Hello Everyone! Happy New Moon in Libra!
We have passed through the fall equinox and October is already fast approaching. It is a time for reaping the year's harvest and also contemplating balance in our lives. This year in particular, it feels important to take some time this fall to assess our progress, clarify our goals, and reckon our successes, failures, energy levels, and engagement with the various facets of our life. 2019 has been an incredibly intense year for many people and with the fall now upon us, we will begin positioning ourselves for the serious ramp-up that will occur over the next several months as we cross the 2020 threshold.
The big Saturn-Pluto conjunction will be occurring in January, amplified by eclipses and Jupiter's ingress into Capricorn -- it is a collision of massive change that will shake the world. This is a time of rapid transformation that cannot be ignored. Expect a long, intense, deep, exciting, at times raw and often profound unfolding process throughout all of 2020 that will plant the seeds of change for decades, and potentially centuries, to come.
Whatever we have been working with in our lives in 2019 is about to meet an important nexus, as we redefine who we are, and embody more of our truth and potential. We all are embroiled in complicated situations, and many of us are in meetings with destiny -- accepting big soul projects, and facing steps into something unknown. It is a beautiful, mysterious, rollercoaster of a time to be alive. A time of deep surrender, acceptance, and engagement with what is.
Whatever is destroyed must be rebuilt, brick by brick. With greater intelligence than before. There are no more superficial patch-ups. That which has eroded is beyond saving. But it is not a failure -- rather, this is the natural way of things. A stage we don't particularly favor, but one that must exist.
This is a season of savoring what is gained and also what is lost equally. As we move deeper into the darkness of the year, surrendering the parts of ourselves that must now go in order for us to move forward to the new now. A notion that often sounds romantic but rarely is. Though it could be quite easy or very difficult, depending on us. Nonetheless, it is unavoidable.
All that said, please have a wonderful fall season. I hope that wherever you are there are pretty leaves and plenty of hot apple cider to enjoy moments of peace in the chaos. Hold fast to the center.
P.S. The awesome stock photo is by sergio souza from Pexels. I love how nostalgic it feels... a fitting image for the end of the summer going into the fall ... or the end of an era!
Originally written for my October Newsletter (feel free to read all the updates & subscribe here)
Jupiter in Scorpio: The Well
It is sad to see
The well is deep
The water is shallow
The bucket is broken
If one cannot reach the well’s depth
Perhaps it is one’s own shallowness
That keeps one from tasting the sweet water;
Perhaps the water in the well is too shallow
One who is limited is unable to know
The limitations of the well.
Both situations can be seen,
But they cannot be solved by inflexibility.
They can only be remedied by further development.
- I-Ching Hexagram 48 "Jing/Well," Line 6 (as translated by Ni Hua Ching)
Jupiter, planet of expansion, exploration and life meaning transitioned into Scorpio this past month. This initiates a new 12 year cycle of Jupiter energies in the sign of Scorpio – a deeply personal and pivotal transit for all of us, as Scorpio governs that which is hidden, subconscious, psychologically raw & deeply emotional. It represents life, death and transformations of all kinds – and Jupiter is powerfully placed here. His subtle influence brings grace, as well as awareness to these deeper spaces of being and so this can also be a spiritually enriching influence. I wish to explore that side of the transit in this article.
First, I do want to share the dates of this Jupiter in Scorpio cycle along with the previous 5 Jupiter cycles. I find it helpful, when working with cyclical transits to consider the events & themes of the previous cycles, as this can really enrich our understanding of where we are now.
Transits of Jupiter in Scorpio Present & Past:
- October 10, 2017 - November 8, 2018.
- October 26, 2005 – November 23, 2006
- November 11, 1993 – December 9, 1994
- November 27, 1981 – December 25, 1982
- December 17, 1969 – September 11, 1971
- January 14, 1958 – October 5, 1959
When considering these dates, you may recall events that happened during those years. How do those events relate to what has come up in your life recently? What connects these cycles to each other, and to the present moment? This can give you a big clue as to what the next year’s process is going to be about.
