The Vision Going Forward // Astrology of December 2016 // New Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon in Gemini

Hello friends and welcome to my analysis of the Astrology of December 2016.  This month I am discussing the energies of the Sagittarius Lunar Cycle:  The New Moon at 7 degrees of Sagittarius on November 29, at 7:18AM EST and the Full Moon at 22 degrees of Gemini on December 13th at 7:06PM EST.

I like to discuss the monthly weather in terms of the lunar cycles from new to full because I find it a helpful way to present archetypal themes.  I find that the lunar charts neatly summarize the general vibes of the month as they represent both what we are looking to sow (new moon) and what is culminating/being reaped (full moon).  Every year we experience new and full moons in each sign – and so if we choose to follow the lunar months, we can become more attuned to the energetic rhythm of life in general.  Working with, deepening, and understanding the natural flow of things.

So looking into the chart of the New Moon set for Washington, D.C. the new moon is sitting very near to the ascendant which refers to the outer self or image we present to the world in the 12th house, the realm of the subconscious, self undoing, and karmic release.  Its closest aspects are to the nodes of fate and Neptune, points that just began separating after two solid months traveling together.  Neptune for these past two months has been on the south node of past life habits and addictions in Pisces, the sign of disillusionment, confusion, escapism, etc.  Neptune is extremely amplified in the sign of Pisces and has been a dominant force in the world psyche for the past several years.  On the highest level – these energies represent the soul visions, spiritual growth, the dropping of the veils, compassion, understanding, and the unearthing of gifts that direct us towards more empathetic and heart focused relationships.  This is between people as well as the relationships we have with other aspects of our life such as our work, the “world” as an entity, oneself, etc.  On the negative side – Neptune energy increases emotionality, is receptive to a fault (it represents illness both psychic and physical), and shows where we can be blind to ourselves, where we lie to ourselves, and where we can become completely enveloped by and lost in an illusion.

One of the things associated with Neptune is film – so think of when you go to see a film, how easy it is to become lost and engrossed in the action and emotion of the characters – so that you almost feel as if you are there and that the characters themselves become familiar and real.  That is the power of Neptune at work – through this enveloping characteristic it can show us the highest beauty and truth and also pull us into a deception, a fog.  As Neptune has lingered near the South Node in Pisces – where these themes are greatly amplified – the world at large has been grappling with its handle on reality in a big way.  Much has been revealed in the discourse of the past month that has been shocking and upsetting to the world consciousness, but what has also been evident is that the things were ALREADY PRESENT, and were simply hidden, obfuscated, etc.  There is a strong tone within the USA national politics at this time of intense public deception.  And this deception is occurring at many, many levels – from money mongering political agendas that have existed since time immemorial to the most basic level of how we receive information in this age of technology.  We live in a world that is increasingly connected and unified, one that is increasingly aware of our interconnectedness – but yet at the same time there is an unprecedented heavy influence of perception in almost all information that we receive.  What it seems like, to my eyes, is that in many situations, it matters not whether a piece of information is true or false, but whether or not it succeeds in conveying a specific psycho-emotional message.  As with anything – this goes just as powerfully for positive messages as it does for negative messages.

As such, we have been living in times where clarity and straightforwardness have become elusive.  The correct path is the path of Virgo – current resting place of the North Node, which upholds integrity, virtuousness, and simplicity.  But the energetic patterning that we are coming upon is very much suggestive that the darkness comes before the light.  These shocks and revelations to our consciousness is a part of our collective emotional shadow work.  In the past it has been easy to talk a good talk and do little else, but it seems that we find ourselves now faced with a critical situation – something major has culminated – and now our job going forward is to figure out WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NEXT?

And that question is very much central to the function of this New Moon in Sagittarius, which lingers in that liminal time just after dawn on the East coast.  The consciousness of the collective and our personal consciousness is VERY enmeshed at this time.  We all feel in touch with issues that affect humanity in the big picture, and we all feel the impulse to do something about it.   In a way, it feels very much like we’ve opened a collective Pandora’s box, and things have felt fast, and out of control – but the link between the personal consciousness and the collective consciousness can also be utilized to direct the clean up process, and the vision of the future.  In short, FEAR is the Pisces Achilles heel – but clarity comes when we devote ourselves to how we can help, as individuals, in our daily lives to make our world a better place.

Before I even looked at the chart for this new moon, I felt that this article would be about “The Vision Going Forward.”  This year we have come to completion with many large thematic arcs of consciousness.  From the Chinese perspective, 2016 was the year of the Fire Monkey – an almost impossible to control, compulsively mischievous creature paired with the most difficult to control element in the Chinese Zodiac.  The shifts have been rapid, often surprising, and usually unwelcome.  Predictably unpredictable, the Fire Monkey has also exposed fallacy and weakness in our social system in a way that perhaps no other sign could.  And in the wake of this, what was unclear has become clear, what is unclean can become cleansed, and what is feared can now become conscious.

