leo north node

Sitting with the Eclipses -- further elaborations on the energy of August 2017 and its larger implications

Tomorrow, August 7, is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, the first of the pair of eclipses that are to occur this month.  As we prepare for the major Solar Eclipse that will touch the entire continental USA, the Lunar Eclipse precedes it carrying important messages, realizations and revelations.  Because the Solar Eclipse will be so profound, the energetic unfolding has been with us throughout this summer in anticipation for the transformational energy it brings.  I often view eclipses as energetic thresholds – but another way to say it, perhaps, is that an eclipse is like an energetic neutral zone or zero point.  From a Taoist cosmological perspective, transformation arises from stillness – and an eclipse of any kind carries with it a sort of interruption to the energetic flow, creating a still point, particularly in the case of a total eclipse like the one we will be experiencing on the 21st.   In this cycle leading up to the Lunar Eclipse tomorrow, many things have come into our awareness on a conscious level that are up for deep transformation.

I think it is worth noting that this lunar cycle began with a new moon at 0 Leo and the Solar Eclipse is a new moon at 28 Leo.  So that is two Leo new moons to kick off the transit of the North Node through Leo – for me, what this means is that we’re getting kind of a preemptive opportunity to consider and plant our intentions regarding Leo issues (fun, creativity, romance, sexuality, self expression, will power, etc) – and then, through the subtle energetic influence of the Lunar eclipse and the messages/changes received therein, we then get to consider and plant those intentions a second time with the necessary amendments.  The reason that this strikes me in this particular way is that the lessons of Leo seem very important for us to grasp right now – as our society, and as a result we as individuals, suffer greatly from Aquarian shadows.  Just to name a few -- we live in a culture that supports individuality and freedom, but can often lack a sense of warmth, community & support.  Many people have strong ideals and beliefs, but few are genuinely applicable to real world diversity.  Rationality and ideas are at odds with human and spiritual connection.  Technicalities become obstructive to truth.

In the Aquarian spirit of our culture we strive to be more inclusive by creating more distinctions, but in the process we unknowingly create more divisions because the distinctions are made in an almost surgical way.  They are not made with the heart, really.  They are made with the mind that wants to right the afflictions of the heart, created by the problems of our ideals.  The ideals, simply put, are just too rigid.  They are less like a framework and more like a rulebook, and this can actually be harmful to the social freedom that we desire to find.  On a personal level, we are being guided to really trust in the flow of our own hearts to find the solutions that vex us, no matter how big or small the problems may be.  Not to analyze, research, and over-think our ways to the answers, but to find them ourselves BY FEELING, by LIVING.

The Solar Eclipse on August 21st is of special significance for the USA because it is impacting us directly.  We will all experience the literal effects of the moon blocking out the sun for just a few minutes at the height of the day.  This event is so incredibly powerful it has been difficult for me to separate any astrological happenings for the summer from the coming of that eclipse.  For me, it feels, most simply, like a major karmic, and likely historic moment in USA history and for all of those who are alive and living here during this time.  The Lunar eclipse energy is just a part of this process: it serves to help us IDENTIFY the inhibiting factors – the reasons why we, ourselves, do not utilize our own personal will to the best of its potential.  What are the social, mental, and emotional factors that keep us trapped in our heads instead of shining freely in the world – giving back by giving our GIFTS which were uniquely bestowed upon us.  There are a million ways that we undermine our own freedom every single day due to subconscious ideals that don’t really serve us to truly be our best self.  Shifting just a few of these mental obstructions can be the difference between positively influencing life by way of greater happiness and authenticity or just merely existing within it.

The insights that have to come to me about the eclipse cycles have largely centered around the wise use of energy and really knowing and understanding one’s personal direction rather than allowing ourselves to succumb to peer/social/societal pressure of any kind.  It is important for us to be undistracted – even by the most valid & positive ideas – because each of us has a specific journey that we need to honor and fuel, and the information loaded world that we live in can easily deter us from those pursuits if we are not paying close attention and acting with intention.  Doing our individual piece is what will serve society best.  Personal will & personal effort to create something tangible trumps abstractions and ideals.  Actually live life nobly, in total honesty with regards to what is truly beneficial to yourself and those you touch.

Regarding the USA astrology in overarching cycles – The eclipses come at a very interesting time in our process as a society.  The solar eclipse is in close aspect to the USA natal moon – signifying transformation at the level of the national psyche.  In addition to this, the President happens to be someone who was born during an eclipse (so eclipses impact him extra strongly), and his natal Mars & Ascendant also align directly with the eclipse.  The August 21 eclipse also just happens to be a part of a series that has historically triggered significant events in American politics.  In so many ways, I believe we are being pressed to deal with the dichotomy of individual will and social structures and there is no question in my mind that the solar eclipse across the USA is going to trigger an important shift on the national level, starting with the people in power.

The next total solar eclipse in the USA is in 2024 – the two eclipses (2017/2024) are like bookends to the USA Pluto return, representing a 248 year cycle of maturation around issues of power & social order at the government level.  We have arrived at this place for a reason and whatever changes lie ahead are, in a way, unavoidable.  The direction of those changes should start to become clearer in the coming months after the major impact of the eclipse starts to manifest.  I personally feel that with the energy of LEO in charge, the will is in individuals to direct the change – we are the “king.”  We must awaken to that.  And I believe we will and can, as we may also simultaneously awaken to the shadows of culture and society that have not yet been revealed quite so clearly.

With that said, I feel compelled to leave these notes with this:  The King is not the person who rules all – rather it is the person who rules himself.  The King is the one who is sovereign.  Free unto himself, unbound unto himself.  This is the true aspiration of LEO for all people.

For more thoughts on this topic, check out my article covering the Astrology of the Summer of 2017 :)

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