So -- as I mentioned, I want to explore the spiritual implications of this transit. Over the course of these initial weeks, I have noticed a distinct shift in the collective focus towards more Scorpionic themes. My ideas about the energy have slowly percolated and gathered, but nothing organized or specific was asking to be shared. Until today, when I was sitting in meditation and to my mind came the verse from Hexagram 48 “The Well”: “It is sad to see / The well is deep / The water is shallow / The bucket is broken…” and the meaning of it all began to coalesce for me. The transit of Jupiter in Scorpio is a journey into "The Well" -- the energies of our pure creative essence, the divine nectar -- and the stubborn, deep & difficult emotional issues that obstruct our access to this.
One of the larger thematic qualities of this time on earth is the integration of higher spiritual frequencies with the earthly plane. This is basically a call from the pure soul of humanity to hold the frequency of light in our beings while rooting firmly upon the earth. When it is discussed in this manner, it sounds like it should all be peaches and cream, sunshine and rainbows, unicorns and laughs – but ultimately it is not so simple. Because in order for humans to hold the frequency of light, we must be willing to confront and overcome that which has been hidden in darkness. In order to fully inhabit our earthly beings, we must begin to mend, clean and clear the damage and distortion of our energetic roots to the earth, to nature, to our primordial mother.
On a personal level, we are dealing with the integration of our heavenly essence (pure spirit) with our physical essence. In order for the pure spirit to radiate in a pure and whole way in this world, we must confront & resolve those things which obstruct us in the physical world: issues of core identity, self worth, survival, safety. These issues are particularly dense for most of us, as they have many years of karmic dross attached to them – stuff that has been left totally unaddressed and in the dark through long lines of ancestry. These are the patterns that are so deep in the subconscious that we don’t even know where they came from – but suddenly now the shoe no longer fits, and we find we need to make more room for ourselves, as we are meant to be rather than the self that is defined and conditioned, in even the most subtle ways, by our ancestry.
But the issues we face at this time are even more profound than that, as they arise from fundamental wounding incurred over millennia, as humans gradually lost touch with nature. By forgetting our connection to the earth & nature’s way, the natural integration of yin (earthly/matter) & yang (creative/spiritual) has been disturbed, and these forces have, over time, fell into an increasingly stark duality. The intercourse of yin & yang in the universe is what creates pure manifestation – and in this act they are continuously spiraling together & purifying each other. However, when yin and yang become separated and divided, they start to express their lower forms – yang rigidity and intolerance, yin stagnation & weakness. We end up with a world that has many shadows and much pain, born from the stubborn, grandiose & intolerant actions of people.
At this stage of our existence, when we are facing these deeper issues, we are dealing largely with negative yin frequencies that have become firmly rooted and stagnant. This is like a well that is full of mud. It takes a great deal of focus and intention to begin to really access, move and clear this energy. In fact, it is only the pure yang energy that can move the stagnation and purify the yin energy back to its original state of receptivity and flow. This is an alchemy that requires concerted effort to bring lightness into our life, as well as the sometimes difficult emotional processing of deep, unseen patterning within the being.
So how does this all relate to the Jupiter in Scorpio transit?
Jupiter is the expansive, light-bearing planet of truth – and for the next year or so, this planet of mystical journeys, wayfaring, and deeper meaning, is being lowered into the dank & mysterious Scorpio well. The very nature of this transit is to shine a light in dark places, feel the pain, and come out on the other side with a whole new perspective. If nothing else, this transit will alert us to the enormity of the project ahead of us if humanity is to aspire higher.
“The Well” of Scorpio is particularly connected to the aforementioned root issues of ancestry & earthly integration. Here we are dealing with aspects of the self that are most mysterious and complex – personal power, sexuality, and transformation by way of birth & death. Scorpio carries deep, expansive potential for soul-touching creative & spiritual truth – and equally profound potential for complete and total destruction. It is an alchemical sign that generates its power through merging and mystical union. It is where all of the remnants of things end up in the consciousness – the parts of our lives, of others, etc. that have gradually become ingrained in us, and have shaped us psychologically. It might be difficult to reach the water at the bottom of the Scorpio well, and even more difficult still to attain its purity – because so much gets caught in this space – but if we persist the end result is always worth it. For from the emotional process, we have a chance at total rebirth – empowered release from all that psychologically & mysteriously binds us.
