A Spontaneous Message for the New Moon in Libra


Hello Everyone! Happy New Moon in Libra!

We have passed through the fall equinox and October is already fast approaching. It is a time for reaping the year's harvest and also contemplating balance in our lives. This year in particular, it feels important to take some time this fall to assess our progress, clarify our goals, and reckon our successes, failures, energy levels, and engagement with the various facets of our life. 2019 has been an incredibly intense year for many people and with the fall now upon us, we will begin positioning ourselves for the serious ramp-up that will occur over the next several months as we cross the 2020 threshold.

The big Saturn-Pluto conjunction will be occurring in January, amplified by eclipses and Jupiter's ingress into Capricorn -- it is a collision of massive change that will shake the world. This is a time of rapid transformation that cannot be ignored. Expect a long, intense, deep, exciting, at times raw and often profound unfolding process throughout all of 2020 that will plant the seeds of change for decades, and potentially centuries, to come.

Whatever we have been working with in our lives in 2019 is about to meet an important nexus, as we redefine who we are, and embody more of our truth and potential. We all are embroiled in complicated situations, and many of us are in meetings with destiny -- accepting big soul projects, and facing steps into something unknown. It is a beautiful, mysterious, rollercoaster of a time to be alive. A time of deep surrender, acceptance, and engagement with what is.

Whatever is destroyed must be rebuilt, brick by brick. With greater intelligence than before. There are no more superficial patch-ups. That which has eroded is beyond saving. But it is not a failure -- rather, this is the natural way of things. A stage we don't particularly favor, but one that must exist.

This is a season of savoring what is gained and also what is lost equally. As we move deeper into the darkness of the year, surrendering the parts of ourselves that must now go in order for us to move forward to the new now. A notion that often sounds romantic but rarely is. Though it could be quite easy or very difficult, depending on us. Nonetheless, it is unavoidable.

All that said, please have a wonderful fall season. I hope that wherever you are there are pretty leaves and plenty of hot apple cider to enjoy moments of peace in the chaos. Hold fast to the center.



P.S. The awesome stock photo is by sergio souza from Pexels. I love how nostalgic it feels... a fitting image for the end of the summer going into the fall ... or the end of an era!

Originally written for my October Newsletter (feel free to read all the updates & subscribe here)