Jupiter Crosses into Capricorn: Transition to 2020 Officially Begins // The Start of a New Era

This is a spontaneous transmission on Jupiter in Capricorn that I wrote yesterday. More on 2020 energies will be coming soon :)


Jupiter crossed into Capricorn Monday and eclipse season will begin next week at the full moon. Jupiter's motion into Capricorn officially pulls in the transition into 2020 energies, and the eclipses are soon to illuminate and amplify the coming transformations, particularly in January. We have been preparing for this time for the entire decade, and especially this past year.

I feel the transition of Jupiter into Capricorn is bringing in a more focused energy — while it was transiting through Sag, it was a time of spiritual exploration, expansion and even literal travel for many people. Our concept of reality, our lives and what brings it meaning, has expanded its scope to contain more and be less delineated. Especially in the modern world of spirituality -- it feels like a shift towards a more integrated approach to spirituality is available/unfolding.

With Jupiter’s transition into Capricorn, I feel that this a time where we bring some of temple life into our modern life, a bit of the esoteric into the scientific, and so on. This is necessary even more so for people who see themselves as following a spiritual path, as this is somewhat of a departure from past archetypes of ascension/spiritual evolution/enlightment, where asceticism and separation were more of the norm. Now is a time when we evolve within our human lives, and along with this human world. To become like the immortals who have previously walked the earth. Embodied in our light -- and functional in our relationship to the planet and reality as it is and as it can be.

To do this successfully requires a lot of grounded work. It is work that has many manifestations and purposes — and is sorely needed for the gradual evolution of human consciousness on this planet. The 2020 alignment of Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter in Capricorn, is essentially laying the energetic groundwork for this evolution to be possible on the larger scale. It starts first in the inner world and individual integrity of spirit. The more integral we are, the more effective, even if the effect is extremely subtle. Yes, part of the effect can even be our own perception of life shifting — but just because it is internal to us, does not mean that others do not respond to it.

It is hard to say how fast or how slow this process occurs for both oneself and for "all of humanity" as it were. If we look back at history, we can see that evolutions in consciousness occurred slowly over hundreds of years. But if we look at our present day, it seems that they can happen quite quickly, relatively speaking — so quick that people who aren't ready for the changes are quite fearful about where the world is going — so there is a massive amount of conflict as a result. Just look at the social issues that have come up in the past 5 years alone in the USA — racial, lgbtq+, gender, & socio-economic sensitivity & awareness has all been right in the foreground with many people who are fully ready to change their thinking on these matters, and many others feeling extraordinarily challenged by these ideas, even outright rejecting them. From a larger view, the conflict is not rooted in truth or non-truth, but in the fabric of reality being shaken, and people having different reactions to it. There are, of course, many people who will try to seek comfort, while others find themselves in positions where no comfort is available, so the adventure and embracing of the unknown is the reality. It's the latter party that is on the forefront of the changes — and also who face the pain, loneliness and fear of rejection the most intensely. But it is not easy for either side — for changes in these areas are inevitable, and the issues are deeply rooted — in the long run, requiring systemic overhaul. And social issues are only one example. Environmental, economic, health, government and structural issues of all kinds are also up and facing similar conflicts, challenges and need for transformation.

But I am here to tell you that it is beginning. Whether or not it appears to be, the evolutions have been happening for the better part of the past century, and 2020 bears the seeds for an even more profound change in human consciousness that I sense will unfold with intensity over the coming decades. On the intuitive level where I receive these messages from, there is no feeling that we are heading into a dark ages, or that we must worry about descending backwards into chaos as history has shown to be the case in the past (and as some people like to predict) -- this time it is different. The energy of light in humanity is supported. We do not need to live or abide by the darkness in the world, and in fact, we have the capacity to effect it with our deeds great and small. It is the collective comprised of individuals choosing light, honesty, integrity, service and righteousness that creates change.

We might all still be grappling with our own inner struggles and we will not escape being confronted, conflicted, depressed, or discouraged but when we choose service from our sincere heart, we are also requiring ourselves to face our duality and human weaknesses. It takes strength to be willing to create a strong and pure sense of the inner self, to remain integral, not just for the self but for the selfless tasks in life which we are assigned.