In life, we are born from Scorpio merging, and live by the continuous evolutionary wear of human connection. Who am I – and who are they? In Libra we might ask: Is it equal? Is it balanced? In Scorpio, we acknowledge that all layers of a relationship are complex, interwoven, impossible to truly parse, and deeply karmic. For reasons we do not understand, we subjugate ourselves to others. For reasons we do not understand, we also exert power and influence over different others. When we are conscious in either situation, we can ask ourselves WHY things are that way, perhaps come to some answers, and adjust our behavior – show self control, inner strength/empowerment, etc. Of course when we are unconscious, Scorpio’s bad side comes out – abuse, power plays, vindictiveness, resentment, rage, addictive and obsessive behaviors/actions. This is the sign that is connected with the underworld – the river of Hades – where we must wade through dark waters filled with all kinds of horrors, tempted by demons and constantly remain vigilant of the true goal, the true purpose – holding the light delicately as many things attempt to pull us under the water, to distract us from what we’re trying to do, and kill all hope. It is where we are destroyed by our attachments, mental hang ups, and bad habits. But it is also where we can locate, acknowledge and clear these things permanently.
When it comes to where we are as a society – I see us going through such a clearing on a very large scale. The Pluto in Scorpio generation, the “millennials,” are all in their late 20s-30s now and so this cycle, to me, feels a bit like a coming of age for the millennial group project – which is to eradicate and transform oppressive power structures around those areas which are most directly damaged by patterns of separation and destructive human urges based in deep rage & domination. Sexuality and sexual identity are really strong in particular with Scorpio energy, but this also extends to racial and other social issues that contain patterns of core wounding that are passed down through family lines on a psychological & spiritual level.
What’s important to know about this is that Jupiter serves to expand our awareness – so while many of these issues are obvious problems with society today & nothing new, what Jupiter in Scorpio can help us do is see more deeply into the matter – how can we start to get to the root of, and bring healing to, these issues to restore equilibrium? Certainly it won’t all be solved at once, but there is a potential here to make great strides on a personal and societal level in exploring these issues. When it comes to looking at this energy from a healing standpoint, the symbolism of The Well is especially pertinent.
In the I-Ching Hexagram 48, the well is representing one’s spiritual sustenance. The symbolism of the well is one’s ability or inability to reach the well’s depths for pure fresh water, or pure spiritual nourishment. One’s ability to do this is directly connected to one’s own depth and clarity of mind. A mind of muddiness and conflict creates muddy water. However, when we engage our spiritual resourcefulness – intuition can guide us to the place beyond our limitations, and thus, to water. Where is the purest water? What is preventing us from retrieving it (the bucket broken, the rope too short, the water too shallow)? And then, that gives us a clue – a direction. How do we go about resolving our brokenness, our shallowness? What is the remedy to always falling short?
The deepest part of Scorpio is the pure “well” of our being. The inner well – which may be cloudy, which may be shallow or weak. Muddied by trauma, unresolved emotions, fear – things accumulated from others, from life, from family. Purify these failings, these distractions, these shadows, these deep wounds from who knows when, and reclaim this well as a space of spiritual nourishment & creation for one’s own life and needs. Create the inner strength necessary by returning health to this space. And with that the spirit can rise to the occasion our collective aspiration -- the Leo North Node – which is the emergence of the spiritual heart and pure creative inspiration.
It is said in many spiritual cultivation traditions that one’s true work benefits 7 generations of ancestors. When you consider the energetic aspect involved with deep healing work, this makes sense. If you are unhinging deep ancestral patterns from yourself – wouldn’t it make sense that you are, in essence, breaking the chain of ancestry in general? You are, after all, a part of that genetic and spiritual line. So it is with this thought in mind that I have come to believe what many people often state – that the key to changing a faulty paradigm begins with one’s own process. We all must uproot the sources of anger, rage, subjugation, abuse, and deep Scorpionic darkness within ourselves before we can expect such things to change anywhere else in the world. For it is not until we have cleared our roots that we can assist others in doing the same.
This transit of Jupiter gives us that collective impulse to journey into our own underworld and cull incredible gifts from our mysterious essence and connection to the primordial. All it takes is Jupiter's characteristic openness & faith, and a willingness to surrender to the process -- and we might find that no matter how trying the journey may be at times, there's greater freedom on the other side.
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I am deeply grateful for all who read, share, support, and are inspired by my work.