Who are we now?  And how do we inspire change?

There is a strong suggestion in the chart for the New Moon that part of how we actualize change is through embodying our radical qualities.  So that it is not so much an idea of how we would like to be, but to work towards fully BEing in the flow of our own personal freedom, growth, and individuality.  This is a way that the personal consciousness can affect the collective in a positive manner.

With the connection of this new moon so close to the nodes of fate – our intentions this month will be supercharged and important for progress going forward.  Sagittarius is an inherently joyful, hopeful sign that ceaselessly quests for higher knowledge and looks at the big picture of every situation.  Utilize this energy from the space of hope, and feel what is truly important for your growth and mission on a personal level and how that fits in to the collective.  There is so much that we can offer as individuals that can serve others in a positive way.  Knowing that change on the large scale does not happen overnight, but living as if change is here and continuing to feed the energy of connection over division, distraction, or escaping.  We have the power to transmute things in the collective consciousness through our presence and personal journey to truth and clarity.

Wherever we are on the spectrum in that process, there is always another precipice, and a deeper revelation to meet us.  In fact, we may even come to the same realization repeatedly with new wrinkles and layers.  But each step is necessary, as each step is basically a further integration of our higher self – provided we are aspiring to connect with this aspect of ourselves. 

The Full Moon at mid-month brings with it the “work” part of the vision that we are setting in motion now.  At least, it will show us with stark clarity where the work within us really lies, in particular, how our ego self tends to operate against our softer ideals.  At the time of the full moon the Sun will be separating from a conjunction to Saturn and a square to Chiron – both energies which represent lessons, repercussions, and the karmic process of going from our raw, most animalistic qualities to the more refined, integrated and human version.  If we actually work with Saturn (representing our Karmic inheritance and mission) and Chiron (Chiron represents our soul wounds/the force of healing within us), two planets that tend to create a big “ouch” effect for many, we can start to come into contact with this more refined version of ourselves.  But because as a society we are so indoctrinated with fear, we tend to resist the lessons and experience these energies as mostly painful.  As a result of this, many of us stay in our fear and survival urges without ever graduating to our human self in a fully integrated sense.  Somehow I sense that this will be a reminder that we can be so much greater if we can stop getting so hung up on the little things and resist the urge to constantly overreact.

The Full Moon is also strongly supported by the progressive energies of Mars in Aquarius, Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries.  So while it is challenged and burdened by Saturn, et. al. both a Kite formation and a Mystic Rectangle in the chart (both aspecting the full moon) suggest positive synchronicity.  This is a MIND to ACTION energy.  The emotional process serves as a maturity gauge and is a source of great soul searching.  The potential is for a lot of haywire energy if one is not careful – but it is a great energy for manifestation of thoughts into reality, or at least thoughts into motion.  Thus, it is important for us to be measured in the thoughts that we choose to set into motion.

Even as we are breaking out in new directions there is still emotional subconscious processing that is very present.  The full moon is going to be powerfully illuminating of collective thought forms.  I’ve been seeing it for a long time and saying it for a long time, but I can sense the power of the collective mind continuing to grow under these influences – and as the month progresses we’ll go from “seeing” what it is to feeling it in real time.  The tangible reality creates pressure – and people either succumb to it or shift it.  As much as we can, when things come up within us – especially reflections that come to us from the outside – it is most beneficial if we FACE and SHIFT the afflicting energies.  They may feel quite numerous, heavy, and difficult, but this is how to more rapidly transmute the discordant vibrations out there in the world.

What we are dealing with is a sort of spiritual battleground.  The energy is running hot and fast, but within us we need to remain vigilant, centered and grounded.

As we wrap up the nodal transit through Virgo in the next several months, the keys will be to stay focused on Virgos virtues – participation, bringing order to chaos, creating routines, focusing on the here and now, being of service to others, moderation, grounding ourselves through experience (read up on Virgo North Node here).  Now that Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter have all separated from the nodes, we have weathered a massive onslaught of psychic information and shifting and it feels like we now have the opportunity to integrate this experience and fully arrive at the ultimate lesson of the Virgo North Node this time around, which is also one of the anchoring lessons of these times that we are in.  Staying with the simple, the humble, the natural way – this is the path to the clarity we are seeking and the ultimate truth of how positive change is to be created at this time.

Keep the momentum of change going, stay positive and hopeful – this is the Sagittarius perspective.  What you believe becomes your will.

Well wishes for a happy December – may we all use this time to direct the will of humanity for the greatest good of all.


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