That said, it is not always about our outer world and living a life that "looks" like a spiritual one -- more, it is about who we are inside and how we choose to give and be in our lives. So whoever you are, wherever you are, be where you are and trust in the place you stand and the places you feel pulled to go from the higher aspects of your being. This is the truth more clear and correct than anything that could ever be told to you.

We're here to help each other, and we also all have our part, our small piece -- a piece that deserves its own honor -- and has as much breadth and uniqueness as our fingerprints. It doesn't need to look like anything you know of, or it can appear to be completely ordinary. And it also has the capacity to completely evolve in unexpected ways — to be nothing like it was when we began.

Jupiter in Capricorn is about doing this work, actualizing the vision, and seeing the dream come to reality. 2020 & beyond hold so much potential for this to also happen within the greater world.

Check out the Astro Shop!

Check out the Astro Shop for in-depth course offerings & reports on the Astrology of 2019 & 2020! And stay tuned — there is more coming soon!!!

Recent Video & Article :)

Readings & Gift Certificates are available to book online, anytime, anywhere in the world :)

Click below to check my schedule and learn more about my readings.

A Spontaneous Message for the New Moon in Libra


Hello Everyone! Happy New Moon in Libra!

We have passed through the fall equinox and October is already fast approaching. It is a time for reaping the year's harvest and also contemplating balance in our lives. This year in particular, it feels important to take some time this fall to assess our progress, clarify our goals, and reckon our successes, failures, energy levels, and engagement with the various facets of our life. 2019 has been an incredibly intense year for many people and with the fall now upon us, we will begin positioning ourselves for the serious ramp-up that will occur over the next several months as we cross the 2020 threshold.

The big Saturn-Pluto conjunction will be occurring in January, amplified by eclipses and Jupiter's ingress into Capricorn -- it is a collision of massive change that will shake the world. This is a time of rapid transformation that cannot be ignored. Expect a long, intense, deep, exciting, at times raw and often profound unfolding process throughout all of 2020 that will plant the seeds of change for decades, and potentially centuries, to come.

Whatever we have been working with in our lives in 2019 is about to meet an important nexus, as we redefine who we are, and embody more of our truth and potential. We all are embroiled in complicated situations, and many of us are in meetings with destiny -- accepting big soul projects, and facing steps into something unknown. It is a beautiful, mysterious, rollercoaster of a time to be alive. A time of deep surrender, acceptance, and engagement with what is.

Whatever is destroyed must be rebuilt, brick by brick. With greater intelligence than before. There are no more superficial patch-ups. That which has eroded is beyond saving. But it is not a failure -- rather, this is the natural way of things. A stage we don't particularly favor, but one that must exist.

This is a season of savoring what is gained and also what is lost equally. As we move deeper into the darkness of the year, surrendering the parts of ourselves that must now go in order for us to move forward to the new now. A notion that often sounds romantic but rarely is. Though it could be quite easy or very difficult, depending on us. Nonetheless, it is unavoidable.

All that said, please have a wonderful fall season. I hope that wherever you are there are pretty leaves and plenty of hot apple cider to enjoy moments of peace in the chaos. Hold fast to the center.



P.S. The awesome stock photo is by sergio souza from Pexels. I love how nostalgic it feels... a fitting image for the end of the summer going into the fall ... or the end of an era!

Originally written for my October Newsletter (feel free to read all the updates & subscribe here)

Spring-Fall of 2019 // Current Energies: Intense Clearing


Hello everyone!

It’s been a little while with much unfolding in my world, thus less blogging.  I have spent a large part of this past month in particular putting together an intensive online astrology course covering the energies of 2020.  I highly recommend checking this out if you are interested in understanding more about the energy of these times from the astrological perspective.