The Astrology of March 2016: Eclipses in Pisces & Libra ... Deep Release, Divine Revelation, Collective Vision & Spiritual Partnership
There is no way to over-emphasize the power of Tuesday’s Total Solar Eclipse & New Moon. Occurring at 18 Degrees of Pisces, the eclipse is forming significant relationships with every collective and transpersonal planet, all of whom are involved in world shaping aspect patterns, and represent the ongoing stories in our lives and human consciousness for the past several years.
USA Solar Eclipse Chart
Historically, eclipses are seen as portentous and ominous events, traditionally bringing with them all of the signatures of change – which in archaic contexts means difficult news, crisis and chaos. Solar Eclipses, occurring always on the new moon, are symbolic of endings and conclusions that of course are often followed by major new beginnings. Total eclipses of all kinds are especially powerful because they really create a pause in the energy (even if it is not visible from your location) – a break from the pattern that we expect. This energetic break is like a window of opportunity for accelerated change and transformation. In fact, I have come to see eclipses as times of revelation, decision, and crossing thresholds. No matter what arrives at the time of an eclipse – whether subtle, amazing or tragic – it is always an experience that we don’t come back from the same. There is never a return to the “normalcy” that once was – rather, we arrive at a NEW normal. This is true for the news that we see during eclipse phases (many immensely tragic events that have shaped our consciousness as a society have occurred around eclipses, thus their ominous reputation), and also for our personal experience. So whether we experience a new birth, or a shocking end, the impact of it is always profound, long lasting, and permanent.
The astrological reason for this is that eclipses ALWAYS occur on an axis that is referred to in Tropical Astrology as the “Nodes of Fate” or “Nodal Axis.” This axis represents the point at which the orbit of the earth and the moon intersect. When a new or full moon occurs in the realm of this axis (this happens every six months), we experience eclipses somewhere in the world. Eclipses or no eclipses, the nodal axis is a significant point in any chart, as it refers to the soul’s evolution and direction. Transits of the nodes, or prominence of the nodes in any given chart often bring fateful experiences – these can be meeting those major people, making those major decisions, or any other critical turning point that brings us closer to our soul’s true course. The nodes are referred to as North and South – North being the direction that we are headed, and South often referring to past life, past experience, and where we have a tendency to become addicted and stuck. Eclipses that occur on the North Node propel us forward – eclipses that occur on the South Node bring about major releases. In every eclipse period there is always a pair, and sometimes even a triplet of eclipses, so we will experience both the north and south nodes and the see-saw of emotions that relates to their ongoing polarity.
This eclipse in Pisces is a South Node eclipse. It is VERY near to the South Node, so since the last full moon, many of us have been experiencing a rapid fire clearing of old emotions. Since the eclipse is in sensitive Pisces and in very close aspect to the asteroid Chiron – an energy that pertains to our deep soul wounds – this is a MAJOR clearing of deep-seated and subconscious issues. These are things that often we have tended to hold onto because they are too sensitive to touch – so rather than face these wounds, we often develop emotional workarounds. So even though Chiron is only one small piece of this very complex astrological puzzle – this component to the energies is like the symbol of Chiron itself – it feels very much like the KEY to the whole configuration.
Chiron is often described in a simple manner as being about wounding and healing – but this energy is very interesting, because it is also a profound teacher. It is the bridge between Saturn (A planet which shows us our insecurities, weaknesses and responsibilities) and Uranus (The energy of the divine mind & fearless individuality). Like Saturn, Chiron urges us to face our fears and problems, to deeply and completely LEARN from them and heal through the refinement of our wounded tendencies – and like Uranus, Chiron aspires to transcend the state of woundedness to come into the higher actualization of our Chiron issues so that we can BECOME that healing force in the world in the realm and sign archetypes that are represented by our natal Chiron.
