It is not for us to dictate. No, rather, it is for us to face, with courage, a process of transformation that can shape the world, if we let it.

A Season of Love & Surrender: Total Solar Eclipse on the Spring Equinox


My writing about eclipses has lost some of its thunder due to the amazing abundance of great information already out there about what is going on in a technical sense. I felt -- Why add to the redundancy? Instead, I wrote a piece to cover everything I was just simply feeling intuitively about the Solar Eclipse chart, and in my own life. The biggest message I received in my contemplations of 29 Pisces was “The end of victim consciousness and realizing the divine order.” So I present some words on all that I have been seeing, feeling, and experiencing with reference to these recent and momentous astrological currents...

The old self is dying. The future is arriving. Our grief is profound, our new freedom amazing. What we want and wish for the past we know is no longer, and we let it go. Maybe joyfully, maybe with some reluctance. We love and embrace who we were, we celebrate everything that we’ve been through these tumultuous years -- we feel all of our pain, all of our joy, as one unified emotion of gratitude. Blessed to have known these octaves of experience, blessed to have received the gift of life – in this moment, at this time, at this place. Life is different now, the world is different now.  It has all been altered – permanently and irreversibly. For better or worse, everything has changed.

We knew all along that one day this change would come. At least, many of us did – if not consciously, then somewhere deep in our cells. We knew that there would be a moment in time when the world itself was to pass through a threshold of being and that every glorious romance of life as we once knew it would yield to the current of memory. We let go of what we cannot carry. We surrender even our most cherished parts. And we do so with the hope and the anticipation of a future that is beyond the bittersweet and delicate well of our past. A future that, until now, has resided only in dreams.

Today is the day we end our consciousness of victimhood and take full responsibility for our soul purpose. Now is the time to realize our authentic self expression, to create our high ideals, to be our dreamselves. This is the moment we make our final break from the old paradigms – purge the collective record of karma through magical thinking and free our value from sinking foundations. It is not the external world that needs to be righted, it is us. Ourselves. No outer form truly changes without the authentic evolution of inner conditions. Take off the masks. Especially the ones that seem the most real.

Release history, embrace love. This is not just new age tripe or a dismissal of the real. A friend offered this message at precisely the moment I fumbled to find these same words: “We can no longer teach through pain.” Have gratitude for your loss. Hold your pain in your arms and squeeze it with all your love and compassion. Then turn it over. Ask the universe to bring the love you feel for that old self into the present day, into your current relationships, into what you share with others. Remove your own bitterness, your own anger. Remove the bitterness, sadness, and regret of your ancestors. Tell them you will live out your destiny, whatever that may be, whatever it may mean. Be open to change. We live our destiny for the highest good of all peoples past and present. We step into our conscious power in order to completely surrender into divine service. Releasing, purifying, questing, feeling, experiencing – hurt, loss, joy, love, anger, grief, despair, elation – to know it, to know us, deeply, all of it – this is the purpose of life on earth.

There is a world beyond our suffering. It is deep and rich. Full and vibrant. There is a world beyond our fear. It is light and free. Open and endless. Do not tarnish it with doubt, heavy expectations or social chains. We are all capable of complete freedom. We are all capable of seeing reality – Oneness, divine harmony. We all can know our true center, which is the same as knowing truth. Sincere intent, humble gratitude, virtuous action, heartfelt humanhood. The simple path to joy.

In choosing to accept all that is offered to us in life, whether it looks just how we think it should or not, whether it ends up hurting in the end or not, whether it is the final destination or not, we choose to open to every possibility, every learning. We open to Tao, Source, The Divine Flow, God, Our Higher Self -- whatever words you choose to express the concept of deep, intimate connection with the unique rhythm of your own individual design and its place in the greater cosmos. The Divine Order of Pisces is in accepting life as it is, with no alterations, no manipulations, and to live from our heart – emanating, eternally, the infinite vibration of Divine Love -- and surrendering everything, absolutely everything, that could possibly interfere with that state of supreme acceptance.  Holiness.  Oneness.

We can all be this.  It is not something we even have to acquire.

A final word, from my Sifu: “Surrender to the Universe and the Universe will surrender to you.”