From my view, the year 2020 represents a breakthrough time, and so I felt called to dive deeply into it and share what has come to me / what I have been discovering about the energies as they approach.  The course offers deep examination of this as well as a comprehensive look at historical and thematic components to the potent and rare Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter conjunction that will be highly active throughout 2020 (Think:  Structures meeting major transformation in a BIG way!)

We are in a time where the consciousness of humanity is shifting rapidly and life is changing immensely for many people.  This year, 2019, is a transitional year in which we are going through many preparatory processes to get ready for the shifts coming in 2020 & beyond.  In the course I elaborate on the layers & dynamics of the astrological components at play in 2020, as well as how the energies affect individuals on a personal level.  In fact, I offer a whole version of the course that includes your natal chart, showing precisely how everything is aligning for you specifically and a highlighted handout breaking down what to expect and how to work with the energies :) 

So if you feel called, please check it out!  It’s really jam packed with information and I guarantee you will come away with much to chew on regarding the flow of the next several years :)


OK!  With all that said!

This month, we just passed through a major eclipse portal.  The energy of these eclipses brought up much that is directly tied to the 2020 astrological alignments that are already starting to form in the skies.  So I really wanted to make sure that I wrote a bit about what’s happening for us RIGHT NOW, as it is extremely important on many levels to our process going forward.

 Yes, the eclipses have passed already… however, the impact of the energy lately is profound, so I feel that what I have to share here will hold relevance long beyond this short window.  Of course – that is the nature of eclipses, anyway!  But the energy of this summer, in particular, is one of deep inner process – with long term implications. 

So without further ado, here are my notes on the current energies.

Saturn on the South Node:  Sitting in Discomfort, Stuckness and Stagnation 

One of the primary patterns active throughout this summer is the conjunction of Saturn and the South Node.  Saturn:  the planet of karmic evolution, hard work, and mastery of lessons – and the South Node:  our karmic past, bad habits, and lazy tendencies.  Starting in April, the South Node crossed over both Saturn & Pluto, triggering the karmic process around & preparation for the upcoming Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January 2020.  In essence, April signaled something significant for us about the incoming transformations – and at this time we were granted some special insight – a way forward.  And then, very quickly, because it was malefic planets and the South Node – in came the WORK.  The heavy, unpleasant work.

Ordinarily, a transit of the node to a planet is a fairly brief meeting.  Significant, but fleeting.  However, this April, it just so happened that just as the South Node and Saturn went into alignment, Saturn turned retrograde and the two have been traveling together ever since (the lunar nodes always move in retrograde motion) – and this journey continues until October.   That is a very, very long time for Saturn to be working with the South Node.  An arduous 7 months of standstill and intense clearing.

The way that I see and feel it -- this alignment is so powerful that the sum total of all other astrological unfoldings this summer go right back to this joining of Saturn and the South Node, including the eclipses.  So most everything I will be discussing from here on out will be working from this perspective.

OK – so what does this mean for us in real time?

The basic way this energy feels to me is a prolonged ennui.  A sense that everything is stuck and nothing is moving.  We are feeling all of the problems and the mounting weight of the work involved with getting out from under them.   In some levels, the problems might even feel a bit irrational – like the burdens and weights upon us are entirely invisible, with no discernible or simple cause – and the emotions connected to these weights disparate and a bit random.  The most mysterious array of feelings arise – about where we are, where we are going, and especially:  What is the point of it all? 

The most recent eclipse portal merely amplified the conundrum.  Almost as if the eclipse energy’s purpose was to turn up the volume so loud that our frustrations, questions and misgivings, inner conflicts, weaknesses and shortages could become undeniably present.  Yet what is most difficult of all is that none of the problems have easy solutions.  Sure, there is the solution we always fall back on (the South Node) and escape to… but we know, somehow, that this is not the real answer or the direction of forward progress.  Not this time, and not ever.  And it is hard to face that even with the most positive expansions and growth in our lives at this moment – we don’t get to coast through.  Because right now, whatever it is, it’s all important, and it all matters.