With Chiron’s placement in Pisces conjunct the South Node & the Solar Eclipse, I am finding one of the themes of the energy is around experiences concerning victimhood. This came to me as particularly pertaining to compassion and empathy – times in our lives past (and even very present for many) where empathy was not received and even times when we did not give empathy or compassion to someone who needed it. It is likely that these things correlate – where we have not received empathy and compassion is usually the precise area where we find it difficult to show this empathy and compassion to others. The wound inflicted by the experience of judgment in our time of need can be so sensitive that we are not even conscious of our lack of compassion until some later time. We can even feel that offering acceptance to another in the area where we feel wounded is tangibly painful for us and so avoid doing so, masking our pain with a negative reaction. The overarching themes of victimhood and sacrifice that arise from the Pisces archetype are, as I see it, deeply entwined with the emerging desire for a true sense of empowered individuality for all people, in all situations. Clinging to the role of the victim is where we are hung up in our progress. We identify so easily with what causes us pain that we subconsciously support the illusion that our painful experiences must continue to define what we are capable of being, creating, etc. But the need for change is POWERFUL. On a large scale, there is now an extremely obvious state of unrest over human rights issues of all kinds – and on a smaller scale, many are feeling a similar unrest with regard to their personal relationships, workplace politics, and other sources of authority past and present. There has been dissatisfaction with the overall structure of things for a long time now. On a personal level, many of us have been making changes to move away from stuck attitudes and paradigms, opting for a more pioneering approach. But in order to truly embark upon these ventures, what we most need to let go of is our toxic identification with this inner victim.
The overwhelming energy of this chart is actually one of opportunity and vision. What we want is RIGHT THERE in front of us, it’s ALREADY available to us. What we’re needing to release right now are the things within our consciousness that prevent us from believing that we can do the things we most deeply desire. Receiving is an essential aspect of giving. Many of us have a very difficult time truly receiving and accepting gifts. These gifts can come in so many forms and capacities – they can be gifts of insight that seem so far-fetched to us that we immediately dismiss them, they can be physical gifts of appreciation that we are not certain of accepting due to feelings of unworthiness, perhaps, or suspicion – and they can also be opportunities that we immediately assume must be “too good to be true.” Accepting gifts, trusting others, and learning to embrace major upgrades without the feeling that there’s strings attached or a secret catch, is actually a part of our work towards more individual empowerment and collective unity.
There are a lot of ideas in the collective right now that many people want to make a reality, but what’s coming to me is that it can be hard for us to come together and unite because of our cynicism and fearfulness about the reliability of other people. Can we work together? Do our visions really align? Is it really possible to have functional, respectful partnerships? Is group action in our fragmented world a real thing or is it just some silly, idealistic notion of times past?
Part of the anxiety feels like because in recent years, we’ve been doing SO MUCH emotional & spiritual work on ourselves that pertained to our more troublesome relationship dynamics that we now carry a reluctance to fully embrace others again. But we are actually done with that work for the most part and the people that we need to be around in the NOW have already entered our lives, and it is time to start doing something with those connections. Of course, there is an ongoing process between the moment of insight and the realization of the vision – but I feel that this is a time of major breakthrough with regards to getting OURSELVES out of the way and doing something for the greater good. This is a time about really trusting the process -- that our pure intentions are received, supported, and guided. There is something much bigger at work – something that is beyond us, and if we can just surrender to that, what we need WILL happen.
The other point that’s important to note is about a release of the ego – whether the ego is shouting in disagreement with our intentions or whether it is on a course of grandiosity, there is truly no room for this in a higher spiritual sense. This phase of change is not about that – it is a collaborative energy. It is not about you and what you want to do and them and what they want to do – it’s about what NEEDS to be DONE, what we can personally contribute, and who we can connect and partner with to have a greater impact & a broader reach. This is a major purging of the collective consciousness, which is in essence, also a sort of space clearing. This energy is about the collective coming together – and that is what Pisces energy really is about – the collective, and needing to make collective choices, having collective gatherings, and working for the greater good of all… rather than continuing to operate in our typical individualistic mentality. The work for us as individuals IS, however, the work of being egoless -- not about surrendering to others, per se, but about surrendering to the higher vision of the mission and spirit of service. The message that I am receiving is that this is the only way to truly collaborate with others, and it is a skill that we so desperately need to cultivate. What the challenge seems to be is the question of HOW? Not because the idea is so far-fetched, but HOW do diverse groups of people truly get on the same page, spiritually speaking, for a collaborative humanitarian mission? Can we put our human selves aside well enough to do it? It seems we won’t know until we try – and what we are experiencing now is really preparation for this next phase, which feels quite significant to our evolution. Even if this perspective seems idealistic, there is a sense that there is real possibility here due to the incredible malleability of the social structures in this moment.