New Moon In Aquarius, Part II: Year of the Wood Sheep, 2015


The Horse year wound down dreamily, with profound emotional processing. Here in Western North Carolina and many places on the East Coast we were even blessed with a dose of winter weather hibernation as the Horse’s final moon waned to a close. Our energy has been low. We’ve been needing to recoup. To break up the routine – to have no routine. To lay in bed all day, ignore our projects, and exist in a state of receptivity, of rest, and of feeling. We feel it acutely: Something old is passing away, while a new dream emerges from the deep. This, as I expressed in last month’s New Moon post, is what I see as the predominant overarching theme in this upcoming Lunar Year of the Sheep. The Horse helped us set things in motion, now it is the Sheep’s job to begin the assimilation process – unburdening our closet of old selves, while gently nurturing the seed of the future. Just think of the shearing of a sheep’s wool – the extra stuff comes off, and with some work and cultivation, we fashion this wool into sweaters, coats, and scarves that continue to keep us warm for years to come. This opening moon of the Lunar New Year is like the shearing process. We feel a bit weak, sensitive and vulnerable. We’ve had a heck of a time recently – and we’re ready for a bit of peace. Most importantly, we are in a place where whatever it was that has been giving us difficulty has showed itself to be not worth hanging on to. So even if we were holding on, hesitating, and struggling – it seems somehow easier to let go of burdensome attitudes and situations right now than it did a year ago when many of these things were initially spun into crisis. Mainly, we’re just TIRED and feeling ready to move on. Whatever it was that caused all of the problems just can’t possibly be that important. Why waste precious energy on that old story, when there are plenty of new ones just waiting to be written? You know, next week, when the Aries energy starts and we’re ready to get off the couch.

An interesting point came up yesterday in a meeting with fellow intuitives that I think is relevant here. It is the idea that sometimes, the way to be free of disturbing energies is as simple as dissolving or dispersing those disturbing energies. Without needing to analyze, interpret – know how, know why – simply sweep away the debris. This, I feel, is what is happening – after the Horse opened us up, and galloped through our lives with a force, we are left behind with a mess. The ride was so strong, and so fast, that it seemed we might want to write some things down, or remember it, or memorialize something… but when it comes right down to it, the best thing to do is to grab the trash bag and push every broken chard of life directly into it. Right now, we don’t have time to waste playing “What to keep, what not to keep.” Trust that anything that came up during the 2014 Cosmic Shake Down belongs in the “What not to keep” section and be done with it. Because, remember, we are still feeling that new thing on the horizon. That important, big, creative dream – our personal, unique, individual contribution to humanity.  And we can’t let any of that old junk get in the way. That’s why it came up to begin with – because our job right now is to get clear, to be clear, and remove as quickly as possible, as deeply as possible, any and all impediments that interfere with the expression of our true self. Really chew on that one for a while – OUR JOB, Right now, is to see ourselves through the eyes of our UNIQUE perspective, gift, and calling … and let go of any and all psychological, emotional, and subconscious obstructions that keep us off course.

That brings me to the other theme I see powerfully presented in this Lunar New Year chart – and that is the sense that this a year for building new foundations. The interesting thing about these new foundations is that from all angles the element of deep release and divine surrender is also embedded within whatever it is we are planning to manifest. In other words, what I am perceiving from these energies is that what we are driven to manifest must powerfully align with our spiritual ideals and our hopes for the greater good – and, we must proceed with this work through the heart of service. Our ego involvement is not helpful in this situation, and so we are really grappling to connect more deeply and more authentically to bring forth what our heart is calling out for. We must see our creation as a container for something much greater than our small selves, and use this time to gather, test, and play with the many new ideas and visions we have been receiving. Having the willingness to surrender those bad habits that pit us against these higher goals helps us make progress faster, live a more balanced & healthy life, and fall in line with the divine direction more effortlessly.

I think this year it would be wise to avoid certain pitfalls that I see with these energies. Primarily, with the Sheep personality and the aspects in this chart, there can be a tendency to overthink, worry, or be fearful and obsessive. Getting in touch with earthy, grounded activities can be helpful this year as we are basically in a time where the small day-to-day tasks and routines are being laid out. For any void that might be left by the events of last year, we want to incorporate positive new habits and find a sense of steadiness. It is important, also, to cultivate a sense of safety and rootedness. This will help disperse some of the paranoia and subconscious emotional churning that is going to start working us big time these coming years. The sense of physical insecurity and instability of recent years, I feel, will start to ease off and we are entering a phase that will be more intense from a psychological and emotional perspective – so this is a time to really use the information we received in the past several years about what makes a good foundation and build upon it. A good foundation is one that has plenty of room for growth, expansion, and freedom, while also being a place one can return to when feeling lost, confused, or distressed.