This is a time of reckoning.  Of reviewing.  And it is also a time of deep integration and digestion.  We feel, acutely, the consequences of our past choices, positive and negative.  And we sense the importance of setting up the next phase with as much wisdom as we can gather.  What is really true?  And how many layers down do we have to pass through within ourselves to arrive at the core of what our lives are supposed to be?  Sorting through all of the desires, all of the influences from society, the internet, our friends, our family, our partners.  From where have we been making our choices?  For whom?  And can we accept responsibility for our failures & mistakes – learn, and move on?

There are a few important components that I see in moving through this time…  The first and most important is PRESENCE.

Do not run from discomfort.  Discomfort is a sign of change.  Change in this case is many things – and facing the reality of oneself and one’s life is the first of those things.  Change is not accomplished through denial but through acknowledgement and acceptance of reality.  After this, change can become other things – such as transmutation/digestion of the old, creative solutions to the problem, simplification, action, or release.  All of this calls for presence with what is, and an ideally observational acceptance for all that arises.

The next important component is STOP CONTROLLING EVERYTHING.  Exertion might be required, but control interferes and causes resistance.  The best way to deal with the need to control is to just to stop and be still.  Wait to pick up the current, and when in the current, surrender.  Control is exhausting and wasteful.  Move with consciousness, not forcefulness.

 The last piece is always going back to WHAT’S IMPORTANT LONG TERM.  What do you really want out of your life in the long view and how do your current choices reflect or reject that?  What contrary feelings come up and where are they rooted from?

This is a very intense time but it’s for good reason.  Starting in 2020 we’re going to be hurtled full throttle into very powerful changes.  What’s wonderful about this time and this energy is that we have the cosmic opportunity to really feel it all out beforehand.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  And to move through some major layers of self which might be getting in the way of where we’re going.  The iron boots feeling of Saturn on the South Node just helps us sit still and stop getting so distracted.  Like… we’re here, we might as well make the most of it.

It can feel like nothing’s happening at all (deafening silence), or that everything’s the worst drudgery… but in fact, a lot is happening.  It’s just taking the form of internal processing, deep feeling, and a lot of work.


Intense Ancestral Clearing

What we are going through is essentially an intense, ongoing, energetic clearing.  It feels harsh at times because the karmic stuff coming up is really deep and old, and for many of us it’s ancestral.  This is the stuff that lives deep in the bones and in the DNA.  Our physical and ego structures are developed from these ancestral imprints – and deep within all of us are impulses that are so subconscious and internalized that we barely even know they exist until they crop up in times like these.

What’s interesting about this, to me, is that there are certain family lineage patterns that we can observe easily (e.g. a history of addiction in a family), and yet there are others which we are completely unaware of until we experience them (e.g. the patterns of behavior in a relationship with partner or children) – in either case, even if we are aware of these patterns they are still quite difficult to root out and extinguish.

Many choices we make in our life, without us even knowing it, are driven by the family imprint, and in this moment there is a more pronounced sense of awareness around this. Are we following that imprint or are we departing from it?  And to what degree are we consciously choosing?  What is the distinction between autonomy and rebellion?  Between following tradition and falling into the same old trap?

Likewise there is a deep sense of longing for home – what home is to us?  What is the difference between our longings, desires and impulses that come from a desire for familiarity (DNA) and the callings of our spirit?  Are they one in the same for us — or distinct?

This feeling of searching for home and understanding our origins in communion with what’s true to our spirit and how to truly LIVE that, is really strong under this energy. How can we be sure we’re not just playing the same old tapes in disguise? And again, there is no clear answer, just a process.  Where the process is leading us, it seems to me, is into a deeper recognition of who we are, and a more easeful state of self acceptance, as well as a potentially healing time for family issues within oneself and between family members.

The work is heartfelt and deep.  There is a sense of coming together and back to basics with the North Node in Cancer.


The Power of Subtle Influence (Yin / Feminine Approaches on the Rise)

The final bit that I want to discuss is the increased potency, awareness, and implementation of yin (soft) methods to accomplish change in life, self and the world.

What this means to me, simply, is the reformation of oneself, one’s life, and perhaps eventually one’s community and the world, through influence, example, and direct relationship – rather than domination.