I believe that many people are aware of this transition in consciousness, even if subtly. There is a lot of soul searching going on about what we truly want – and this is one of those times when we should put some real energy into that vision: If there were no obstacles to the life we wish existed for us – be it monetary, societal & social, or personality driven (in the case of personal relationships) – What would that life look like? What would it feel like? Who would we be in that world? And if you don’t know what your vision is, try to focus on the feelings you most wish you had – is it comfort? Is it success? Acclaim? Financial security? Love? Community? Freedom? And then expand the scene from there. The energy of the vision feels so incredibly strong right now, and I feel that the reason the release over our victimhood is simultaneously just as strong is because the truth is that we cannot move fully into the ideal relationship, the ideal career, or the ideal ANYTHING as long as we are carrying baggage about how this or that thing has failed for us in the past.
It might not necessarily seem like a cause-effect situation either. Sometimes we’re carrying wounds about things that are weighing us down and we don’t even realize how they are affecting our life. They can be small things or real intense and profound things – but if we take the time to look inwardly and explore the most prickly of our inner emotions, particularly those that might be arising right now in the reflection of our lives – we might be surprised to discover hang ups that are creating obstacles to our growth that we were previously unable to perceive.
What we have the opportunity to do in 2016 is rewrite our truth. What we are being presented with, in many cases, is a strange combination of the dying past reminding us of its true end – and new opportunities that are so beyond our typical scope of vision that we’re having to wade through a mountain of insecurities that we never knew existed. The first answer to the question of HOW seems to be surrendering to fear and uncertainty by really looking at the part that feels tense, wound up and sensitive. The second answer is truly, wholly, and genuinely beginning to ACCEPT the possibilities that are before us. Because stepping into the idea that we are powerful enough as people to actually CREATE something of real substance in this world using our personal brand of ingenuity, motivation and drive, can be pretty scary. But this is that decisive moment between helping another in need or choosing to lick the wounds of our own ancient problems. Do we keep feeding the monster that impairs us, or do we transmute our feeling of lack and failure to one that can see another’s hurt before our own? Can we recognize that to spite our failures past, that we still have the capacity to give and enrich others with our unique talents? Can we embrace the power of what we could give, if only we allowed ourselves to do so?
Of course I am talking a great deal about this on a large and more public scale, in terms of our work in the world as a collective – but this also applies directly to our personal lives and challenges. The mutable energy of 2016 as a whole is prime for really working through and transforming mental constructions that inhibit us from having the reality that we wish for. Under this climate if you can dream it – and REALLY see yourself where you want to be in all senses – you can create it. Now is a time for finding our happiness, speaking our real truth, and fearlessly walking our talk. This is a time for meeting people, connecting with mentors, doing our service, and perfecting routines. It is a time to let go of our guilt or lack of forgiveness. A time to be humble, and tune in to the compassionate heart.
Use this window of opportunity for the expansion of your wellbeing – and the wellbeing of those around you! Really listen for the messages of change that arrive during this eclipse cycle.
USA Lunar Eclipse Chart
A very quick note on the Lunar Eclipse which is to occur on March 23 – I expected I would write two articles this month, but after writing this one, I realized that these insights apply to the logic of both eclipse charts – Tuesdays Solar Eclipse really sets the tone and creates the need for clearing the space, emptying out, letting go, and getting ready for the new – and the Lunar Eclipse in Libra orients us toward forward movement and human connections. The Libra eclipse especially brings in the aspect of connecting with those towards whom we can be of service, whom we can serve with, and whom can serve us. The Lunar eclipse also forms a strong aspect to Mars in Sagittarius, which really triggers the energy of action. We will likely feel by the full moon a sense of culmination and also perhaps completion with reference to the past several years of deep relationship work. We’ve established the groundwork for what feels right and appropriate to us in relationship (with ourselves, with each other, with life, in love, in business, and in friendships) – now it is a matter of beginning to implement these changes fully empowered. The face of how we relate is evolving at a fundamental level – and the bottom line of it is one of more care, more deep authenticity, and more freedom.
So this was very long and involved, I know – but all of these insights have been coming to me and asking to be shared, so I really hope that this is helpful and clarifying during this challenging month!!!
Note that I do offer personal readings, and will be extending my special through March 23 for 15% off on readings using the code “CELESTIAL” through my checkout page to make readings more accessible to those who are in need of deeper personal insight at this time.
Sending love to you and yours... Enjoy the beauty & power of March's transformations.