Relationships are also a theme this year. Relationships will be a great source of inspiration, of pain, and also of reflection. This can be an area where we need to really shift perspective, or shed some people/things in order to be more authentic and stand in our truth. We feel VERY sensitive to others, and receptive to their energy at many levels. This sensitivity might also bring out the Ram within the Sheep – the more aggressive side of the Sheep that can emerge when his buttons have been pressed just a teensy bit too much! We might find ourselves occasionally defaulting on Independence At All Costs and relationships can quickly devolve into a war of rivaling forces – but compromise and cooperation are called for. Take some time to get clear about your own role and your own feelings before attempting to navigate these shifty waters with the other person. This will aid in smoother sailing for all involved.

I really see the year ahead as a year of visioning for our future, and tying up some loose ends and projects – emotional, karmic, and otherwise – from the last several years to be put away for good as we move into the more active phase of creative problem solving and restructuring that we’ll start to encounter toward the year’s end. I sense, overall, that this Sheep will be a more peaceful creature to contend with than the past year’s hyperactive Horse, and look forward to the calm progress that I think we’ll all feel is welcome now. Artistic, gentle, spiritual, and easy is the Sheep. This is the way we want to work our lives in 2015.

Wood Horse Exits -- January 20 New Moon in Aquarius: Radical Release & The Sheep Year Ahead


Tuesday's new moon at 0º Aquarius marks the last new moon of the lunar year of the Wood Horse as well as the first of the 2015 calendar year.  The feeling of one phase ending and another beginning is really emblematic of the Aquarius New Moon chart, as well as the energy of this winter season, and in many respects, 2015 as a whole. When I look at the charts for this winter season and observe the development of current and incoming astrological trends, there are a number of immediate standouts.  Working from the most obvious to the more subtle:

  1.  The Uranus-Pluto Square which was exact for the 6th of 7 times around the Winter Solstice, a major astrological cycle that has been working us in profound ways since 2012, are sticking close to each other and having their final joust just as the winter season closes on March 17, 2015.  We feel an increasing sense of urgency as this call for revolutionary change in our personal lives and in the world bears down on us in these final months.  This winter season is like laboring for the gold of the alchemical fire.  We've been working this energy for a long time, and in a big way during the 2014 year of the Wood Horse.  Deeply threaded beliefs are being worked out and unraveled in society at large and within ourselves.  The true impact of this alignment will continue to unfold for years to come.  Nonetheless, we remain in the final clutches of the deep, ongoing cooking process -- anxiety, uncertainty, and instability are real and unavoidable.  Change is upon us, and the best thing we can do this season is direct our minds, wills, and hearts toward positive and evolutionary directions.  Have faith in their significant and positive outcomes -- and know that the stress will abate considerably in a few months.
  2. Saturn's Sagittarius Ingress and dip back into Scorpio this summer -- Saturn represents structures and material matters and therefore his travels through the signs often impact cultural feeling in a big way.  This year of 2015 receives Saturn's first messages from his more optimistic, hopeful, idealistic Sagittarius transit.  This ingress is about the ideas we want to build our life around and our process of hearing, telling, receiving, and giving THE TRUTH.  These are the truths, of course, reflected upon and revealed through our deep passages in Scorpio, the sign of death, rebirth, and profound merging with intimates, family skeletons, and mystery itself.  In 2015, we will return to meet Scorpio for a few months before uniting completely with our Sagittarian visions.  In the current and coming months before the retrograde cycle, we are working quite a lot on developing our initial ideas about moving forward, but we won't have the official go ahead until later in the year after we've finished our Scorpio work once and for all.
  3. Exit Wood Horse, Enter Wood Sheep -- The Wood Horse has come and gone with swift intensity!  Last year's energies from both an Eastern and Western astrological perspective were profound, changeful, and chock full of huge life events, and spiritual growing pains.  Whereas previous years, the changes were felt profoundly within, this past year was jammed with action -- and it hasn't really relented as it normally does come January.  This coming New Moon feels very much like the Wood Horse's last labor of love.  With Uranus meeting the south node and Pluto squaring the nodes last week there is a sense of deep, emotional, profound, BIG release.  The Wood Horse year has had us working!  No matter what area of our life we looked at, we have worked our butts off!!  And for what grand purpose?  If we follow the perspective of the Horse, it was so we could have greater freedom, self expression, and independence in our lives.  This remains true, even if we still feel shackled or that the past year was burdensome -- sometimes it's beneath the shackles and burdens that we are able to find the seed of true freedom that we would have never known existed otherwise.  This New Moon is that seed.  The "Firing" process I spoke of with reference to the Uranus-Pluto square and deep Saturn Scorpio work with commitments are starting to crystallize.  Let go, in a BIG way, to clear the deck for the softer, more creative, nurturing and developing vibe of the sheep.  The barrier between what we deeply want and what is possible has become a lot less stable.  Take your work horse, and march right through that big ole pile of bull ;)
  4. Energetic Preview of the Mutable T-Square -- For me, a big game changing piece in the coming Sheep & Monkey years (end of 2015-2016), is the mutable T-Square that is to form between Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius, and Neptune in Pisces.  This is the next BIG phase of energy adjustment coming in, and it will provide a totally different feeling from the past few years which have been about discovery, awakening, development of consciousness and taking initial action towards change. Through this, there have been very real, physical, psychic, and emotional trials.  My initial feelings about this coming formation are that they bring with them a test of the mind's ideals and the struggle between practicality and spirituality.  Logistics, thwarted implementation, discovery of false truths, intense & prolific confusion, and the dissolving of previous beliefs.  Our readiness for the incoming time is dependent on our willingness, now, to unhinge ourselves from any aspect of our lives which negatively suppresses our individuality and openness to new and resonating information.  This month Mars in Pisces makes its aspect to Saturn (last week) and Neptune giving us an initial hint of the struggle to make the elusive, beautiful dream world a reality.  It is an interesting image, actually, to think of normally energetic Mars ambling through the slow, undecided watery sign of Pisces (as he does every two years) -- the reminder here is that not all things are gained by doing.  Some, are gained through surrender, through receiving, and through insight.
  5. 0º Point of Potency / 29º Point of Conclusion  -- The new moons this winter season are falling often on the 0º and 29º points.  The 0º and 29º points of signs are considered especially significant as they denote the most powerful and most weak points in the sign -- the vibes of beginnings and endings.  The new moon on the Winter Solstice landed at 0º Capricorn -- indicating a huge season of creating new foundations and also a season of sweeping away deep parts of our past, as Saturn was still at the very last degree of Scorpio.  The January new moon is of a similar essence, landing at 0º Aquarius with both moon and Sun residing in the EST Chart's 12th House of the deep, profound, & subconscious karma.  Moving into the Lunar New Year, the new moons start the year falling at 29º of Aquarius and then a new moon solar eclipse occurs at 29º Pisces on the Spring Equinox, March 20, both of these moons setting the tone for the season of Spring and the remainder of 2015.  With Saturn moving into its retrograde cycle around this same time, we can expect the Sheep's new years resolutions to be centered around cleaning up after some of the eruptions left behind by the horse, healing, reevaluating, and completing unfinished tasks in preparation for the spiritually trying expansive phase to come towards the end of the year.  The peaceful sheep will want to make sure things are in order before chaos returns.
  6. Mercury Retrograde -- The Aquarius moon cycle will also be occurring in stride with Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius.  Since the rising sign of this New Moon chart is also Aquarius with other Aquarian elements strongly thematic (Saturn aspecting the chart's Midheaven, Uranus aspecting the south node) I see this also as a moon that is really working our Aquarian ruled realms -- Our unique fingerprint, intuition, genius, Our connection to community, groups, friends, tribe-members, Social equality issues, technology, science & innovations.  Mercury retrograde simply re-emphasizes the energy of this evaluative moon cycle -- the paradox of planting outer seeds for new growth through a process of inner work and deep letting go.  Allow yourself to be called to your revolutionary new visions, and really feel the one-of-a-kind you -- how we all individually contribute to the people around us is the mainstay of Aquarian ideals.  Being our authentic selves and knowing our authentic selves IS our service to the community.

Working within the context of all of the above, through January's new moon we see the new creation with such depth, that we are left with no choice but to make profound soul-level decisions to radically release impediments, obstructions, and obfuscations that hinder absolute freedom.  All of this being done with the knowledge that it is a necessary part of our evolutionary course -- that loss and karmic release is only a temporary state.  This new moon is REALLY about seeding intentions for our hidden spiritual visions and unique quest, voice & individuality, while sloughing off the uniform.  We still have more to change, more to review, more to settle before we're quite ready for the complete development of our ideas... but we're starting to come into full alignment with these ideas and full knowing of what exactly we will need to address in the coming months.  Right now, we're remodeling our inner home -- brilliantly envisioning exactly what we want it to look like, with an old structure falling down around us.  The new foundation is being laid, but there's still some old dry wall that needs to go to the dump before we can start building.  Now is the time to go crazy, be creative, and joyfully throw out the crap.  Don't think about the logistics, just express yourself (that's for later anyway!)

And most of all, don't let the old house dictate what the new one must look like.