It is clear to me that no true change is realized without individuals coming to resolve their own inner conflicts for themselves.  I feel many people in the world are doing this work already – and I trust that reality will eventually shift with the increased cultural focus towards dealing with the internal contradictions and fallacies that dominate our world views (no matter who we are).  That said, I do not necessarily believe this means changes in our outer worlds (e.g. greater society level) will be discernible as quickly as many wish for.  However, I believe that over a larger arc of time, it is already unfolding and that we are heading into a more positive age for humanity.  The strength of feminine energy (and women), and yin approaches to problem solving (not gender specific), is a key component to this process.

Ever since Uranus crossed into Taurus in 2018, I have felt that we will see more women stepping forward to offer their ideas to the collective.  So far, I have observed this to be true and what is reflected to me about the feminine leadership that has appeared, is that it is in the feminine approach that something refreshing and inventive is brought to the collective.  The power is in how women connect with others, and also the unique ways in which women approach subject matter – bringing out dimensions previously unconsidered.  I believe that over the course of the next decade we will see many women bringing new approaches and ideas to previously male dominated areas of society and that this will cause a positive shift in the way larger structures & systems serve the world. 

On a more basic level, soft approaches are more favored now.  Encouraging connection and integration, in whatever way that shows up (within the body, within the spirit, within society) is extremely powerful, and needed now more than ever.  I feel hopeful that the true power of feminine energy is becoming more present, accepted and embraced by society as a whole and that the yin approaches of yielding, listening, integrating & digesting will be incorporated more and more into our daily lives, health practices, and discourse in general.

This concludes my thoughts on the energies for now :)  I truly hope that this serves you going forward.  If you are curious to read more – please feel free to check out all of the different articles I have on this blog, as well as my other more intensive offerings such as the 2020 Astrology Course, and my 2019 Written Reports (the information is still relevant and unfolding :)!) There is so much more to explore about the energy of these times and I have poured a great deal of my thoughts into these outlets — so do check it out!

Also – I often am asked by many readers what one can do to process all that is going on more smoothly.  I want to share that hands down, the best way I know to ground, transmute and transform in a graceful, yet deep way is through Meditation & Qigong work.

If you are local to Asheville, I would love to have you at the Tao Institute for any of our entry level classes to learn Tai Chi, Qigong & Baguazhang & other Taoist Cultivation & Meditation methods. These are wonderful, natural methods to get in touch with the body in a deep way, and assist in the process of spiritual transformation.

If you are not local, please stay tuned as we are working on more content for the Tao Institute website to better serve and connect with more people.  This is the work I do the most, which informs everything I write on this blog, and has also transformed my own life.  So I am pleased to share it in whatever ways I can :) 

Thank you so much for your time today and for reading my article.  Have a wonderful day and see you next time!

2020 Astrology Course

Ready to keep diving into the changes? Check out the 2020 Video Course :)

This course includes:

  • 3 Hours of in-depth video content — Digest it all at your own pace and return to it when you need to!

  • 2 in-depth handouts to help you understand how to work with the energy of 2020 on a personal level

  • Options to receive your personalized natal chart and handouts to help you connect with exactly how the energies are affecting you over the course of the next two years!

2019 Astrology Reports - On Sale!

If you are curious to learn more about what 2019 has in store for all of us, please check out my in-depth astrology reports. In these reports I expand on the spiritual themes and astrological configurations of 2019 in detail.

The themes and channeled messages within my reports will be relevant throughout the entirety of 2019 and can be revisited again and again throughout the year for guidance and insight.

Learn more by clicking on the report listings below :)


Personal readings & gift certificates are available and you can book online anytime! Just click below for more information :)

New Moon in Pisces : March Astrology Message


March 6, 2019 is the New Moon in Pisces.  It’s a particularly powerful one that I would like to share some messages about. 

This New Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, and coincides with a Pisces Mercury Retrograde and the movement of Uranus into Taurus – a major 8 year transit (please read my article on this transit for more in-depth insight).  Just a few weeks ago, the asteroid of wounds, healing, vulnerability and mentorship, Chiron, also changed signs from Pisces to Aries where it will reside for 8 years as well.

To put it simply, this is a moment where the movements of the heavens are reflecting great change down here on earth, and so we can expect our worlds to evolve and change in kind.  The two long-term planetary ingresses initiate significant new phases of growth and the very intense Piscean energy that pervades the month of March shows a watery transition – filled with long abandoned memories, grief, and deep emotional release. 

Some keywords/concepts for this month:  Reflective, mirroring, nostalgia, flux, vague, confusion, visionary, deeply emotional, inspired, afraid, facing and embracing the past, transition, holding patterns, finishing what’s unfinished, preparing space, clearing the past to invite the future, connecting with spirit, embracing change. 

In this month’s message, perhaps appropriate to the Pisces Mercury Rx active right now, I decided to go forgo my usual astrological breakdown & dissection and go directly into the energy.  My hope is for a simpler, more direct message as a result.  Please enjoy.

In this era of great change each and every one of us is undergoing processes of transformation.  For years now, people have asked me, “When does it end?”  And the answer is that it never ends.  Maybe the day comes when change is stabilized, but I could not tell you when such a reality would come to pass and if it is soon or in the far distance.  For now, I perceive that it is right to accept that change is the new normal, and that we can learn to embrace and enjoy it instead of holding so much resistance to it.  Resistance is nothing more than a survival mechanism and it has served its purpose.  Now invites surrender.

Many of us have conditions in our lives that cause us to spin in cycles:  Visions that seem out of reach.  Paths we resist taking.  Patterns we can’t ever seem to address.  Intuitively, we know that we need to move forward, but it feels unsafe and unknown to leap into things that have no guarantees, no specific pattern, no outline.  We fuss about being accepted, having enough money, and always knowing what to expect.  We worry too much about whether or not we’re doing things right.  Unconsciously, we keep ourselves stuck and blame circumstance for our failures.

What arises now is something different – both the motivation to change and the vision of where the root of the problem lies.  Reflections of the past show up in everyday moments and take us back to places we had long concluded we’d rather not be.  But observing and feeling them anew, having changed as much as we have, grants a new perspective.  Don’t run from your reflection – because one day you’re going to have to accept that it is your face. 

What is the mirror really for?  In it we see what we really are – what lingers around us, what weakens us, what undermines us from embodying the real self.  Even if we know intellectually, perhaps we still have not seen it truly yet.  Within us the emotional paradigms can seem quite vast and unfathomable – from where did they arise?  It could be well beyond what we think and anyway, it’s not important – what’s more important is recognizing the integration of our hundred selves and the wars within as nothing more but friction between our multi-dimensional aspects.  What we are going through is a sort of fusion – eventually it will melt down into one, but there are still pieces that knock together unpleasantly and of course, there is also the fire scouring the impurities in tiny bursts and spontaneous flare-ups.

What I’ve noticed is that it won’t work to reject the old faces, old fears, or lament what has past.  Instead these must be drawn in and digested, incorporated into the being – so we can go forward with wholeness and acceptance of self -- past and future.  We are being haunted by the scars upon our heart, our deepest unprocessed pain, everything left in the boxes of the past that we decided to shut off and not feel.  Even if we’ve met these ghosts before, still there are residuals -- threads kept intact, pieces unconsidered, broken shards with some answers.    

The past and future might have long looked like a straight line – but in this moment they are all joining together – lines bending back to create circles, all closing at once, meeting at one point.  That point being now.  That point being you. 

Above all things it is about wholeness through drawing ones spirit back into oneself.  And through this, old pain and heaviness is slowly, naturally, and effortlessly dissolved.  Whatever threshold lies in wait requires this merging.  For reasons that we don’t have to know now, but also for one reason that is obvious:  For completion.

In coming months and years we will be embarking on a new journey.  It is a journey we’ve been working towards for some time.  Quite simply, it is a journey into the future – into light – into a developing new paradigm of reality.  And it is not to say that this is the kind of thing where one day we suddenly pack our bags and arrive – no, it will continue to unfold in a gradual manner.  The world will continue to play out its chaos.  We will continue to grapple with ourselves.  But what I am seeing is a kind of tipping point – the see-saw is equalizing – the window between two worlds is open and soon, we will find ourselves on the other side.  Thinking, creating, wondering, “What’s next?” in a more joyful way.  With more confidence, personal power, and control.

In our current world, nature and civilization exist in conflict and contrast.  Yin and Yang are separated.  Human and earth too distinct.  The lack of integration within the human body creates disease, and so it could be observed that the lack of integration of man with nature is a form of disorder, and the true root of our current condition.  The path to reclaim our connection to the earth is quite long and the distance exceeds our view.  At the same time, the distortions of human consciousness are profound and deeply embedded by millennia of conditioned response – so of course we find it painful, destabilizing and confusing to be where we are now – the place in-between.   

But with sincerity and faith, we can go forward.  Trust in goodness.  Trust that you can be healed.  Trust in the power of the human spirit.  That we can overcome.  Together we already have the skills, knowledge and creativity to change the world, to correct the corruption, and find a new order.  And soon, we will also start to see the way through.  But for now we have to surrender and trust that wherever we are going next, we are getting closer to what we’ve hoped for.  

It starts with ourselves.  It starts inside.  Always.  Every time.

How can we embrace every person we’ve ever been – in this lifetime and in the past?  How can we accept every experience we’ve ever had?  How can we love the joy and the pain, the beauty and the sorrow, with equanimity?  And forgiveness?

It’s time we stop denying life to erase darkness -- because we know it doesn’t work.  Darkness is dispersed only when it is seen.  Health only exists when there is acceptance, integration and digestion.  Wholeness includes everything, no exceptions.

Yes, these times are intense, taxing, and filled with difficult inner trials.  We must remain vigilant to establish good habits for our health and well-being just to stay on top of it all.  But in the energy of change, there is also the possibility of miracles.  Our ails help us to grow. 

If we have beautiful dreams, no matter how grand or how simple, let’s nurture them with faith and devotion. Let us meet them with our complete, whole, and integrated selves.

2019 Astrology Reports

If you are curious to learn more about what 2019 has in store for all of us, please check out my in-depth astrology reports. In these reports I expand on the spiritual themes and astrological configurations of 2019 in detail.

The themes and channeled messages within my reports will be relevant throughout the entirety of 2019 and can be revisited again and again throughout the year for guidance and insight.

Learn more by clicking on the report listings below :)


Personal readings & gift certificates are available and you can book online anytime!  Just click below for more information :)

2019 Lunar New Year Report: Year of the Yin Earth Boar

Hello everyone!

I am happy to announce this year’s Lunar New Year report on the Yin Earth Boar has arrived! This report was a massive effort and includes an in-depth analysis of the Lunar New Year, as well as the aspect patterns and influences throughout the entirety of 2019 into 2020. This is a report you will want to reference again and again throughout the year as we are entering an extremely potent and pivotal time period, and events in this time period are sure to change the course of our lives, and the trajectory of humanity.

I have made this report available as an individual download or as a combined download with January’s Eclipse report, as the events of January hold relevance to the year ahead and I feel it would be beneficial for readers to have both as a joint reading.

Please click below for more information on the Lunar New Year report for 2019 :)

The 2019 Lunar New Year Report: Year of the Yin Earth Boar contains 17 pages of in-depth astrology analysis for the year of 2019.

This report includes:

  • A short retrospective reflecting on how the energies of 2018 played out and the influences which lead into 2019

  • An explanation of the Chinese Lunar Years and how I work with them

  • Analysis and dates for all major planetary aspect patterns of 2019

  • Comprehensive & intuitive analysis of the Year of the Earth Boar as a whole from an East/West perspective

All of my astrology writings are geared towards spiritual evolution and deepening ones understanding of energy as it plays out in our lives.

Thank you for your support :)



Personal readings & gift certificates are available and you can book online anytime!  Please click below for more information :)

Reinvention & The Vision for Progress: The Astrology of January 2019 / Eclipse Season Report

Hello Everyone
and Happy 2019!

We have a big month upon us already, astrologically speaking, with important eclipses kicking off the new year!

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know that I like to write about eclipse cycles because they are such potent periods of transformation. I am very excited for you to read what has come to me about the January eclipses.

That said, with the new year upon us I have an important announcement to make! 

Starting this year, I have decided, with a leap of faith, to change the format of my blog offerings. Instead of the public, general articles that I have been writing, I will be switching to a paid structure. Within the new structure I will be offering my usual Cosmic Weather transmissions, as well as incorporating more educational materials for you to enjoy. The articles will be provided as downloadable PDF files that you can purchase here on my blog or in my store :)

The reason for this shift is multifold. By offering my content for a small fee, this will allow me to be able to write more frequently, and gives me latitude to begin doing something I’ve wanted to do for years: Teach the practical aspects of astrology as a tool for soul evolution & spiritual transformation. Through this change, I will be able to spend more time exploring the function of cosmological principles in a way that is naturally digestible and assists in developing intuition / energetic relationship to the cosmos.

I believe that we learn best through experience — and what better way to learn more about astrology but through the immediate reflection of the current cosmic weather patterns. The guidance I received from my spirit was that this new format will allow me to work more deeply with a group energy, and create from my passion which is soul process & spiritual cultivation. I am truly excited to see how it all unfolds and receive your feedback. Already there is much I am hoping to share :)

Keep on scrolling to learn more about what this month’s PDF has to offer and to purchase the report!!!


In this month’s article I share a 12 page in-depth analysis of the Eclipses of January 2019.

This report includes:

  • Perspectives on using Astrology as a tool for soul expansion

  • Discussion of Taoist principle “Wu Wei”/Non-doing when working with Astrology

  • In-depth explanation of the meaning of Eclipses and their function in our spiritual process

  • A full analysis of the energies of the Partial Solar Eclipse on January 5

  • A full analysis of the energies fo the Total Lunar Eclipse on January 21

  • Dates of previous periods that relate to this one

  • A brief note on what to expect for the New Year of 2019 (more to come in next month’s Lunar New Year article)

Excerpts from January’s Cosmic Weather report…

“…In general, the frequency of the planet is increasing so rapidly now that we can no longer hold the old paradigms in place – but these paradigms are so deep that they feel like reality to us, so fear of letting go is extreme.  What this eclipse is saying to me is that we are recognizing how much we are limiting ourselves because of fear, and are readying ourselves for the transition to the next levels.  We see now that the choice is to be imprisoned by our old issues or step daringly into the unknown.  Either situation is uncomfortable – as one feels overbearing while the other feels overwhelming. ” — Read More.

“…The keyword for the New Moon / Solar Eclipse is REINVENTION.  If you are inclined to set New Years resolutions/New Moon intentions, this eclipse is especially potent for reviewing where in your life and your being you need to reinvent yourself so that you can be YOU more fully in 2019.

How can I take better care of myself and my needs, so that I can remain centered with my own truth & feelings?  What negative ideas or habits have I developed that undermine my inner sense of foundation & security?  Where do I equate difficulty & burdens with importance and meaning?  How can I be more supportive of myself, so that I can live in a manner that leaves me feeling restored and balanced? 

These questions (& more in the full article) can assist us in thinking more deeply about how to move forward with changes and improvements in our lives this year. ” — Read More.

“…We have been grappling with the Leo / Aquarius energy since 2017. The Leo/Aquarius node cycle was about identifying “Who am I?” and “What am I here to create as an individual?” The Lunar Eclipse feels very much like a conclusion to that story. Did you discover who you are? Did you learn how to be yourself, even when your social group doesn’t understand? Have you decided your direction – from your own heart? If the answer is yes to the previous questions – this eclipse will bring about emotional breakthrough and a sense of peace with your choice. If there are still questions in this area, this eclipse will bring those up so you can begin to answer them and move forward.” — Read More.

Thank you for your support :)



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